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2 answers

A couple other notes of interest might be:

1. His son is dead. Or a son. Seems to have suffered from mental problems as well.

2. He was extensively interviewed by the movie people (A Beautiful Mind), but they seem not to have used any of the material. According to him, in an interview published in Scientific American. His best guess is that the truth made for a much less interesting movie. He says the movie wasn't based on much more than his name, so far as he can tell.

I should imagine SA has the interview online, but may charge to read it. That's where the part about his son comes from as well.

2007-12-23 21:10:58 · answer #1 · answered by bimeateater 7 · 0 0

He is now 79 and retired. He was still publishing up to ten years ago and still maintains an interest in game theory. He won the Nobel Prize in 1994.

2007-12-23 20:54:25 · answer #2 · answered by tentofield 7 · 0 0