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I am sending a resume and a cover letter via email first time in my life. But, I have three questions to ask....
Could somebody help me out?

1. Should I attach a cover letter as a word document, or should it be a body of the email?
2. If I should send the cover letter as a word document, what should I write on the body of email?
2. What is the appropriate title of this email?


2007-12-24 16:49:45 · 5 answers · asked by rachel 1 in Business & Finance Careers & Employment Other - Careers & Employment

5 answers

I suggest that you include the text of the cover letter in the body of the email, and note that the letter and resume are attached. Most companies will describe the format preferred for attachments on the careeers page of their website. If you only put the letter and the resume in the body of the email it will look absolutely terrible and completely unprofessional when they print it out.

For the subject, again, refer to the posting as it usually will tell you how to address your email, including the subject. If it is not specified, then you should put the positon you are applying for in the subject.

Please remember to use (or create) a "professional' email address for sending your resume - no company is going to take a resume seriously if it is sent from 2hot4u or something similar.

2007-12-24 17:27:11 · answer #1 · answered by Piggiepants 7 · 2 0

This Site Might Help You.

Should I attach a cover letter as a word document, or should it be a body of the email?
I am sending a resume and a cover letter via email first time in my life. But, I have three questions to ask....
Could somebody help me out?

1. Should I attach a cover letter as a word document, or should it be a body of the email?
2. If I should send the cover letter as a word document,...

2015-08-18 14:18:09 · answer #2 · answered by Jelene 1 · 0 0

Ok (I was in recruiting)- First the subject line should be Resume for ____ Position ---

What you do is attach your resume and cover letter in a word document then in the body of the e-mail say something like (this is just an example)

Dear Hiring Manager:

Attached for your perusal is my resume and cover letter in application for the secretarial position with ACME Corporation.

If you should have any questions, please do not hesistate to contact me. I look forward to speaking with you to discuss my qualifications!



2007-12-25 06:55:55 · answer #3 · answered by Cris 5 · 7 0

Your email to them would be the cover letter; in short cover letter = email body. Your CV or Resume or Biodata should be in 'attachment'. Your cover letter should mention it something as 'Please find my CV/ Resume in the attachment along with this e-mail'.

2016-03-14 00:43:56 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Put both the cover letter and the resume into the email, do not use attachements.

Use plan print, no tabs, etc.

in the subject either your name or the job being applied for or both.

2007-12-24 16:55:02 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 6

Do bouth.
Hi, .... Here is my Resume and Cover letter.

2007-12-25 00:02:30 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2