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im 8 stone atm...used to be 7 stone bt av put it all bak on by binge eating...im plannin to not eat for 2 weeks apart thu occasily slim fast shake...n thn jst eat really healthy and exercise how long u fink it will take to loose thu 2 stone? help plz as am gettin really depressed about my weight

2007-12-25 08:52:25 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diet & Fitness

Im only 4 foot 11 so 6 stone is okii as wen am 7 stone a get told too lose more weight and im 16 btw

2007-12-25 09:04:43 · update #1

3 answers

You don't mention your height, but regardless, 8 stones (112 lbs) is very much below the average female. If you are over 5' tall, then you are fine. If you are obsessing over it, then your problems lie deeper than just your weight. Let it go.

2007-12-25 09:01:20 · answer #1 · answered by S H 6 · 0 0

At 4ft11 and 16 years old, you should still weigh more than 6 stone....the weight range for your age and height is about 6 1/2 stone to 8 1/2 stone.

You sound like you are on the verge of an eating disorder. Starving yourself is dangerous and you also end up losing a lot of your muscle mass whilst your body holds on to the fat. Please think carefully about what you are doing.

2007-12-26 04:34:37 · answer #2 · answered by : ) 5 · 0 0

You are one sick pup! Sure, 8 stone is fine-- if you're 8 years old or under 5' tall (for my American friends, 8 stone translates into 110 pounds) You have a raging case of anorexia and it WILL kill you if you continue down the path you are on.
Please seek help.

2007-12-25 17:01:30 · answer #3 · answered by holey moley 6 · 0 0