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3 answers

What type of connection are you using??

2007-12-25 05:29:33 · answer #1 · answered by jayktee96 7 · 0 0

equipment is erroneous. all ps3s play ps1 video games, yet in basic terms a pick of older fashions play ps2. yet specific, each and each ps3 performs blu ray. the desire by no ability do away with this selection becasue all the ps3s game discs are on blu ray discs and are waiting to run in blu ray format. and the blu ray participant isnt decrease priced the two. the ps3s blu ray participant is rated 0.33 appropriate blu ray participant ever geared up and ones that evaluate to the ps3s run for over six hundred money. sony would not make any money off of console revenues, so the ps3 is often on the backside cost available (so as that they ruin even). sony makes up the funds in extra advantageous advertising.

2016-12-18 08:00:42 · answer #2 · answered by Erika 4 · 0 0

I think it may actually have something to do with your television. I believe there are two types, NTSC and PAL, if your tv isnt up to playing in the NTSC format or something it will display it as black and white.

2007-12-25 05:24:34 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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