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2 answers

Actually, yes. You can purchase carbon credits and give them to anyone you wish. Try going through Emissions Trading PLC (they're in England).

2007-12-26 02:47:56 · answer #1 · answered by jdkilp 7 · 1 0

Carbon credit are some thing concept up by limousine libs, like Al Gore, so as that they are able to have a $2,000 a month electric bill or fly on a wasteful deepest jet and experience solid approximately themselves doing it. by ways, the specific variety Gulfstream Al Gore makes use of to jet set the international, is the worst deepest jet interior the international for gasoline financial device, noise abatement and performance. Spend your money on changing easy bulbs on your place with CF bulbs, a photograph voltaic water heater and different the thank you to improve your man or woman residences ability performance. communicate you kin into doing a similar element. this is the style you're able to make a real difference. P.S. I additionally examine some thing humorous approximately bicycling the different day. MIle consistent with Mile, a bike is greater risky to the atmosphere than a automobile, because of the fact using reasons the rider to consume greater and as a consequence does greater harm to the atmosphere. that relatively got here from a those days released college learn.

2016-12-11 12:08:17 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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