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I just got a 7-9 wk old chocolate lab. She constantly scratches and bites on herself. She has big dandruff flakes and even cries like she is in pain when she does this scratching. There are almost no fleas on her which is what I thought was the cause of her constant scratching. She also has a knot on her stomach which looks like a tumor growing under her belly and looks painful and strange. I am aware of the problem of inbreeding in the lab mixes which is a result of their poplularity so I am wondering if my new puppy is really unhealthy or just needs a little TLC.

2007-12-22 23:35:14 · 15 answers · asked by Jess 2 in Pets Dogs

15 answers

Just take her in for a checkup. It sounds like she has an umbilical hernia on her tummy, which isn't dangerous. As far as the scratching, you need to make sure she doesn't have mange. I am sure your dog will give you many years of joy.

Please don't let a bunch of people on the internet tell you that your pet is substandard because they don't like the way she was bred. That simply is their way of saying that they are upset because you didn't buy her from them. Ignore it.

She is perfect for you. Don't feel bad about having her. Love her and enjoy her.

2007-12-23 00:06:36 · answer #1 · answered by mama woof 7 · 2 0

Take her to the vet and get a check up - she probably needs vaccines updated anyways unless they were just done.
You said "almost no fleas" - if she has even one that could be a problem - sometimes dogs have a flea allergy so even one or two fleas will cause intense itchiness. She may also have other types of skin parasites like Cheyletiella (a skin mite that is also called "walking dandruff") which could be causing the itch.
The "tumor" on her belly is probably an umbilical hernia (essentially her belly button which either closed late entrapping some abdominal fat or hasn't closed at all yet) - if you push on it can you push the outpouching back in? As long as the opening is small enough that a loop of bowel can't get through and become strangulated it isn't much of a concern and can be fixed surgically at the same time as her spay.
It sounds like your puppy has a few problems but overall she doesn't sound "really unhealthy" - take her to the vet and get her sorted out and I'm sure she'll be just fine.

2007-12-23 07:47:04 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Well, she needs a trip to the vet. That's the only way to tell if she's healthy or not; we certainly can't confirm your dog's health over the internet!

'She hardly has any fleas' - well that's not good enough! That's most likely th cause of the constant scratching and biting! If she's allergic to flea bites, even ONE flea will be enough to drive her crazy. Keep in mind that you never see all the fleas that are on a dog - if you've seen a few it's likely there are many more. She needs to have NO fleas!

Get proper flea treatment from a vets. You need to take her there for a check up anyway, and to get that knot on her belly sorted out - are you sure there isn't a wound under there, from the scratching or something else? Plus she needs worming and vaccinations.

Please don't use flea or worm treatments from pet stores because they don't work.


2007-12-23 13:36:22 · answer #3 · answered by Chalice 7 · 0 0

The bump on her belly is most likely an umbilical hernia, and it should be looked at by a vet. It may require surgery. If you don't know the actual age of your pup, I'm guessing the breeder wasn't real diligent and probably the mom isn't in such great conditon either. The dry skin could be a result of poor nutrition, or allergy.
In any case, the first thing you should do with a new puppy is take it to the vet for a physical. With your pups' condition, it's a necessity. This will address your concerns more accurately.
You should ask the vet to write up a letter of opinion on the umbilical hernia, addressed to the breeder (who should have been aware of it and informed you). So I personally would ask for a refund equal to the cost of surgery, if it's necessary.

2007-12-23 07:51:15 · answer #4 · answered by Becky 6 · 1 0

Yes, poor breeding is an issue for this breed, but the things that you are describing are more likely the result of poor care. She is itchy- she will be if she has even one flea- so take care of that with the vet. also, the flaky skin can be because of poor food choice and not getting the best skin care from the prev. owner- get her a soothing shampoo (oatmeal is used for skin reaction dogs) and bath her, treat her for fleas and improve her food. Knot on her stomach is likely an umbilical hernia- also can be the result of bad breeding, but does need to be repaired so that she does not get a loop of bowel stuck in this hole in the wall of the abdomen- this could be deadly. I have seen puppies who were painful from dysplasia (hips or elbows) at a very young age, so have the vet do a joint check, but more likely she is acting painful or aggitated due to the itchy skin and irritation from the flea bites??- chocolate labs are the most common color of lab affected with skin allergies- don't know why for sure, but it is what we see

2007-12-23 07:58:55 · answer #5 · answered by destinie l 2 · 0 0

Pup definitely needs a vet. The bump is most likely a hernia and the flaky skin? Have the vet do a skin scraping. Could be mange or a bacterial infection. Either way that will not get better by itself-it needs medical treatment. Sounds like a very poor breeder-any puppy with a skin condition like that is most likely from a mom who was not kept in optimum health.
I would have the vet do a thorough check!

*I had a foster with the flaky skin problem. He ended up having ringworm, mange, and a secondary bacterial infection from the mange. it took two months for him to be cured. Be safe-not sorry!

2007-12-23 08:45:36 · answer #6 · answered by anne b 7 · 0 0

Almost no fleas, makes no difference to a flea infestation. Crush garlic and mix with oil, rub all over body and leave to soak for 5/10 minutes. Wash puppy with baby shampoo in luke warm water. The flaking of the skin, get some petroleum Jelly, again rub or massage into skin. Leave to absorb into skin. Next day, if necessary, wash with baby shampoo or just dry brush. Finally you can finish the treatment with Aloe Vera Gel. The best on the market is Herbalife.

Add some garlic to the diet and a good quality fish oil. Herbalifeline is excellent, but there are others that you can get from a health shop. Feed porridge and finish with butter and milk, as well as adding raw egg. Probably twice in one week will suffice.

The umbilical cord is literally hanging out, which is nothing to worry about. Whatever her condition, TLC is obligatory at all times. Remember, she has left the litter, lost her siblings and biological Mum. Change of Mum's milk, comfort and protection. These are all reasons why she may be scratching on top of possible flea bites. She is still unsettled, confused and in need of adjusting.

2007-12-23 08:03:23 · answer #7 · answered by Mercia Holistic Whisperer 4 · 0 2

Poor coats can be from poor diet and knot sounds like an umbilical hernia which needs fixing when she is spayed. Any new dog needs a vet visit within 5 days so it can be fully checked out.

2007-12-23 07:47:51 · answer #8 · answered by ginbark 6 · 2 0

Don't mess around trying to second guess or diagnose this pup over the internet, she's so young and should see a vet. If she is unhealthy I'm sure you'd want her a 100%. Good luck.

2007-12-23 09:06:13 · answer #9 · answered by Little Ollie 7 · 1 0

Get it to the vet because of the bump on her stomach.. She likely has dry skin and that's why she's itching. While you're at the vet, ask what you can do for it.

2007-12-23 07:43:44 · answer #10 · answered by Danni 4 · 1 0