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Looking for an alternative pub/bar/club in Tokyo. Anyone know of any? The Cure, Depeche, Smiths, Peter Godwin, Erasure, Etc.. Thanks.

2007-12-23 21:37:12 · 2 answers · asked by EbisuHapa 1 in Travel Asia Pacific Japan

2 answers

You can definitely find such a place in Tokyo. I would head to Shimokitazawa or Nakano for eighties music. Shibuya is too cool for nostalgia and Roppongi is full of the sort of gaijin that make gaijin not so popular. You need the "Murakami Haruki was here" sort vibe that Nakano or Shimokita gives you for your Tokyo Joe.

The problem is places come and go quickly so it's hard to give timely advice. What I would do is head over to Shimokita or Nakano and just duck into any given shot bar for a whiskey and ask the bar man if he knows of any eighties music joints in the neighbourhood. I once went to a joint in Sendai that was all Bryan Ferry all the time, so I'm pretty sure you can find what you are looking for in Tokyo.

2007-12-24 07:09:46 · answer #1 · answered by michinoku2001 7 · 0 0

New Wave Bar

2016-10-01 23:05:45 · answer #2 · answered by emilios 4 · 0 0