It is hard for them to show any support for our military except their hollow lie " we support the troops"
The surge is working and dems hate it as good news in Iraq is bad news for the DNC
"winter is causing less violence"
Is this the first winter since we have been there? violence is at its lowest point since the invasion.
Try another liberal lie
2007-12-23 04:44:47
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I am a true blue democrat. I have never voted for a republican and I doubt that I ever will.
However, I sincerely hope very much that the surge is working as you claim. We all do. Unlike you cons, we democrats want this war concluded and our troops back home where they belong.
It is still early in the game. I will not yet say definitively that the surge is a complete success. If you still have any wits about you, I'd advise you to do the same. Remember , the political reconciliation in Iraq - the stated purpose for the surge - has not yet materialized.
Declaring victory too soon has been the downfall of both mice and men far too often in history. I think I would be more circumspect in the future if I was you until all is said and done.
2007-12-23 13:02:45
answer #2
answered by Uhlan 6
So what the so called surge is working. Have we had a political solution in the Iraqi government or are they still split with very different ideas from Shia, Suni, and Kurd members of their government. When that political harmony is finally seen we can say we are indeed winning. Just because the radicals have paused to retrain, recruit and regroup doesn't mean we have won either. They will be back as long as we are there. As soon as people realize that the only reason the radicals do what they do is that they consider us infidels on their sacred land and they are doing what anyone would do in the same situation, especially when their government is tolerating the infidels. If we leave they won't follow us they will stay put and we won't be bothered by them. We won't be on their sacred land and so they will have no reason go attack us. Some day jingos will realize that.
2007-12-23 13:15:17
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
The surge has helped slow down the violence in the Country because of the large number of troops on the ground. But how long can we expect our soldiers to police Iraq? That isn't the job of the military. But while the violence has decreased for now, there has been no political progress made in Iraq. Which means that unless we plan on being the permanent security force in Iraq, if the Iraqi Government doesn't take control of their own country, as soon as we leave the violence will start all over again. If the Iraqi Government isn't willing to work for their Country how can we expect our troops to put themselves in harms way for them.
2007-12-23 12:59:40
answer #4
answered by Alex 3
Do you consider getting violence down to the level it was in 2006 proof that the surge is working? The people trying to destroy our nation were the ones who sold us this war in 2003. Let's all pull together for the good of all and bring all our troops home.
2007-12-23 12:54:26
answer #5
answered by wyldfyr 7
Help me out here, bro--what exactly is the mission in Iraq right now? To quell the very same sectarian violence that was almost non existant under the reign of Saddam Hussein? The very dictator that we removed because he allegedly had the most lethal arsenal of biological and chemical weapons ever ammassed in the history of warfare and was also poised to develope a nuclear bomb and also was to blame for 911? Oh, waitaminiute--I forgot, those were faulty intelligence reports. Ready for quote from the President?
"The hardest part of my job is trying to tie Iraq into what occured on 911"
2007-12-23 13:01:21
answer #6
answered by blklightz 4
There is less violence in Iraq just now. The surge had something to do with that, but there are many other factors also, many of which have nothing to do with American's or our actions.
Now that the violence is down, what are we doing to keep moving towards some sort of peace? What are the next steps? What is being done politically? What is being done economically? What is being done diplomatically? Anything? Nothing? Are we trusting to luck?
If your opinion is that all these things are being done, then why aren't we declaring Mission Accomplished and coming home? If it worked to overwhelmingly well, then we should be seeing all of our troops home within a year, right?
2007-12-23 12:47:03
answer #7
answered by Dan H 7
I have two close family members in Iraq on second and third tours. All I can say is that you and others who believe this are misinformed.
2007-12-23 12:53:09
answer #8
answered by Big Bear 7
When the rank & file VOTER for the democratic party starts voting for another party, or at least stops voting for democrat candidates, not before.
Remember ALL Congressmen/women have re-election as their first priority & so, will publically say whatever they think they need to in order to get re-elected.
2007-12-23 12:49:30
answer #9
answered by Monkeyboi 5
you can see this falling apart - 30,000 iraqis imprisoned since the surge began - they are going to be let go because none of them have evidence against them - not to mention we are pissing off the Kurds - it is way to early to be talking about the surge working - we have been in this spot more than once and failed
al-sadr could speak one sentence and iraq would crumble apart
2007-12-23 12:49:31
answer #10
answered by PD 6
Global warming is melting al Qaeda in Iraq. Otherwise they'd be just as tenacious as ever despite the surge.
2007-12-23 12:46:59
answer #11
answered by Anonymous