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I'm really serious about this. I asked a question about the good being punished with the bad and someone said to deal with it or drop out. So I chose to drop out. I really see this as unfair. But being the type of person that I am, I decided to drop out. I'm going to be honest. I want it either my way or no way. So it was either deal with it or drop out. I'm not going to push myself any farther just because some dumba*** doesn't want to do any work! Why should I be punished! I'm doing my work! So how do I drop out?

2007-12-23 13:39:48 · 22 answers · asked by Deniece 4 in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

I wasn't going to drop out of school.. That was just anger coming out.. Ya'll married people probably understand what I'm talking about. You know when you get angry and start saying some things that weren't meant to be said? You understand where I'm coming from? Besides, I would end up in the hospital if I told my dad that..

2007-12-23 13:54:06 · update #1

Didn't I just say it was anger! I can't lie.. I mean I have thought about dropping out school.. Why you have to be so rude about it? Just shut up and go give some other people some more rude answers, Josh!

2007-12-23 14:03:45 · update #2

22 answers

Don't drop out just because of what other people say or do. You will regret it one day.

2007-12-23 13:45:00 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 7 5

At 16 you'll be able to drop out (maybe talk to the councilors or something and they'll tell you how). But dropping out is great! You can learn vocational skills at Golden Arches University where they teach "flipping 101" and read lovely books as "would you like fries with that? A psychological study of super-sizing". Good luck!

Yeah I completely agree with you. Whenever I'm angry I go to Yahoo Answers and make up fake questions just for the fact to say things I don't mean. (And if you cannot tell that is sarcasm, you really should just drop out of school)

Edit Edit:
Sheesh you're so sensitive. Seriously, if you are getting offended by some random person on the internet...

2007-12-23 21:45:25 · answer #2 · answered by Josh (Trust the universe?) 3 · 11 0

No, you have a point here. My math teacher Mrs.Takagawa, EVERYBODY in my section(old one) talked when I was the one working. And if I said one word "Nicole! Go stand up". It really didn't do much though. I wasn't embrassed..I was really angry that nobody else got in trouble. Why is the good punished? People are blinded that the good isn't doing anything wrong. They wish the bad weren't doing bad so they tell themselves that they aren't and the good is.Its good to let anger out with out violence.

2007-12-23 23:33:21 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Consider going to your principal and discussing the situation. I have no clue on the seriousness of your current situation -whether it is just teenaged angst or if you have a real problem. However, schools WANT kids to graduate. Perhaps a change of teacher, class or maybe even different school will help resolve your problem. Dropping out of school will not. It puts you into employment hell these days.

Here's the problem. In the coming decades, you are going to have jobs where your boss is a jerk, coworkers may be jerks, etc. etc. You can't keep quitting jobs just because they are jerks. Eventually you have to suck it up and do things in a more mature way. Find an alternative way to stay in school and do so. In the end, you will benefit.

2007-12-23 21:46:01 · answer #4 · answered by CarbonDated 7 · 3 1

OK, I just answered your previous question. You should not drop out because you will ruin your life. If you ask dropouts if they regret their decision, most of them will say yes. You can't even legally drop out unless you are 16 and have your parent's permission. Also, you shouldn't run away from your problems. You need to work through them. You will go nowhere in life if you just run away from things. This isn't really a huge deal anyways. If this is the worst thing happening to you then you are pretty well off. Later on in life you will have bigger problems. You need to be a big girl now and deal with it.

2007-12-23 21:50:22 · answer #5 · answered by JuteJute 2 · 0 2

In New York, many parents do not know that eleventh and twelfth grade is optional for their children. Many of them want their children to stay in high school because they feel that they will have a better future. I personally feel that this is just a myth.

If they dropout, they can start working in the real world and this is great to teach independence at a younger age, rather than older. And then when they are 18, they can choose to go to a special school for students who did not receive a high school diploma. It all works out at the end. I don't understand why many people are against children dropping out. The school system is CORRUPT, why shouldn't they dropout?

2007-12-23 22:04:38 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

by dropping out ur only punishing urself. that is very stupid, and it seems that you are a pretty smart person. i dont recomend you to drop out. i was very close to it once, but for other reasons. and im SO glad i didnt. you will lose so many privileges. just stick to your class, if you dont like it try to get a schedule change. and if some one on you previous question answered "deal with it or drop out", and u chose to drop out... that tells alot. MY POINT IS, by dropping out u will only be hurting your self in the long run. but you are free to do what u want, we need ppl to clean toilets.

to answer your question, i think schools are different. u have to go to you school and tell them u want to drop out. they try to convince u not to at first, and whatever etc etc. if u still want to and u have a license (if your 16 or older, u can only drop out) they take that away until u are 18. and u cant get a GED until ur 18 either. that sucks. so ya... dont drop out.

2007-12-23 21:50:07 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Jessica... what the heck are you talking about? Dropping out is a horrible thing to do. Most colleges won't accept you unless you have a HS diploma, and the chances of getting a well-paying job without a college diploma are like one in a million.

Don't drop out. It's a stupid thing to do and you'll regret it later on. If you want to have a better chance at a better future, STAY IN SCHOOL! The last thing this country needs is more uneducated people.

2007-12-23 22:32:06 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

You're 13. You can't legally drop out of school until you are 16.

2007-12-23 23:48:24 · answer #9 · answered by Squeegee Beckingheim :-) 5 · 0 0

that's called taking an answer too seriously. it's just the internet, honestly chill. you said you were in 8th grade right? well right now you sound like you're in 5th.

*edit* Josh, yes that random person off the internet would be me. she was complaining [surprise surprise] about school or something so I was like "It's called school. learn to deal with it or drop out. life isn't fair, which you obviously haven't figured out by now". I'm not going to apologize because a little girl thinks it's offensive.

2007-12-23 21:44:19 · answer #10 · answered by Gummy. 5 · 5 1

i dont know about you but here in new york you have to be at least 16 to drop out. and there is a lot of paper work and stuff evolved. your parents have to be there and stuff. its kinda a long process. i asked my mom this question before that thats what she told me. dropping out of school will only hurt yourself

2007-12-24 09:56:45 · answer #11 · answered by 7 · 0 0