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K iam a univeristy student 3rd year science major (want 2 b a doc). I have been dateing my high school sweet heart 4 5 years and want to propose. Here is the thing, I work part time and live at home. SHe grew up in a some what rich family (dad was a lawer). I grew up in an upper class society, but I don't have the money right now to buy her the ring she deserves. I have a few hundread dollars saved up but that could only get me an extremly smallstone, I don't want to make her feel obligated to wear anything that might show her up. I love her sooo much she is such an sweet person and would still probably go crazzy with anything I give her. I don't want to swollor my pride and ask my parents for any money please help. lol, need advice.Ladies how important is an engagement ring?

2007-12-24 16:53:27 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Weddings

15 answers

I'm in college too. If I had a boyfriend who was ready to propose, I would prefer that he did it after graduation, when he was stable and independent. It's not about money or ring size, just to take a proposal seriously I would want him to be on his own feet, kids or dependents shouldn't get married, even if you are "in love"

When you have that out of the way, pop the question with a small ring, a few hundred bucks will be plenty...just get her what you can afford..it's the meaning behind it that matters!

2007-12-25 03:26:51 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

First off, you can still wait till school is over to get married, getting engaged is not setting a date, and secondly, if she loves you like stated before, the thought is what really counts, not how big the ring is or how much it was, it's the thought of you thinking of her and how much you love her, showing her that you want to spend the rest of your life with "her" she's not spending her life with that ring, well you know what i mean, it's a symbol of your heart, a ring can't express the feelings two people that love eachother have for eachother, it only represents, you know?!?! so with that being said, whatever you choose, im sure she will love, and then after you both can decide when to set the date, it can be a year or two years from now, their is no set time to set a date after engagement, and later on down the road when you are more financially stable and everything, then you can think about getting her a bigger or better ring if you would like, like for an anniversary or something, but it's not a must, it's only optional. . . good luck!!! if she has a heart like i do, i wouldn't care if the guy i loved gave me a cracker jack ring, UNJOKINGLY of course, and it's a metaphor, but no matter what, I would love my guy for a small ring just the same as I would for a big ring. . . .

2007-12-25 01:29:12 · answer #2 · answered by Meg 1 · 0 0

Um, I don't want to crush your dreams, but why are you thinking about asking someone to marry you when you have no money and are still in school? If you two are really meant for each other, then she doesn't need a fancy ring if she loves you. If money really IS an issue, you will be broke for years! In answer to your question - how important the ring is, depends on the girl and the situation. My first marriage, my late husband had no money for an engagement ring, or for a fancy wedding, so we eloped. Our marriage lasted longer than a lot of other peoples' with fancy weddings and rings. It is the relationship that matters, to the RIGHT person.

2007-12-25 01:04:52 · answer #3 · answered by eldots53 7 · 1 0

An engagement ring isnt important at all if she really loves you..and being together for 4-5 years...i think she might. Get her what you can now..it doesnt have to be spectacular...its a sign of your love for her and thats all that matters. And as to the wedding..who cares if your still in school...yes will struggle a little financially but its through the hard times that you grow closer together. Money and material things arent everything.

2007-12-25 07:42:33 · answer #4 · answered by Nicole A 2 · 1 0

It really depends on the two of you, as to how important the ring is. My suggestion is to buy her what you can reasonably afford, but buy from someone that will let you upgrade the ring later on. Many jewelry stores now offer the option to upgrade in the future if you originally purchased your ring with them. You could also buy just the stone or just the setting and get the other later. In fact, many women like to pick out their own setting. Another good place to find a quality ring is online. Try ebay or your local craigslist.com. If buying from ebay check out the seller's feedback and be sure they have a good return policy. Good luck and congratulations!

2007-12-25 01:03:01 · answer #5 · answered by lkn4trth 3 · 0 0

An engagement ring is hugely important to us ladies BUT having said that.....you dont have to spend a fortune. And it doesnt need to be a run of the mill diamond. Everyone has one of them..........Go out and find a really unique and beautiful gemstone ring. Get something really unusual.....maybe something with a meaning....maybe a celtic love ring or a claddagh ring.......tell her you wanted to get her something unique, like your love. There are some beautiful rings out there, try ebay or some alternate jewellery stores.
Then propose. I am sure she will be touched and adore the ring you give her. You can offer to upgrade it for her when you can afford it, but I bet she will refuse and love the ring forever.
Good luck.

2007-12-25 07:20:23 · answer #6 · answered by bluegirl6 6 · 0 0

If she loves you, she'll be happy you asked and like any ring you give her. Instead of going for something ridiculously expensive, why don't you find something personally meaningful? Some stone other than a diamond she likes, some design which has meaning for the two of you - you know. It's more romantic than just buying the biggest diamond you can, anyway.

2007-12-25 01:19:55 · answer #7 · answered by Mich 4 · 1 0

You're going to be a doctor and you can't spell simple words???

An engagement ring is important, but the size isn't. Get her what you can, save up for a few months and she'll be impressed that you put so much time and thought and effort into it.

2007-12-25 10:06:59 · answer #8 · answered by That's not my name 7 · 2 0

I hope you want a long engagement, because people probably shouldn't be getting married until they can support themselves financially.

I wanted to propose when I was your age exactly. Junior year, completely in love, certain she was the one. It was perfect. But looking back, it wouldn't have worked out if we had gone through with it. We are now broken up.

But it still seems pretty reasonable to think we might get married someday, and we've both expressed that idea to each other and we're okay with it. It just can't be now. We have our own plans to go through with right now. What we had was unbeatable, and so that just might be enough for us to settle in after we've accomplished what we want.

Just because you want to get married doesn't always mean you should.

2007-12-25 01:02:01 · answer #9 · answered by Buying is Voting 7 · 0 1

If she's the RIGHT woman for you, the size of the ring doesn't matter. That means if she's mature, too. Any woman should just want YOU; the ring is just symbolic of the commitment and promise to marry.
There are totally lovely rings for several hundreds of dollars - and no one has to know but you how much you paid. Most times, smaller more perfect stones can cost the same as large imperfect stones.

2007-12-25 09:24:54 · answer #10 · answered by Lydia 7 · 1 0