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I'm 31 weeks pregnant almost 8 mths. I have 2 cats and most people think that I should get rid of them because they'll try to steal the babies milk right out of there mouths. Is this true? Has anyone had cats and a baby at the same time has the cats tried to do this? It does scare me to think about it. I don't want to hear shame on me either. I need to know and if you have personal expierience (not old wives tales) then please tell me.

2007-12-23 18:34:15 · 12 answers · asked by Wendie 6 in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

12 answers

whoever told you this is a complete and utter retarded idiot. i appologize for the harshness but that is rediculous. I personally do not have children, but i am a cat person. I have friends who manage an animal shelter who just had twins. Not only did she have twins but her husband was stationed in Germany at the time. She has between 6-10 cats at her house at any given time before they find homes for them. I think if this was the case she would be dry from the cats and not the babies. Again, sorry for the insult on your friends but that is just silly.

2007-12-23 18:45:52 · answer #1 · answered by michaelb 3 · 2 0

It is an old wive's tale. Cats are curious, and they may sniff around the baby, but they are not trying to steal the baby's milk or suck their breath out. Chances are, the cats won't even pay any attention to the baby after the first day or 2. Just don't let them sleep in the crib or bassinet with the baby. None of my cats ever bothered my kids. The cat I have now has no interest in my grandson either.

2007-12-24 13:22:04 · answer #2 · answered by dalbax2 6 · 0 0

"because they'll try to steal the babies milk right out of there mouths." Old wive's tale. I know too many people who had babies and cats for that to be true. The only problem with cats is that during pregnancy it is not good to change the cat litter because of an enzyme that cat urine-feces harbors that could be harmful to the human fetus. Most of the time cats ignore infants...that is until the infant becomes fasinated with the cat's "swishy" tail and pulls it for the first time. LOL

2007-12-25 02:08:00 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The only thing you need to be cautious of is keeping the cats away from the babies crib so that they don't jump in there for a sleep and accidentally smother him/her.
Just start now by not allowing them anywhere in her room at all, keep the door closed and invest in a baby gate for the doorway for when baby does arrive (and you can't shut the door anymore).

I've never heard anything about cats trying to steal the milk from a babes mouth. Thats just weird. Just exercise caution. My mother and MIL have always had cats and it has never caused a problem with the babies except when the babies became mobile and would chase the cats around the house pulling their tails or doing what my sister did, lol, Apparently my mum says my sister trapped the cat in the bathroom when she was only 2-3 years old and smothered the whole BLACK cat in WHITE zinc nappy/diaper rash cream!! So funny, lol!

What fun you will have to look forward to! Best of luck

2007-12-24 02:45:57 · answer #4 · answered by Cindy; mum to 3 monkeys! 7 · 2 0

I can't believe how many people haven't heard of this. The story goes like this... since cats like milk, they can smell the milk on baby's breath so they sit on the baby's chest and try to smell the milk in the baby's mouth, inadvertently suffocating the baby and, as they say, "steal the baby's breath."

Regardless..... do not worry because IT'S NOT TRUE. It's just an old wive's tale. I think that may be how people explained the mystery of SIDS centuries ago, before they knew better. No other explanation for something so awful, so they blamed the cat.

Here.... just found a link on snopes. Check it out: http://www.snopes.com/critters/wild/catsuck.asp

2007-12-24 03:13:28 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

It is not an old wives tale that cats can smother babies. Cats like to curl up in small, warm places. A baby sitting in a carrier seat is very inviting to a cat, and they can sit on their chest and smother the baby. Does your cat have a tendancy to crawl into bed with you at night and sit on your chest? My cat does this all the time, and would no doubt try it with a baby. I don't think they actually try to steal the milk out of their mouths, though. That is an old wives tale. But, even as the baby gets older, it will be intersting having pets around. Baby's love to get into the cat food and eat it . . . and the litter box! Gross, but true. Babies will stick anything in their mouth. I think if you just watch the cats closely, and do not let them near the baby when you are not watching, you will be fine.

2007-12-24 06:17:15 · answer #6 · answered by ungirl 3 · 2 2

so while you breast feed or bottle feed a cat will try to steal the milk then?no to that and a possiblity if you don't wipe your babys face after he/she is done eating. in the later, your cat may just try to clean the baby. but if you set boundaries and don't leave the baby unattended this won't happen

the only thing i did hear about cats was the whole them stealing their breath but this was more an old wives tale. the only way a cat could be harmful to a baby is if they get close to their heads as in laying next to them. my cat had a tendency of walking over our heads while asleep and laying on our pillows. pets are not a bad thing unless they get aggresive or your baby shows signs of allergies, then its the boot for the pets.

2007-12-24 02:48:25 · answer #7 · answered by LaRae L 4 · 2 0

It's just an old wives tale. Cats do not steal a baby's breath.
It's always a good idea to keep pets (cats, dogs, whatever) out of the baby's room when you're not there to supervise, for safety's sake, but the cat will not steal or suck it's breath.
No need to get rid of your pets.

2007-12-24 03:27:26 · answer #8 · answered by Girl named Sue 4 · 2 0

hey, i have never heard this one before, having cats can pose a problem but not if you're careful and watch them. Depending on your cats' temperment having cats around a baby can be great (when the baby arrives the cats may act differently, but as long as they aren't hissing or trying to bite the baby all you have to do is watch), many of my family members have cats and also have babies and small children.
The only thing you have to watch is that the cats are not alone in the room with the child, especially when they are sleeping, some cats have the tendency to want to 'snuggle' with the baby, thereby suffocating it in the process, so as long as the cats are not going to be locked in the same room alone with the baby you should not have any problems.
So yeah, as long as you watch you should definately be fine in keeping your furry family members!

2007-12-24 02:44:24 · answer #9 · answered by burnyourmomentosofme 1 · 2 0

Please, please, please, keep your kitties! Your baby will be fine. We have a 4 month old baby, 2 cats and a dog. We were also worried, but all the pets have been fine and didn't react one way or the other. The cats just ignore the baby and act like she's not there. They care more about getting petted from us! Just remember to give your kitties some attention so they know you love them, they will be fine!! I have NEVER even heard that they'd drink the milk, that is utterly ridiculous. I'm talking from experience here, please don't get rid of your kitties, whoever is telling you this is absolutely wrong. Good luck and congratulations!

2007-12-24 03:18:37 · answer #10 · answered by particle333 1 · 2 0