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I think Giz got into my dogs' dog food and now he has diahrrea. Been giving him a little pepto and just recently started giving him some rice cooked in chicken stock. Any other suggestions what to do to stop it?

2007-12-22 22:43:55 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Dogs

12 answers

I have a degree in vet medicine- so i'll suggest that you take the pup to the vet, but to help you until you get him there, take him off food for at least 12-18 hours, let his GI tract rest and cool down, when you do start back on food, give him a bland diet for a few days eventually weaning him onto his regular food. Medication wise, you can give him 1 adult strength benedryl for every 25 pounds that he is, if he is little, give him 1/2 tablet for every 12 lbs, and so on.- make sure it is just benedryl with nothing else added (not cold and flu or anything like that) label should read:
(Diphenhydramine Hcl) only.- you can also pick him up a can of canned pumpkin- not pie filling, but something without sugar or spices mixed in already, and feed him a few tablespoons, that can help firm up the stools also.- then if he is still having diarrhea, take him to the vet ASAP

2007-12-22 22:52:37 · answer #1 · answered by destinie l 2 · 1 1

Starve the dog for 24 hours. it wont hurt him. Make sure there is plenty of water for him. Then after just give him white meat , I.E. Chicken, Rabbit, ect. (cooked.) Fish will help to. Basically he needs Bland food so as not to overload his already upset tummy.
But if it continues get to a vet straight away. Dogs and cats, come to that can dehydrate very quickly.

2007-12-22 22:50:25 · answer #2 · answered by cassy 4 · 0 0

My vet told me to give mine half a PepcidAC once, and now I do that on my own if she ever pukes or has diahrea. It works.

I would also stop feeding full meals of dog food. Cut back to smaller portions and mix with plain rice. Or just feed the rice for one meal. Don't feed too much or give *any* dairy or fatty people food.

2007-12-23 01:11:42 · answer #3 · answered by Surf Crazy 1 · 0 0

Nothing much you can really give them to stop it but let nature take it's course and his body gets rid of it all. It shouldn't last that long, my dog once had a reaction to some tinned dog food (different brand) and it went straight through her. Within a day or 2 she was fine.

2007-12-22 22:49:00 · answer #4 · answered by jaytei 4 · 0 0

Don't feed anything to the dog,give him Gatorade instead of food it has electrolytes.It takes 2 days to work this is a vets recommendation.I did it for my dog and it worked.

2007-12-22 23:12:37 · answer #5 · answered by babygirl 4 · 0 0

Canned Pumpkin is the best to stop either constipation or diarhhea. Not pie filling.. just the plain pumpkin.. works wonders!

2007-12-22 23:02:14 · answer #6 · answered by Zephyr is the Shiznik 4 · 0 0

you can give him a little bit of pepto bismol. he will eat it just fine because it tastes good. it works the same way it does for people.

2007-12-22 22:47:12 · answer #7 · answered by searay092003 5 · 0 1

Woah... Giz? In his food?!

2007-12-22 22:49:31 · answer #8 · answered by Mister 2 · 0 1

bananas, white rice made without salt

2007-12-22 23:08:49 · answer #9 · answered by cheri h 7 · 0 0

He might be car sick. I had a Black mouthed Cur that would get sick in my truck.

2007-12-22 22:52:06 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0