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what are some fun things i can do to keep busy?

2007-12-25 19:36:00 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Education & Reference Home Schooling

31 answers

You can tell that the negative answers here were either from other kids who are just ignorant about homeschooling or who just had bad experiences with it. The success of homeschooling depends on how well the parent and child work together, and how much they are involved in things. It's a big sacrifice, not only for the child in some cases, but for the parent as well. It can consume the parent's life as they sort out through material, plan lessons, record and keep track of things, and find things to keep it fun and interesting.

A child doesn't have to be cooped up at home all the time; he can still have just as many friends as he had in school, if not more. Join a homeschool group (we joined two); many of them do co-op classes where you can meet and mingle with others; there's group field trips, games, sports teams; even dances, in some areas for homeschoolers.

You have the whole world opened up to you with more freedom to learn what YOU want to learn; you can become ANYTHING you want to be and can prepare for whatever career you choose, at your own pace. If you are motivated you can finish school faster than your peers and move on with life doing what you want to do sooner. But what you become depends on you. Your homeschooling experience will not only depend on YOUR attitude and effort, but on your mom's or dad's (whoever will be teaching you) as well.

I hope whichever parent is teaching you will put their whole heart and soul into it; and will help you find the groups and activities you need to supplement your daily work. Having fun is just as important, and there are many homeschoolers who have more fun homeschooling than they ever did at public school; you just have to find them and ignore the negative comments by those who are jealous, who have had negative experiences, or who are just ignorant about homeschooling altogether.

Like I said, you have so much more available to you now that you are homeschooled; you just have to know where to look and how to keep busy. For starters, you may want to Google:
homeschool groups (for your area), homeschool activities, etcetera. Also check at your local library and ask if any homeschool groups meet there. You can join a 4-H club, Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts (you never mentioned your gender), classes at your local community or recreation center, join a soccer, baseball, or other sports team. You can take music lessons or an art class, join a local theatrical group, or even start your own club.

I know of a homeschooler who got addicted to online gaming. It consumed her until her parents got her a video camera. Instead of pretending her life online, she and her friends got together and made video productions. She's now 18 (I think) and her father helped her form her own production company, and some of their productions are sold in Christian bookstores as dvd's. She's learning all about movie production, directing, casting, scriptwriting, ecetera; so her online gaming became the start of a new career for her.

Talk to other homeschoolers online (seek out those who are positive and have good experiences; ignore anything negative; negativity can only bring one down, and never inspires). They'll have many suggestions on where you can find friends and activities to keep your life busy and interesting.

Hope this helps some. Good luck, and remember, ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING!

2007-12-26 01:40:01 · answer #1 · answered by D P 2 · 8 0

You mean keep busy with your school work? If that is the case, here are some educational things you can do if you end up having tons of extra time on your hands.

Read: read, read, read, fiction, nonfiction, anything you are interested in. If you have never even thought about reading from the nonfiction section of the library, because it is boring, you are wrong. I thought that too, but then I actually took a peek into the section and found myself surrounded with the most fascinating information! If you have a particular interest about a certain thing, or want to know more about something, ask your local librarian if your library has any books on it. This is a great entertaining way to learn!

Exercise: Take a jog around your yard, jump rope, ride your bike, play around with the soccer ball, spend time outside if it is a nice day.

Home Economics: Learn how to cook, how to sew, how to knit, how to crochet, anything! Learn a craft that will keep you occupied and happy when you are bored! You can get books and kits on any of these subjects at all craft stores.

Write: Start a journal, write a short story, start a family newspaper, anything, just start to write! Write stuff that is personal and is just for you to look at, and write stuff that you will be making public to friends and family, or maybe enter contests! Which is also another thing......

Contests! Research and find a contest that you would like to enter or study for. There are little ones and big ones, everything is out there!

Community Service: Volunteer for any organization that will take you at your age. This is a great way to do something that is helping others, while making connections with other people.

Business: Start a small business. There some books about this at the library, these books will help you find something you like, or help you get your imagination going.

These are just some ideas that will keep you busy when you are done with your regular school work, but yet is still educational.

2007-12-26 01:36:31 · answer #2 · answered by choo-choo 3 · 8 0

What kind of things do you enjoy doing. My 14 year old homeschooled daughter finds listening to music, hanging out with friends, talking on the phone, swim team, climbing club, designing websites, myspace, xbox 360, running her own craft business, and volunteering at our library fun. These are the activities she choses to do most often. She got Guitar Hero 3 for Christmas so she has spent the last few days playing it online with her friends from our homeschool group. Find what makes you happy and do it!

2007-12-27 13:59:25 · answer #3 · answered by Lorelei 3 · 0 0

Why don't you volunteer doing something you like or a career you might want to pursue? Don't forget to things like working in the soup kitchen or the hospital. You can do this during the school day a day or two a week, Saturdays or afternoon/evenings. Do it on a regular basis and you'll have a reference for your first job as well as some way to get out of the house.

You could also start your own business if you live in a neighborhood. Walk people's dogs, clean homes, water grass. Odds and ends that people would love to have done but don't feel that they would pay enough or have enough work to do for a professional. It wouldn't take you but a home or two to buy into what you are doing to fill your day and provide a little bit of cash (half goes back for college!). My friend's son does this and brings in $200 a week at 15. He's investing the money want to buy at rental property at the college he chooses for life long extra income.

2007-12-26 01:34:17 · answer #4 · answered by Elizabeth S 6 · 6 0

For what it's worth, I was public schooled and lonely. Sure, there were other people around, but my best friends were not people from school. They were people from church or other outside activities. So switching to public school is not really the answer to all social problems. You just have to find some things to get involved with (homeschool group, church youth group, club sports, dance or music, youth theater, 4-H, there are endless possibilities) and get used to being the one to initiate friendships and call people to go out and do things :)

2016-05-26 06:35:45 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I would suggest finding activities outside of your home that interest you. I was homeschooled, and my parents make sure my brothers and I had opportunities to have fun and pursue our interests. Here are some examples of activities we found to give you some ideas.

Volunteering (we spent several years volunteering regularly at the Dallas Zoo, but other options would include hospitals, nursing homes, and animal shelters)
Fine Arts (we were part of a large program specifically for homeschoolers, but there are lots of options out there)
Social groups for homeschoolers

2007-12-28 08:34:26 · answer #6 · answered by Ashlie 2 · 0 0

There are so many things for you to do!

Well for one school, do some extra studying on stuff you really enjoy.

But What I think you really need is a hobby, here are some idea's for a hobby:
bracelet making,

and there are lots more too!
Or you could try to start a business, cooking, crafts, jewelry making, these are all hobbies that can become a small business or fundraiser if you want them too!

Hope this helps!

2007-12-27 05:22:38 · answer #7 · answered by learn4fun 2 · 0 0

To keep busy????

My dear, there's a world full of things to do. Do them. Don't do them to keep busy, do them because you have a desire to explore, learn, do. Whatever you are interested in. If you don't know what you're interested in, look through a community recreatino guide, go to the library and take books out on various subjects and peruse them at home. Look up "hobbies" on the internet. There's a world full of so much you won't ever have the time to do it all. Just go explore!

2007-12-26 12:32:46 · answer #8 · answered by glurpy 7 · 3 0

I'm 15 and homeschooled, well acutally in Independent Studies, i teach myself, well to keep yourself busy you can say play with something, like a hack sack, since you don't go to a regular PE class. That will keep you occupied, its quite fun really. You can also draw, that's actually part of my homeschooling, like painting will keep you very busy and maye you can get Extra credit if art is required. Maybe you can go to a museum or something.I hope this helps

2007-12-25 19:41:22 · answer #9 · answered by LikeItorNot 3 · 10 0

im 13 and homeschooled too, i just keep doing work and get ahead if u do that u can go to collage earlyer than ppl in school or u could get a job during the day like babysitting

2007-12-27 04:55:03 · answer #10 · answered by ♥Heyheykk13♥ 4 · 0 0