He would run as a Christian offering hope to a tired and weary nation. He would seek to divide the country to more easily rule it. He would use controversial issues to drive neighbor against neighbor. People would no longer see themselves as American but as a special interest niche group. He would replace science and statistics with faith and loyalty to him. He would seek to have tighter control of the media even jailing those reporters that disagreed with him. He would restructure the tax code so that those that worship money and earthly riches would be rewarded at the expense of the young and less fortunate. He would of course seek dominion over the Middle East the traditional Biblical battleground with destructive wars. He would promote policies that would further pollute and darken our skies. He would institute policies making torture and arrest without a trial legal. He would maintain control over the masses by secret surveillance. This of course could never happen in this country people would never allow it.....
2007-12-23 12:00:30
answer #1
answered by D C 4
2016-12-24 21:21:19
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I don't know about your "so-called devil" running for president, but this I can tell you; in all reality, the evil that has at one time or another, tried to get a hold on each of us, is on the fast track to becoming a thing of the past. God always has and always will prevail, just as good will ALWAYS prevail over evil. There's really no competetion. The world is changing as we speak. Watch and see the miracle before your eyes.
2007-12-23 11:06:35
answer #3
answered by Gigglebox 1
How would they be different. Could be Jesus would help Appalachia. Next stop mining for reason Earth does not belong to people alone. Jesus might list greed as cause of ills of mankind. Grow food . Might encourage people to become vegan after seeing the way cattle treated. Also for reason of harm agriculture does to U.S.A. Could even shut down McDonald's. Dispense with military industry. End Free Trade. Name Defence Department for what it is War Department. Pull troops out of Haiti. Require by law all past propaganda and wrongs be aknowledged. Peacekeeping seen as cosmetic applied to hide issues about Mineral Rights. Would force people to accept green alternatives.Pay for clean up of radioactive weapons used in Iraq.
2016-05-26 01:41:25
answer #4
answered by ? 3
It's so hard to answer your Que. with a straight face!
Suppose Devil is the president,
thus interfering in other nations affairs,
imposing power,
plunder their natural resources,
look the other way when powerless nations are in desperate needs,
co-operate with the evil Gov.'s,
support the dictators and finally slaughter thousands if not millions of innocent souls!
That's how the Devil would enforce his/her policies.
Do you see any differences in what have been happening thus far?!!
2007-12-23 11:08:42
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
That is a fantastic question. I look forward to the answers. Being a Scot, I have no business commenting on your political system but from an outsiders point of view, I reckon the Devil might do a better job!
2007-12-23 10:53:16
answer #6
answered by AUNTY EM 6
Politician's and the Devil...one in the same.
If the Devil won we wouldn't have as many congressional inquiries, thus speeding up the political system, and eliminating the continuous stalemates we've endured over the last 16 years.
2007-12-23 11:39:35
answer #7
answered by SuckitUp 2
Wow! That's an interesting question. Um, I think life would most defenately be different with Satan as president. His policies would be torturous probably, or devious. Not good. That's a very interesting question, I hope I answered your questions.
2007-12-23 10:54:19
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
If the devil ran, we likely wouldn't even know it. He'd play everyone of us and do all the "right" things. After all of us believed he was the best president and a good man/woman, he'd wreak havoc on our world. That's what I believe the anti-Christ will do.
2007-12-23 10:53:41
answer #9
answered by Due March 9th, 2010 5
His stated policies would be optimistic, ordinary and pleasing. His actions once elected would be aimed at either ruling the minds of all men, or utter chaos. He would be elected because the voters happily elect the most handsome male candidate, regardless of his morals or family history (eg JFK).
2007-12-23 11:04:19
answer #10
answered by Anonymous