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If someone can't keep his promises over small things what are the chances in keeping the biggest promise which is the ''I DO''?

2007-12-23 18:56:45 · 6 answers · asked by freeverse 5 in Social Science Psychology

6 answers

He can still go with the "I Do" but you had your share of bad experiences already. There will be risks that are pretty glaring.

2007-12-23 20:13:54 · answer #1 · answered by ? 7 · 1 0

(May you walk on the right path)

If a person cannot keep his promises, then you make him realise it and help him out. Even if he does not listen to you, keep getting back and be helping him. If you do not make him realise, then what will be the difference between you and the rest others in the world. Be a better person and one worth knowing. Try to help him and make him realise.

Once he realises, his chances of keeping the bigger promise will be much more than any other regular person. Be a better person and help him realise and understand.

Thank you.

2007-12-24 04:25:23 · answer #2 · answered by Till Again 2 · 0 0

It depends on how a person places his or her priorities. The person might do great at keeping the BIG promise, but not so great at what he or she thinks are "insignificant" little promises.
I'm not saying I agree with this.... just that people are different. It's just not a "one judgment fits all" situation.

2007-12-24 03:02:26 · answer #3 · answered by scruffycat 7 · 1 0

those are two big differences amarrige is alot more pressure

2007-12-24 03:00:45 · answer #4 · answered by diannaleigh85 3 · 1 0

Yea, the outlook isn't so good.

2007-12-24 02:59:16 · answer #5 · answered by Nae 5 · 1 0

Not sure, but I guess it would make me wonder too.....

2007-12-24 02:58:45 · answer #6 · answered by Racer 7 · 1 0