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I notice that a lot of men think that knowing how to change oil in a car makes up for them not lifting a finger in the home or helping their spouses out with anything. If this idea is true, then how come my dishwasher is still broken and I have dishpan hands?

2007-12-23 14:41:07 · 8 answers · asked by SpiderDijonRevisted 3 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

Rachel: it's a problem when you're the only one that does it on top of every other single thing that needs to be done as well. you aren't married are you.

2007-12-23 14:45:59 · update #1

no, my point is that instead of doing things that need to be done, men "fix things" which often includes things that aren't even being used or items of interest to themselves only. it's like a way of getting out of doing something like laundry, or taking the baby to the babysitter before work. my husband totally knows he doesn't help out as much as i'd like him to and i don't have a problem with that, but considering he grew up with 7 other bros and sisses, you'd think he'd have learned to fend for himself a bit, especially being raised by a single mother.

2007-12-23 14:51:36 · update #2

Furious, will you be my boyfriend?

2007-12-23 16:54:27 · update #3

8 answers

I have a similarly opposite problem. I am the one that fixes things. I am also the main caregiver. So, hubby really needed to help around the house to make things more even. Laundry, dishes, sweep and vacuum. He used to do the lawn, but we outsource that now too. He occasionally makes dinner (when he does, I do the dishes) and takes care of the kids. We usually all go grocery shopping (the kids hate it). But, I'm still too busy to get things fixed. When the shower broke, he called someone to take care of it, which was cool, cause I didn't have to take care of it.

For the most part, its fairly balanced most of the time. If it starts to get unfair, I either ask him to specifically do certain things, or it doesn't get done.

2007-12-24 01:04:19 · answer #1 · answered by slgraff✪✪ 4 · 1 0

As a homeowner and a manager of a major benefits company I have a good insight into the needs of the economy. What the economy needs right now is a cap on the mortgages and credit cards. It is disgusting to hear banks complain about defaulting customers when the banks are responsible for the default by charging upwards of 35% interest rates and ridiculous late fees that the consumer who was late can not afford to pay anyways. Common sense people!

2007-12-24 06:32:10 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I do my own laundry and help around the house.. and yes when a jar lid is too tight the wife has me open it.. The normal "fixing stuff " is my job too but I like to keep busy. I couldn't imagine life sitting on a sofa doing nothing.. I'm way more energetic then that. I'm also a better Italian cook then my wife so she enjoys it when I make dinner. All the outside grill work is mine, I also control the smoker grill.. We share mowing the lawn, she has her tractor and I have mine. The property is pretty big so it take us about 3 hours of we share mowing.

We're married and share responsibilities as well as fun times.

2007-12-24 08:28:58 · answer #3 · answered by slim 5 · 0 0

Sounds like you need to ask your husband that question, not us! Seriously, though, some men are more confident in their ability to fix things then in their ability to do things they have been brought up to think are women's work. They may think that if they do those things, they'l just mess it up. My ex husband was always criticized when he did housework, so he associated it with being humiliated. He had a lot of other issues too, but that didn't help him out any, either. Try sitting down with your husband and asking him in a non hostile way. Also, maybe he doesn't think it makes up for anything, but he's trying to contribute something that he knows he can do right?

2007-12-23 22:46:56 · answer #4 · answered by bainaashanti 6 · 0 0

Forewarn him about the dishwasher, if he doesn't do anything about it... You have a phone, dial it and get it fixed. If he complains about the cost then say why didn't you fix it?

Poor baby, dishpan hands... I never grew up with a dish washer. I know I know, people drive to their mail boxes these days.

2007-12-24 02:29:13 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Having to wash dishes by hand is not a problem.

2007-12-23 22:44:28 · answer #6 · answered by Rachel 3 · 1 1

as a man i can answer this I just don't distinguish between homechores i do help whnever she needs my help. end of story.

2007-12-23 23:19:45 · answer #7 · answered by steven25t 7 · 1 0

Because your man does that doesn't mean "men" do that.

2007-12-24 00:40:14 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0