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Like you previously ignored her, didn't really talk to her.... make her feel that you don't really care but then you start treating her nicely... talking/joking around with her... giving her a christmas gift and asking her questions like you care about her, would it make a girl who previously thought you hated her like you>?

2007-12-23 19:26:14 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Other - Social Science

6 answers

humans have the ability to analyze and therefore feel the authenticity of your motives. if it's perceived as genuine, yes you would win her heart. anyone could win back what he/she had lost before.

have a nice day! Merry Christmas! ^_^

2007-12-24 05:32:23 · answer #1 · answered by Timawa 6 · 0 0

yea, it's like subconscious to treat someone the opposite way they actually feel about the person if you're a girl. I dont get it either but i do it without thinking. you playfully hit the guy, give out sarcasm and playful insults. it's all natural and happens to all girls at one point or another. if she giggles a lot when you make a joke or even just speak, then she probably likes you. also, hitting you and hugging you a lot is a clear sign. I say, try giving her a lot of eye contact and see if she blushes or turns away in a flustered manner.

2016-05-26 02:35:10 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Sounds like you want to take advantage of someone that may have low self esteem or is naive or something. Don't be a jerk.

2007-12-23 21:02:50 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

why would you ignored her in the frist place and now your talking to her theres only one thing you want from her is sex and maybe she nows it or maybe not the only way you can win her heart is trust you have to earn it from her

2007-12-23 19:43:36 · answer #4 · answered by Phillip N 1 · 0 0

it depends on your motive... if you're genuine she will know but if u're just playing around.. STOP AT ONCE. it's cruel. If u like her.... why treat her awfully to begin with.... r u bipolar?

2007-12-23 19:36:52 · answer #5 · answered by Pink Lotus 1 · 1 0

" ASKING ........ LIKE YOU CARE.... " . LIKE ?

2007-12-23 19:36:20 · answer #6 · answered by 10-T3 7 · 0 0