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there was this little black boy and his friend at a far or amusement park and he and his friend were bowling but they didn't have enough money for another game so the little boy went past the railing to get a ball to play, he went to the end and stud on a large black circle turner with a hole in the center when his foot slipped in the hole and was crushed.

What does my dream mean? Someone pleases tell me

2007-12-24 23:07:16 · 2 answers · asked by short cutie 1 in Social Science Dream Interpretation

2 answers

You seemed to be the observer in this dream. The little boy violated a rule in order to keep playing when he did not have the money, and the consequences were severe. This could be a warning, not to take risks that could get you in trouble or hurt, just to be able to continue what you like to do. Life is not alway fair when it comes to money and resources, but one can not let frustration over limitations lead to bad or unsafe behavior. You were the observer in the dream it appears, so maybe you see others, often get in trouble for similar reasons as your dream indicates.

2007-12-25 01:40:51 · answer #1 · answered by astrogoodwin 7 · 0 0

Ok well maybe you are feeling Crushed inside or you have felt left out so you want to be crushed

2007-12-24 23:11:24 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0