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In 4 months I will have a degree in finance from an accredited top 50 business undergrad program. However, for the finance field, my grades are sub-par to say the least. I have a natural talent for business in a general sense and I guess because of this, I lack concern and focus in school. (stupid.. i know). I have started 2 companies. One was a learning experience, the second was successful. And as of lately, i have been actively trading the forex market. My returns for the past 2 years have been nearly entirely positive and my percentage return since i began is pretty large. I have been trading for a good ten years now and I think ive finally reached the point where I can consistently make positive trades.

My question is: What is my best plan of action as a student who will soon be graduating? I am a person who cannot sit at a desk getting paid an hourly wage to make some other person money, but I kind of feel like I would be better off gaining experience as an employee

2007-12-23 18:16:31 · 1 answers · asked by lafunkmob 2 in Business & Finance Other - Business & Finance

1 answers

That sounds entirely sensible. In case the market crashes (touch wood), it'd be good to have a stable job or at least have a CV with a reputable employer to help you get another good job. Why not start with the civil service? You always learn a lot from there since all the ministries are linked in one way or another and your general knowledge will increase by leaps and bounds. Perhaps a job with the Finance Ministry especially in the treasury dept?

2007-12-24 01:12:13 · answer #1 · answered by Sandy 7 · 1 0