Not the Nat King Cole version, but ya get the point I hope.
"Singin outta my Trailer"
A fat hog roasting on an open fire
Uncle Ralph nippin at the brew
Yuletide comes only once a year,
and when it's over we say,,, "WHEW!"
Change/ chorus?
We know that Bubba's on his way,
bringin toys from the goodwill, and bales of hay
His truck is loaded now, and so is he,
but he plays such a sweet old Santa, can'tcha see
Gramma dear is in her favorite place
makin magic in her Kitchen.
She's tryin hard ta keep a smile on her face
and keep a whisper in her Bitc***
Chorus change?
We all came here for some Christmas cheer,
knowin the good reasons for some fun
I'll get a pair of rough knit socks this year
but I asked St. Nick for some NICORET gum.
The baby done found the fresh punkin pie
and' s wearin it now to wipe on you.
Good Ole grampa, as hard as he tries
the punkin pie's bout all he can chew.
Same as chorus change up? "FIN"
And so I offer ya this special toast
with my CORN and yer fancy beer
Happy Cristmas to Y'all, and to Y'all a good day,
BUT you can bring the Hog next year.
May you all be at peace, enjoy all you can, celebrate as is your choice,
and nudge each day in 2008, as if it's a lifetime.
Steven Wolf, on y'all
5 answers
asked by
Arts & Humanities
➔ Poetry
TY...Smiles,,,see,,,singin ain't so bad.
"Grasshopper", I appreciate it. Keep on the path.
HARPY,,,yer presence is my gift, thanks. If ya ever need, I got yer back,,,and maybe yer front too? (blush)
05:33:29 ·
update #1
Yep I do know. I prefer a Bloody Mary though, or maybe in this case, Blunt Force Trauma,,,LOL. Thanks
12:40:45 ·
update #2