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well,not like the guy date a mak cik or an old lady or what......let say the gap is more than 5 years...like a 22 years old guy dating a 29 years old girl??

1)what do u think??
2)what do u think others will think??
3)what do think their family will think??
4)for muslims,are there any sunnah or anything regarding this matter??


2007-12-23 00:09:57 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Travel Asia Pacific Malaysia

what do u mean by congratulations,wooly worm??...i'm 15 n this question is asked by a senior of mine...........

2007-12-23 00:17:30 · update #1

thing-problem??....no way!!!

2007-12-23 02:18:33 · update #2

24 answers

honestly la kan.. kalau i yang jadik pompuan tue..i takkan date dgn lelaki yang dibawah umur.. i mean younger than me. kalau setakat beza beberapa bulan tu boleh la..sebab lelaki ni lambat matang.

tapi tu la.. get a life! sumer boleh buat pilihan sendiri. i tak boleh halang..

kalau lelaki yang lebih besar umur dia.. setuju sesangat!!!bc my husband is 10 yrs older than me..boleh bawak bincang n lelaki matang akan selalu mengalah dengan perempuan muda.

tapi..kalau situasi macam u ckp ni,, sorry to say., pompuan ni yang akan mengalah dengan lelaki muda..macam tak best je..bukan saje cakap, i dah tengok bende mcm ni dgn mater kepala sendiri

tapi TERPULANG PADA ANDA. ITU HAK ANDA.. hehehe.. sori bahase rojak! kalau nak explain panjang2 ni, sy lagi ske ckp melayu! senang sket. GOOD LUCK.

jgn plak terpengaruh sepenuhnya ek?? Fikir dulu sebelum membuat keputusan. kalau tu baik, teruskan. Takpun buat sembayang Istikharah. hehehe.. macam series sgt plak kan.

n lagi satu honestly, sy citer panjang2 bukan sebab nak dapatkan the best answer. tapi mmg sayer suke topik macam ni. dont get me wrong.

2007-12-23 18:53:20 · answer #1 · answered by Nasren7585 5 · 2 0

1)what do i think??
-I have dated and coupled up with a younger guy....for me, age difference is not a matter, as long as we love each other in deep....

2)what do i think others will think??
-I do not bother what others will think about it. People only know how to talk, but they will not understand why we are doing this.

3)what do think our family will think??
-It depends. Nowadays, parents are being more open-minded....As long as parent are aware that their children are being happy, they will not stop us.. But at the same time, we need to think whether the partner is matured enough, and would they be able to make the partner to live happily.....

4)for muslims,are there any sunnah or anything regarding this matter??
-Sorry i'm not a muslim, but so far as I concerned, all the religions had never made a rule that a girl should get married to an elderly guy....I had never read it on Bhagavad Gita or in Bible...

2007-12-24 02:46:17 · answer #2 · answered by VeNiE 5 · 0 0

When you're an adult, age gap is of no concern. You look at the person more from the inside out. People don't act their age anymore and a 50 year old woman can look 15 years younger if she carries herself well and to me, sexiness and beauty comes in a package, not in their age.

2007-12-23 21:58:06 · answer #3 · answered by HRH Shim 5 · 1 0

1. If they are in love, wish them all the best.
2. Weird couple. That guy must be aiming some benefits from the girl.
3. Open minded family, accpet them and treat them well. Some will try to seperate them or chase them out of the house..
4. Don't know..

I dated a guy a year smaller than me. At last we split, I felt like bringing a younger brother out with me.

2007-12-23 10:27:26 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

5 or 7 years difference?
that's hardly noticeable, people couldn't see the difference in the age gap. My Mum was 40 when she married my step father who was 20 at the time (She was a widow) that really noticed, but they didn't care and had a great time together until she passed away 2 years ago at 66 years old.

If it's you your talking about then go for it, don't care what other people might think or say it's none of their business...

2007-12-23 08:48:13 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

People's age doesn't define their maturity. The guy I am seeing is younger than me but is more of an adult than my ex boyfriends. We are 3 years apart. If there is one thing I have learned is after a while you see the person for who they are. Nothing else will matter.

2007-12-23 08:16:59 · answer #6 · answered by Sherrie 2 · 0 0

WHAT I THINK -- it's their business and no one else's. But I also think that as years go by the girl will be at a great disadvantage. The guy will start looking at women HIS age. PERSONAL EXPERIENCE.... PERSONAL EXPERIENCE.... I married an older person... trust me it isn't a good idea . You are both still young even at 29 and each should find partners that suit your stage in life.

WHAT OTHERS WILL or should THINK -- it's their business and no one else

WHAT WILL THEIR FAMILIES THINK -- who cares !? It's their business, both of age, both are adults.


2007-12-23 08:19:19 · answer #7 · answered by RED-CHROME 6 · 1 0

1. I find it quite gross.
2.I don't think others will care.
3.It really depends. Most families could care less.
4.No there are not.

2007-12-23 08:15:55 · answer #8 · answered by wolverinetree 2 · 1 0

I think it's a sign that the guy is a mature, stand up guy and not just a college party animal

2007-12-23 08:14:29 · answer #9 · answered by froggy_mousie 3 · 0 1

It might be a problem unless the guy can control it.Cause the girl can be 'queen control'.And that really sucks,man.

2007-12-23 18:56:26 · answer #10 · answered by Lost my everything.. 4 · 0 0