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24 answers

Evolution and creation don't address the same issue. Evolution is not about the origins of life-- simply about how organisms change over time.

That said, I still find evolution more believable.

2007-12-23 00:12:07 · answer #1 · answered by Let Me Think 6 · 1 0

Wow, seriously? Creationism is just a bunch of magical "theories" put together that says everything just *poof* appeared. Evolution is a *scientific* theory (NOT just a guess, as some people would lead you to believe) that has come from over 150 years of research and testing. It has loads of evidence to back it up while creationism has none. Is the theory of evolution complete? Of course not. I doubt that it will ever be possible to be 100% sure exactly how life forms evolve over time. But if you actually study evolution, as I have, you'll see that what we know now is far more believable than anything creationism has to offer. Creationists like to say that creationism is a valid theory, but evolution is "just a theory" which somehow makes it less valid. There is nothing remotely scientifically theoretical about creationism. Those that call evolution "just a theory" have no clue what the word theory means in scientific terms.

2007-12-23 01:20:06 · answer #2 · answered by Two quarters & a heart down 5 · 0 2

Hello hears4mu. I also was at a crossroad in my beliefs but have come to the conclusion that both Creationists and Evolutionists both are right and wrong in their beliefs. My belief is now a combination of both which I believe is not a sin in the God Yahweh's eyes for now believing. Even though we still can't answer the question of who or what created God we can now prove through modern science that Yahweh had the scientific knowledge to create us and all the other life on this planet from prehistoric times up to the modern era of evolution that He made us part of. I now believe evolution is the physical history of Yahweh learning how to create life forms that became more complex over eras of evolution that took billions of years not six or seven 24 hour days to create. He made the genetic changes or is the missing link in the chain of evolution. So I agree on the time frame of dating fossils with evolutionists and I agree with Creationists that Yahweh created these life forms. But a don't agree that it all happened by chance nor that it took Yahweh six or seven 24 hour days to accomplish it.

2007-12-23 00:21:12 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

The theory of evolution is only the best scientific explanation of how and why we see the number and type of organisms we see on Earth today. It doesn't have anything to do with belief--you either accept the evidence, or you don't (like a few of the fundie authors of answers here).

And the two aren't necessarily mutually exclusive. The largest group of Christians (Catholics) have no problem with evolutionary theory. Also read about the Clergy Letter Project below, which is receiving more and more support.

I don't personally buy into creationism, because I don't need a supernatural explanation for the origins of life.

2007-12-23 15:31:40 · answer #4 · answered by the_way_of_the_turtle 6 · 0 2

There has been scientific evidence that proves creation is the answer. Scientists just don't want to talk about it because they like the thought of evolution.
If evolution is true, why aren't we still evolving? Why are there still monkeys? Why aren't they turning into humans?
Scientists have found remains, which could be evidence of 'the Great Flood' that have no other logical explanation.
Also, how can something be made out of nothing? You can't make something when you have nothing to make it with. A bang can't of just happened. Charles Darwin introduced the theory, but no one introduced God, he has alsways been there.
Hope I helped in some way =/

2007-12-23 00:10:41 · answer #5 · answered by kaffrink28 1 · 2 2

Examine the evidence (or lack thereof).

Find a proof of evolution that isn't dependent upon the apriori assumtion of evolution itself. Seriously, the "mountains" of evidence look more like molehills of BS when critically examined with any legitimate scientific approach.

Read into the 2nd law of thermodynamics. Remember what mom always said about "you don't get anything for free?" well, it applies here too. Now I've stated this question numerous times & have yet to find an evolution defender willing to nut up & answer it: While order can increase with an influx of energy into a system, name an example where this occurs without an ordered, designed system already in place.

Fundamental evolutionism has more to do with shouting down any questioning of the "theory" than any actual scientific examination.

EXAMINE the evidence closely. Question everything. Assume nothing. Don't be afraid to follow where it leads you.

2007-12-23 10:05:42 · answer #6 · answered by Jason G 2 · 1 3

Wells what's more believable: 99.9% of scientists (highly critical by nature and training) in the relevant fields accept evolution, except for a few who just happen to be fundamentalist christians / muslims etc. because:

a) there is overwhelming evidence for evolution


b) its a worldwide conspiracy, all the 100's of thousands of scientists don't care about the truth, they would rather waste their lives on fruitless "research" (all the advancements and discoveries are just incredible coincidence), and in commercial industry they don't care about making money - everyone just wants to maintain the conspiracy.

Research it yourself but be aware that your going to be bamboozled by the same old false and immoral creationist scientific-sounding propaganda in creationist sources. Check such claims in the link below which isn't perfect but at least its something. And be prepared to spend a long time and a lot of effort on this. You can't understand all the relevant science in a sound bite. And creationist propagandists rely on people not making a big effort.

2007-12-23 16:02:02 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Evolution-evidence (lots of it) in the fields of paleontology, biology, genetics, comparative anatomy, geology, etc, etc.

Creationism - a book of Bronze age mythology.

Most of the "proof" of Creation is offered by people who try to poke holes in evolutionary theory, real or imagined (and from a position of ignorance, since most of these questions have been answered by science) or use examples that have been debunked a long time ago, like the footprints in the fossils at Glen Rose (theyr'e dinosaur tracks, not human).

2007-12-23 00:16:09 · answer #8 · answered by Robin W 7 · 1 2


Look all around you. How can anyone in their right mind believe this existance of life and matter, perfectly interwined with each other, was nothing but a lucky guess of nature. Evolution is still a theory, But Creation is Fact!

2007-12-23 00:32:17 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

They're not mutually exclusive. You can believe that God created life and that life then evolved independently of God, or that God created life and then it never changed (or that it did change, but that the change was guided by God and not by natural selection), or that God didn't create life and that life proceeded to evolve, or something entirely different.

But I'm going to have to agree with a bunch of other people here when I say that evolution has mountains of very accessible evidence, and creation has none.

2007-12-23 00:07:24 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1