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.....Specifically, will Ma Ying-jeou reverse the removal of dictator Chiang Kai-shek's name, statues and "legacy" (to put it nicely)?

2007-12-23 22:56:15 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Travel Asia Pacific Taiwan

7 answers

Probably he will try. And create even more trouble and internal strife if he does try. I think people here need to take a break from black/white 2 sided thinking and vote for an alternative party that addresses problems that affect us all.
I mean the green party. The environmentalist party. The non DPP greens- as in the GREEN party.

Bigger problems await Taiwan if real issues such as environment are not addressed logically, without the immature emotional grandstanding and cover-ups. It would be nice if there were leaders who would be dispassionate, mature and bore the electorate enough to get real work done again, as opposed to running a country like a hollywood joke show. The time for grandstanding, posing, rhetoric and bald faced lying has passed. The entire world needs quality leaders to step forward from all countries to lead the way.

The main thing Taiwan needs is to get rid of the gits who think physical violence is 'debate'. If they assault others, then they should go to jail and be removed from their position, EVEN IF IT MEANS THEIR AREA IS UNREPRESENTED UNTIL THE NEXT ELECTION. That is unfortunate for the people who voted in the individual, but perhaps this will encourage people to vote for calmer, rational leaders next time to ensure they can keep their voices in office.

I dont assault my customers or co-workers, I listen to them and even if I dont agree, I try to show some maturity. Taiwanese 'leaders' need to be held responsible for doing socially unacceptable acts.

Chen has done some things well, but also appeared to stick his foot in his mouth enough that he probably should take a break from the scene after he steps down for 2 months or so anyways. His co-worker, Annette Lu, by abusing her privileges, should have been removed long ago. Blocking traffic to get to scenic locations is not what a responsible leader does.

The KMT leadership is percieved as untrustworthy, lying dictators despite Ma's carboard puppet face being stapled to the monster, and the majority of Taiwanese will not accept their pandering to the elites, whose ranks are disproportionately packed with members. Any party that creates illogical ideas such as people shooting themselves to keep power, and the concept of capitulating to remove an IMAGINARY threat of invasion that they play up to create fear in the population is not a group that deserves any power. They could be good story book writers or movie script writers perhaps, but should not be given power over foreign policy or your businesses.

China talks big words, but is famous for ineffective action.
If they DID try something stupid their economy would be dried up and they would be starving again.
Most of the money there is controlled by Taiwanese investors, foreigners and multinationals who wanted cheap labour to maximize their profits. The profits are not exactly staying there. Things in China are improving for normal people, but that is relative to an improvement from 85% starving to most regularly getting fed and possibly being able to have some good looking buildings in the show cities, and the communist party members being able to exploit their population more efficiently with the tools invented by foreigners. The elites are benefitting now, but that would go right to the pot after they shot themselves in the head by trying something like biting the hands that feed them.

The media here lack responsibility. They blatently lie, then retract statements after damage has been done. Newspapers and television channels all blatently show a biased agenda. It is not a democracy, but rather a fascist republic of fear, unworthy of defense. Until media maturity and restraint exist, I fear that Taiwan is a failed experiment.

They need to have an association that all media members can agree upon certain rules of conduct. If people in power were able to show some sense of honor and ability to stick to truth, perhaps the rest of the world might deem Taiwan a place worth supporting. Until that day, most likely the Taiwanese government and, unfortunately, the general public, are on their own.

2007-12-26 16:04:22 · answer #1 · answered by matt_of_asia 6 · 1 1

It's going to be close, I dont think Ma will win. I also think he is not good for Taiwan, Full of BS . Let see how the LY election results turn out.

If he does, he will definitely try to undo a lot of What the DPP has done to CKS,s "Legacy" and also cancel the "Taiwan" Stamps currently available.

Were it not for the DPP, we would not be able to post a lot of stuff here with our opinions unless it was in line with the KMT's thinking. They were as bad as the CCP. You were not here when so many books were banned and when you could only state your Political thoughts in whispers otherwise you would be facing a jail term accompanied by a beating,No Mainlander went through that, just the Taiwanese and It was not that long ago.

Whatever Chiang was and did, Taiwan had it's own "History" Under the Japanese , before that under the Dutch e.t.c. and all they want to do is to bring all that up to the front historically , Chiang, the KMT and the Mainland is only a part of the History of this territory and Chiang buried all of it .

Today the unemployment here is under 4% which is pre Asian Crisis level. In 2000 the Foreign Exchange reserves here was abt USD106.7+ Bil . Today it is USD270+ Bil. All of this the DPP did with a hung Parliment and their hands tied behind their backs. Sorry, but I dont buy the KMT crap.

2007-12-24 11:24:16 · answer #2 · answered by Ajeet M 5 · 5 1

Taiwan is a Democracy with a PARLIAMENT and Legislative Yuan, thus a system of checks and balances that limit the president's power substantially.
Anyway, that's only if Ma wins. Some of his KMT supporters are getting pretty old by now, even many fewer around since that hair close election in 2004.
It will be a bitter contest, but I think the DPP will prevail.

2007-12-25 07:41:03 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Either you have never learned about Ma Ying-jiu's past, or you are a beginner when it comes to politics.

As the former Minister of Justice, Ma Ying-jiu was asked to step down, it seems he was doing his job too well. He also did a fine job as Mayor of Taipei too. Liberty is more than just a name-change - that is something the DPP has yet to learn.

I will be truly happy to see "A-Bian" and his clique lose their positions of power next year.

2007-12-26 18:44:57 · answer #4 · answered by WMD 7 · 0 1

I second what Ajeet said. Ma will restore CKS to prominence in order to placate his deep blue supporters.

And for some people who keep insisting that CKS saved Taiwan from the communists, I think you have it wrong- Taiwan saved CKS from the communists. CKS fled to Taiwan for refuge after getting defeated by Mao.

2007-12-25 00:00:45 · answer #5 · answered by Jawen 3 · 3 1

Let me say it one more time. Were it not for Chiang Kai-shek, with all his faults, there wouldn't be a Taiwan this minute. We would be part of PR China.

You know that.

Chen is trying to rewrite history. You know that tool

2007-12-24 19:39:10 · answer #6 · answered by Pagan Dan 6 · 1 4

Ma will listen to the general public, then decides his next move. He is not like the dirty, greedy, rotten Chen Shui Bian who does everything to cover his crimes and to get away from justice.

2007-12-24 20:52:51 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 4