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Do nice looking girls like quiet guys? The kind that sit back look interested, smile, but just don't say much?

2007-12-25 21:47:53 · 19 answers · asked by squashwriter 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

19 answers

Yes, I met one from my school.

2007-12-25 22:02:49 · answer #1 · answered by Sam 7 · 1 0

Quiet guys are sometimes the most wild. I like that, but they have to be able to hold conversations when they open their mouths. So yeah sometimes women will sit back and think I wonder what he's all about. Especially if he's fine. I hear a lot of people talking about confidence and yeah that's good but some guys can have way too much and that's very unattractive!

2007-12-26 06:06:52 · answer #2 · answered by ♥ღ TravelGirl ღ♥ 4 · 0 0

ouch! The answers from all these girls hurt (even me!)! But you know what friend? I recently had a nice relationship with a girl, who I thought was completely bored with me, but was actually in love with me, even though I was quiet. I even wondered myself, how could she like me when I'm having these hangups and hickups with her? But she did. I think just be who you are... if you are naturally quiet, then you might say strange things by stepping out of yourself and trying to be talkative. But do try and continue to build your confidence. Good luck!

2007-12-26 06:07:18 · answer #3 · answered by Charmed and Bruised 2 · 1 0

confidence = talking a lot ???

The most confident person I know hardly ever speaks. Also I know plenty of people who attempt to mask their lack of confidence with constantly babbling, because a moment alone with their thoughts would probably bring them to tears.

Equating being verbose with confident is as sensible as equating parks automobile well with sexual dynamo.

Yes. The almost mute individual I referenced above has a beautiful wife, so obviously how much you flap your jaw is not the only factor in meeting 'nice looking girls'.

2007-12-26 06:06:23 · answer #4 · answered by donfolstar 3 · 1 0

It's not that I don't like quiet guys per se but it takes so much work to get them involved in a conversation--they're good listeners but sometimes you need to put yourself out there as well. Contrary to popular belief I really don't like listening to the sound of my voice all the time ^.^

2007-12-26 05:57:11 · answer #5 · answered by arashi_rei 2 · 1 0

In a sense yeah, I don't like it if your trying to have a conversation and the guy isn't really joining in, but its nice to be able to share the silence with someone, there's far too much inane chatter in the world these days in my opinion.

2007-12-26 06:05:05 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

In my opinion, I'm a girl if that isn't already obvious! ;] , is
that yes, girls like shy guys. As long as he loosens up
a bit after they meet. It gets old if your sitting there blushing,
and she's sitting there with nothing to say. haha. Hope
this helped a bit! ;]

2007-12-26 06:31:01 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I like quiet guys, I can't stand guys that talk alot about nothing.

2007-12-26 06:07:46 · answer #8 · answered by Short Skirts and High Heels 3 · 0 0

im a girl so in my opinion..i like guys who is not so talkative but easy to be with..who can talk to me without hang ups or having problems because of nervousness

2007-12-26 05:55:16 · answer #9 · answered by honey_106 2 · 0 0

Nope, women like confidence.

2007-12-26 05:51:01 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

depends on the girl most cases ya but alot no so just depends

2007-12-28 23:19:34 · answer #11 · answered by .x.X._Cay_.X.x. 2 · 0 0