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16 answers

We had this same issue with our German Shepherd for about a year. The vet tried injections, pills, dips, etc. and then by mistake we learned that Brewer's Yeast pills (you can buy a jar of them at Walgreens for about 6 bucks) works wonders. She now has a beautiful coat and no dandruff. After spending hundreds of dollars on dips, pills, etc., from the vet, we were so thankful to have stumbled upon something that works. She is now 7 and we have been giving her 2 pills a day for about 6 years.

Give it a try.

2007-12-25 18:06:56 · answer #1 · answered by Amy 1 · 0 0

I'm all too familiar with German shepherds and their coat issues (I've got Belgian shepherds too). They really really need a quality diet with omega three supplementation, brushing several times a week, and very very few baths. Find a low grain or grain free diet (though raw is best) like Innova EVO, Chicken Soup, A Taste of the Wild, California Natural, Merrick, Canidae, etc.

Then supplement with ~4 fish oil capsules a day. Get the kind that are distilled to remove the dioxins, PCBs, and mercury. They are about $10 for a big bottle at Sam's Club that last a long time. Next, you need to supplement with vitamin E. 400 IUE a day is fine. To help with inflammation, ester C is great for general skin issues as it is a natural antihistamine (and it helps with their hips!). 2000 mg a day is fine. You can also give raw egg (whole with shell is fine) every other day and a tablespoon or two of extra virgin olive oil on their kibble. You can start to see results in about 2 weeks. I see this all the time in the dogs I foster.

Over vaccination is also being linked to skin problems. Make sure your dog is only being vaccinated a max of every three years for distemper/parvo and rabies. Only bath them when you absolutely must and not more than twice a year if you can help it (most people way over bathe their dogs). Good luck.

2007-12-26 00:39:06 · answer #2 · answered by Cave Canem 4 · 3 1

Go to a Vet that is well versed in nutrition and skin conditions. That way, the Vet can suggest the best supplements, best dog food to try in order to get your dog's coat in better shape. He or shee could then give you tips on his bathing needs and product types that will most benefit his skin condition. There are different causes of dandruff and different types. Some is a more oily kind and there is a dryer kind and dietary changes/supplements are often very effective in treating either, as well as bathing instructions. GL with your dog! Good grain free diet is Orijen. But if you change diet, do it slowly.

2007-12-26 00:41:49 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

With cold air and snow it causes dry skin on some dogs so that could be part of the problem. Look at a pet store and ask if they have any shampoo that would help with the dandruff. If they don't you should call your vet and ask them if they have any suggestions. I wouldn't use anything other than dog shampoo without talking to a vet first because using other soaps could make it worse. Good luck - I hope that I was a help to you.

2007-12-26 00:40:31 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I would start out making sure he is getting the fullest compliment of Vitamins & minerals that he needs! A premium dog food like Inova will contain all the necessary components!
Dandruff mostly occurs when the dog’s skin cells naturally form, die, and flake off at a very fast rate. The following are suggestions on how to keep your dog’s coat clean and dandruff free:

Because dandruff is a sign of flaky skin, you need to give your dog regular baths to wash away the flakes before they start to accumulate. Giving your dog a bath once a month during the winter season and twice a month in the summer time will help clear up the problem for good. Always use warm (not very hot) water to bathe your dog. Use a mild shampoo like regular baby shampoo and massage it thoroughly into his skin. Make sure that you rinse and dry well.

If using a regular baby shampoo does not get rid of the dandruff, try using a pet dandruff shampoo that contains sulfur or salicylic acid. Leave the lather on for about 5 minutes to give the active ingredients time to work. Medicated shampoos are available online and in pet stores. Do not use medicated shampoos intended for humans since they can be harmful to your dog. In addition, to prevent the dandruff from getting worse, do not use shampoos that contain insecticide such as most flea shampoos. These shampoos leave your dog’s skin very dry, even those with added moisturizers.

You may use the same colloidal oatmeal soap that people use for dry skin to help relieve flaking. Oatmeal soap is great for dogs with dandruff because it moisturizes dry skin.

You can spray your dog’s coat with an oil rinse, available online and in pet stores. Spraying him with an oil rinse helps lubricate the skin and lock in moisture. This is especially important if you live in a dry climate.

You can also rub your dog’s coat with the same moisturizing lotion or cream that you use on your hands; this gets the moisture down really deep.

Regular grooming is also necessary in order to help distribute natural oils evenly over your pet’s dry skin, which helps keep dandruff down. You need to choose a brush that is not too harsh. Test the softness of the brush by rubbing it on the back of your hand to see if it hurts. If it is soft enough to use on your own head, then it is going to feel good for your dog.

Some generic foods do not provide the full amount of vitamins and minerals that your dog needs in order to maintain a healthy skin. Switching to a high quality name brand food will help eliminate the problem. Sometimes, dandruff occurs because dogs are not getting enough fat in their diets. You need to consult with a vet before giving your dog any kind of supplement

2007-12-26 09:04:52 · answer #5 · answered by Me 7 · 2 0

I am sure you have already done this, but just to rule it out, make sure your dog is fed a dog food that providing enough nutrition, with that said, I am having amazing results with a supplement called seameal.
As explained to me by my local humane society, commercial dog food is cooked and can lose nutrients in that process.
The addition of seameal replaces those lost vitamins and minerals. My shitzu had huge skin issues and resolved with the addition of seameal. Good luck and best wishes to resolve your problem!

2007-12-26 01:02:01 · answer #6 · answered by vikingbarbie 4 · 0 0

Couple of things can help. Try starting him on CoQ10 (30mg one a day) it helps the skin and coat. Then periodically, use an omega3 treat, to help with skin and coat. Get a furminator and brush him regularly. Give him a bath with special doggie dandruff control. If it persists contact a vet and see if it is not skin problem.

2007-12-26 00:36:07 · answer #7 · answered by Bear 5 · 2 2

Change his food.

Corn, wheat, soy, milk, chicken and beef all cause skin problems. (among other problems)

Look into Innova, California Natural, Artemis, Wellness and Canidae.

Supplements might help. California Natural Skin and Coat Supplement works wonders.
www.naturapet.com for more info.

Ark Naturals has a good one too.

2007-12-26 00:38:17 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

sounds like your puppy has dry skin
you need to get oil into it , ogema fatty oil work great
fish oil , olive oil , maybe use a little in his food
he growing his fur this is normal , when he get his full double coat , this wont or should be too much of a problem
with this nice weather , my dogs are confused, they can grow the winter coat, and are trying to get rid of the summer one , lol
if this wont help go see your vet ,for a skin scape ,

2007-12-26 00:44:08 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Try feeding a premium food like Innova Evo, Wellness, Wellness Core, or California Natual. Try adding Fish oil pills and Vitamin "E" to his food as well.

2007-12-26 00:39:57 · answer #10 · answered by Cavalier KCS mom 6 · 4 1