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match an emotion to each color ^ ^ ^ im curious to see what you guys say.

best answer gets 10 points... most creative and eye opening answer..

[the reason im asking this is because im an artist an one of my fortes' is photography and knowing what kind of input you guys get from each color help me with my photographs.]

thank you, hun.


2007-12-23 18:18:07 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

22 answers

white: dull/blank
yellow: happy/smiley
green: jealous/envious
blue: sad/depressing
purple: royal/bold
pink: wild/bubbly
red: anger/mad
brown: content/peace
black: modern/simple

2007-12-23 18:26:46 · answer #1 · answered by Vanessa 5 · 4 1

White: Peacefulness
Yellow: Happiness
Green: Envy
Blue: Calm
Purple: Sad
Pink: Surprised
Red: Rage
Brown: Depression
Black: Hatred

2007-12-26 17:50:56 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

White: Air, Blinding, Holy, Good
Yellow: Happiness, Sunshine
Green: Earth, Harmony, Contentment
Blue: Sea, Peace, Tranquility, Stormy
Purple: Royal, Distinguished, Regal
Pink: Girlie, Princess, Child
Red: Passion, Fire, Desire, Love, Anger
Brown: Confused, Earthy
Black: Darkness, Confusion, Lost

Sorry, it's weird, I hope I helped a bit

2007-12-24 06:03:48 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

white - mostly i think of sheets hanging on a line outside drying. (yes,i'm old) emotion/feeling would be clean.

yellow - yellow puts me in mind of Tuesday, and sunshine... it's my favorite color, i think. so that would represent BRILLIANCE.

green - green used to symbolize the BLECHIEST color of all, because i was raised in an entirely GREEN environment.. you know, avacado green, olive green, plus a lot of golds. these days, greens used for decorating are much nicer (believe me, you didn't want to look at appliances and furniture in the '70s!) Green has caused a lot of confusion for me.

blue - blue is a great color. look at the sky and the ocean... sometimes you can go into the mountains and you will see a lot of blue (reflection of the sun bouncing off trees and snow). however, please don't paint your walls blue! Blue makes me feel happy (except blue walls make me think it's easter).

purple - purple is a color i recently discovered as useful. course, i've always noticed purple flowers, but never thought about having anything else in my world purple! i recently bought the nicest, purple ornament. it rocks. Purple makes me feel vibrant... like dancing.

pink -- it's the color of passion.

red - clowns noses, rudolph too, roses, baby cheeks. red candy is good... i am an artist, and when i paint, i am always hopeful i will decide to use just a touch of red somewhere to add interest! emotion would border on VERY CHEERFUL.

brown - i think chocolate brown is a luscious color.. and also taupe, but not sure if it's considered a brown? I think brown is peaceful.

black - i have always had a lot of black clothing. i haven't a clue why? maybe because it goes with so many things? it's also slimming. oh and my dog is black.. she also rules! Black must remind me of feeling steady?

I'm also an artist... nice to meet you.

2007-12-23 19:03:27 · answer #4 · answered by letterstoheather 7 · 0 0

White: Light. Drifting

Yellow: Sunny, but not as warm

Green: Fast. You're unprepared

Blue: Sad. Or with great ambitions

Purple: Royalty. Mysterious

Pink: Pretending to be who you are not

Red: Evil. Or too good to be true

Brown: Funny or smart.

Black: Depressed. Or you are overly happy

*These meanings came from me, this is what I think of when i see those colors*

2007-12-23 23:41:54 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

White: Pure, Peace

2007-12-23 18:54:19 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

white: Blank.
yellow: Sunny and happy. Flowers in the spring.
green: Grass after the rain. Warmth
blue: Cold.
purple: Fun.
pink: Happy and funny
red: Intensity, anger
brown: nothing
black: death, sorrow, pain

2007-12-23 19:21:35 · answer #7 · answered by DDRkid2009 2 · 0 0

white: Non (no) emotion
yellow: Joyful/ happy
green: jealousy
blue: sadness/ depression
purple: lust
pink: love
red: anger
brown: confusion
black: hate

2007-12-24 05:21:56 · answer #8 · answered by ¿¿¿MysteryMan??? 5 · 0 0

white: blissful
yellow: cheerful
green: greedy
blue: calm
purple: wild
pink: girly/joyful
red: angry
brown: apathetic
black: dark, moody, sad

good luck with your photography.

2007-12-24 06:45:36 · answer #9 · answered by kellie. 5 · 1 0

white: at peace/calm
yellow: happy
green: envy/jealousy
blue: relaxed
purple: idk
pink: looovvve
red: lust
brown: idk
black: hate

2007-12-26 12:14:52 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0