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eagerly waits for all your response

2007-12-25 22:33:54 · 8 answers · asked by Jugnoo J 1 in Health Mental Health

8 answers

You have to really want to quit and want the help. And it's not going to be easy.

First thing you can do, is start going to NA (Narcotics Anon) meetings. You will benefit greatly from them. You will find them in the phone directory.

Stop all contact with anyone you know that does drugs - get rid of all negative influences in your life.

Write a list of WHY you want to quit, and keep it for moments of weakness.

I'm not sure how advanced your habit is, how old you are or what sort of drugs you do - but feel free to email me, I'm more than happy to help.

The best thing you can do is go to NA meetings - they will help you with everything, and also you should get a counsellor.

Find some hobbies to keep you busy.

2007-12-25 22:49:32 · answer #1 · answered by Trout Pout (Lollie) 4 · 3 0

If you want to quit-this is most important-you can most definitely quit; congratulations on your wanting to quit! Consult any experienced Psychiatrist/Clinical Psychologist.They will help you in breaking the habit and finding alternate sources of deriving pleasure/joy of life.
My very best wishes to you,Good Luck to you.

2007-12-26 22:22:40 · answer #2 · answered by Thimmappa M.S. 7 · 0 0

Nows a days drug and alcoholic addiction is treated as disease by medical science. only thing is that you must have strong desire to quit it, Contact nearest rehabilation centre and get the detailed information.

2007-12-26 03:39:52 · answer #3 · answered by lmdhamone 4 · 0 0

Hi there,
walk into the NIMHANS and have a chat with one of the senior doctors there. They have a good team of doctors.
But, the fact is that, unless the patient also co-operates whole heartedly, there will not be any use.
best wishes...

2007-12-26 02:16:32 · answer #4 · answered by suresh k 6 · 0 0

It is certainly possible to give up.
There are good therapies available such as medicines and cognitive behaviour therapy etc.Any underlying psychological problem too needs to be treated.

2007-12-28 04:17:23 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Just be determined & strengthen your will power, think there is some meaning to life & you have a special role to play. Pray to god & stop thinking your addicted to it.

2007-12-26 12:22:40 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The treatment for this is your heart and mind only. If you desire you can have success.

2007-12-25 22:38:41 · answer #7 · answered by dev_bsg 4 · 0 0

Go on telling this thing to everyone, this will help you. one thing is good you have already thrice repeated the same question.

2007-12-25 22:59:36 · answer #8 · answered by deepak57 7 · 0 1