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Hes been flead at vets 3 times now weve used sprays powders drops! Had a professional pestcontrol around the house... How can i get rid of them???

2007-12-25 21:48:28 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Cats

10 answers

You must be doing something wrong. Fleas are not invincible. Either you need a more effective flea med on your cat, or you've got a house infestation of fleas and your exterminator didn't do the job.

2007-12-25 21:50:59 · answer #1 · answered by floreana_baroness 3 · 1 0

What does "flead at vets" mean? I assume you mean "deflead" otherwise you're saying that the vet is giving the kitten fleas. What exactly are they doing? Flea bath? Combing?

You didn't mention if there were other pets present. Do you have a dog? Other cats? ALL pets in the home need to be treated.

The advice already given out is excellent - you're obviously not using the right products and not treating both the kitten and the house. Off the shelf garbage is not only useless but can be FATAL to a kitten. And incidentally anemia from flea bites can be as well - so please follow the advice given and get theis flea infestation handled the RIGHT way.

2007-12-26 06:07:04 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Try this approach:

Put the cat in the bathroom.
Vacuum everywhere and flea spray the furniture.
Wash the cat's beds, bedding, stuffed toys...
Get the bug bombs out and have them set and ready to go off by putting them on newspapers around your home. Close all your cabinents, fish tanks covered...etc.
Start your car.

Now for the fun part. Fill your bathtub with about 3 inches of nice warm water. Add some flea shampoo and mix it around. Then dunk your cat in the water. If your cat hates baths...put a small towell over it's head and dunk it, not drown it, but you can get the cat covered with all this soapy water and wash it for as long as your cat will let you. My cat tries to scrath us to death (without the towell)....I know it sounds mean, but this is how we got rid of fleas.

After the bath...wrap your cat in a warm dry towell and bring it out to your warm car. Leave it there.

Go back into the house, light off all the bug bombs and take a drive for a few hours.

When you return home...wa-la...no fleas! Now, just keep the Frontline on your cat and vacuum every day for the next week or so and you won't have a flea problem anymore.

I wish you lots of luck there. I know how terrible it is.

2007-12-26 07:02:14 · answer #3 · answered by babbles 5 · 0 0

Get the stuff called ADVANTAGE from a vet. It's a liquid you put on the back of their neck. (There are other brands that do not work as well.) Then start vaccumming the bejeebus out of everything, and do it every day without fail...add some carpet flea powder every few days too while you vac. Wash all your household linens (bedsheets, etc.) and if kitty has a bed, replace it. Don't let kitty go outside either. Cats are generally much better off indoors anyhow...

2007-12-26 05:55:36 · answer #4 · answered by Stephanie K 3 · 1 0

Try Advantage or Frontline. If there is a heavy infestation in your home, it may take a bit longer to get it under control. The fleas in your home will jump on the cat treated with Advantage or Frontline and die soon after. Be sure to treat her once a month, even in colder months. Vacuum and wash all bedding, rugs etc.

2007-12-26 10:14:30 · answer #5 · answered by Jessica 5 · 0 0

He could be getting reinfected if one of your pets goes outside. You could even bring the fleas in on your shoes if an animal with fleas was in your yard. I think you need to treat and then treat again in 3 weeks to get the newly hatched fleas. This would include your home. Frequent vacuuming is very good -- vacuum (using a vac with a disposable bag you can throw away) or wash anything you can. Use a fine-toothed comb to get rid of anything left in his fur. Have you given him a flea bath or had him "dipped"?

2007-12-26 05:55:08 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You don't need to use so many things. You just need one of the veterinary spot-ons, and a house spray. Wait 48 hours after bathing the kitten before applying the spot-on. Make sure you get it on his skin, not his fur. Get a proper house spray, this is essential. Don't bath for 48 hours after applying the Frontline or whatever.


2007-12-28 17:40:34 · answer #7 · answered by Chalice 7 · 0 0

Advantage or Frontline for cats. Then vaccuum the floors, couches, chairs, even beds. Have the pest people come back and spray again. Keep the advantage or frontline on the cat as directed. Until you get all the flea eggs up and all adult fleas killed, they will keep coming back.

2007-12-26 05:52:51 · answer #8 · answered by alwaysmyself 3 · 3 0

You didn't mention frontline or advantage. Those are the only things that are worth the money, in my opinion. All the cheaper methods just don't get the job done.

2007-12-26 08:44:16 · answer #9 · answered by mightysquirrell 5 · 0 0

then the problem lies elsewhere,no point getting kitty treated if they are subjected to an area where the problem still persists,you have to treat the area kitty is allowed to roam,whole house if necessary,carpets,blankets, clothes anywhere that fleas would inhabit,warm places,good luck

2007-12-26 05:54:22 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0