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I cannot get my ceramic hob clean. I have tried all the cleaners under the sun, for use on ceramic hobs, but still end up with rings where the pans have been. Any old wives tales out there for an environmentaly friendly cleaner

2007-12-23 16:08:11 · 3 answers · asked by camel herder 4 in Home & Garden Cleaning & Laundry

3 answers

I find a combination of Hob Brite (orange bottle) and a hob scraper do the trick. Scrape first, then use a piece of kitchen roll to apply and rub the cleaner in, which should remove all of the marks. Then wet a fresh piece and wipe off the residue. Finally, polish it with another new piece of kitchen roll.

I find that when it's wet you can still see a bit of a ring, but when it's dry it's perfectly clean and shiny. If you still have any marks after following these instructions, they must be scratches, which you'll never get out.

To avoid scratches, never use the hob when it's dirty. I clean mine every night after doing the washing up - it's really quick because the dirt hasn't had time to solidify.

2007-12-24 07:13:05 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

you'll probably find they are tiny scratches, which all the cleaning in the world wont shift, there are glass polishing kits available they would help. But after a while the scratches will be back,

2007-12-24 00:31:33 · answer #2 · answered by Camaro 3 · 0 0

if the rings are stains from water spills etc my old dear has a razor blade in a handle that you buy from a diy store for getting paint off glass she carefully cleans using that but if it is scratches from the pans you need glass polisher.

2007-12-24 01:25:24 · answer #3 · answered by shootdenpoint 3 · 0 0