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The "scam" was that he would send me a check for much more than it was worth and expect me to cash his check and send him the difference via western union......I played him to try to catch him....and this is more informative than a question- if you find yourself in this situation- say yes, go ahead and send the check- call your local State Police Department, they will be able to decipher his web id address- mine was in AFRICA and then you file an IC3 complaint form- which allows everyone on the internet to know of this scam .........anyother takers out there? even though I tried to get the police to catch him at his pick up site- fictitious address- but the police say they go to Walmart's to pick up the western unions under these fictitious names..............anyone else??? I'd like to get as much info out there for people so they can SEE FOR THEMSELVES THE SCAMS--mine was through a local paper shop ad I placed.

2007-12-23 21:53:59 · 4 answers · asked by mac 6 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

BTW, I sent him an email thanking him for his ip address- told him to be scared to go to WU to get all the other checks from people since the state police have his fictitious name for the pick ups in all 50 states- and that I hope I get to see him in court....

2007-12-23 23:05:08 · update #1

4 answers

Fu*king Nigerians do it all the time it gets annoying ! The most annoying part is morons keep falling for it so they keep trying it on everyone ! Fu*king George should be bombing Fu*king Nigeria instead of Iraq !

2007-12-23 22:05:55 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Tell you what. I will send you a check for $1,000. You cash it and send me back $500 by Western Union. You keep $500 for your trouble.

This is a Very Good Deal.

Now, after hearing about my Very GOOD Deal, why in hell would anyone want to buy your $5 trinket by sending you a check for $50 so you could send back $45? Isn't this a Very Stupid Thing? I think so. Yet thousands of peole fall for it every year.

What I do if they want to send me a check is I give them my name as a local cop and my address is the local police station. Works for me.

2007-12-23 21:58:26 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

sounds like money laundering

drug dealers and other criminals put money through a business. They get it back through another source.
Then it is no longer drug money

2007-12-23 22:03:26 · answer #3 · answered by steven m 7 · 1 1

The "law" seems disinclined to actually DO anything to stop this criminals, so THANK YOU for at least annoying them! :))

2007-12-26 08:02:24 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0