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I just got braces on my bottom teeth about a week ago, and today I started feeling a sharp pain in my premolars on the left side whenever i would drink something cold or breathe cold air; the rights also hurt a bit, but not as much -- I got my braces on the top row for about 5 months before getting the bottom ones, and i never experienced this with the top.

2007-12-22 21:20:16 · 6 answers · asked by Hi 1 in Health Dental

6 answers

It might be the nerves inside your teeth. The coldness is going through your teeth and reaching your nerves. I suggest a toothpaste specifically made for sensitivity such as Sensodyne. It's like building a layer on your teeth so the coldness doesn't reach your nerve inside your teeth.

2007-12-22 21:33:10 · answer #1 · answered by Howzit 2 · 0 0

please note that your experience with the braces in the lower jaw can be a bit different from the one you had with your top row. So, please dont worry. There is absolutely no point in trying some pastes meant to treat sensitive teeth, no point in changing your tooth-paste and no point in starting doing some mouthwash either, without any indication. There is no point in starting any painkillers also unnecessarily. As a matter of facts, these small symptoms of little bit sensitivity to cold sometimes after some dental procedures are tiny alarm bells..............which just tell you to talk to your treating doctor. He would do take some corrective action and you will be happy as ever, God bless and Merry Christmas.

2007-12-23 05:49:58 · answer #2 · answered by Dr.Parveen Chopra, MDS Dentist 4 · 0 0

Try a sensitivity type toothpaste. They contain potassium nitrate that helps "coat over" exposed nerves that are close to the surface. A mouth rinse that contains fluoride may help, plus helps prevent cavities. Act or Flurigard fluoride rinse can be found over the counter where stores sell toothpaste.

2007-12-23 11:30:42 · answer #3 · answered by kipperkay 4 · 0 0

1- Change your tooth paste.
2- Change your Mouth wash.
2- Use Baking Soda instead of tooth paste & Mouth wash for a while & see the result.

2007-12-23 05:27:39 · answer #4 · answered by Tiger 3 · 0 0

I use Sensodyne and that seems to really help with my teeth sensitivity.

2007-12-23 07:31:59 · answer #5 · answered by Zyggy 7 · 0 0

You can use different toothpaste such as sensitive based toothpaste.

2007-12-23 08:40:09 · answer #6 · answered by James 3 · 0 0