"I just want to say Jesus and the Bible have already been documented for being real. Those are two facts that are already exist. I am not lying, you can find them yourself."
You may not be lying, but you're wrong. Sorry.
My basic perspective on life is that it is to be lived, and that it's better to be honest than to be popular.
2007-12-22 02:54:48
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Regarding the statement that "Jesus and the Bible have been already documented for being real." There is no physical evidence of Jesus's existence (no body, writings, etc.) Actually the only non-Christian reference to his existence comes from the Roman historian Josephus. I don't disbelieve that a "man" called Jesus existed but I do have serious problems that any evidence proves any "godly" traits. As for the Bible, it is a collection of "authorized" texts by the Council of Constantinople in 325 AD. There were many "books" that were not accepted. You can prove this for yourself by doing some research on the Council and examing the different bibles within the Christian faith. Most New Testament biblical scholars would tell you that the older surviving books were Greek translations that suffer from Hebrew translation issues. Enough for this topic. Most believers have very little knowledge of the history of their "faith" - being satisfied in believing whatever "literal truth" that is handed them.
The QUESTION answered:
Every person is a "non-believer" of someone elses faith. For me, all religions suffer from a similar problem - they want to find comfort in their existence and the prospect of death by "believing" in some obscure age old text and morale directives from ages gone by.
I personally find that life is a journey that is to be lived to the best of my ability each day. It is best lived with others by observing some simple rules of kindness towards others.
I don't really care about what others believe unless they impose on my right not to believe. (This includes all religions and other non-believers as well.)
I have found great happiness and contentment in my own "non-belief". I also find that most Christians are really scared to died - worried about their own final judgment.
Most people just want an "answer" - they are not concerned with the hard work that goes into the question.
2007-12-22 03:27:41
answer #2
answered by Lifetime Learner 2
Belief and faith do not require many facts. Not one of us can say Jesus existed, Not one of us can say any history is true because, quite frankly, anything can be fabricated 3,000 years ago...who's gonna know? I believe Jesus existed. I also believe in the power of the Jewish council and the Roman empire and their ability to get every single document on this Jesus character and seal it away for no one to see. Why? Pff who knows. Government's and the powers that be do that sort of thing all the dang time. You tell me the American government has NEVER hidden information, documentation, and physical evidence from us...come on...grow a brain. We live in a very secretive world. there are reasons for these things I am sure. Heck the Egyptians wiped the history of one of there queens from all documents and even STONE CARVINGS! There is literally physically no proof of her existence...and yet, everyone knows and firmly believes in the one queen of Egypt...Nefratiti or however that's spelled. DO you deny she existed to? Just because someone doesn't believe in all the bible, doesn't make a historical document fiction. There are many factual people and actual occurrences in the bible...so I guess everything is a lie after the New Testament then? Look, I don't believe in everything the bible totes...Women are unclean...we are born with sin...that jumbo mumbo...but I do believe in the majority of the players within it.
2007-12-22 03:34:34
answer #3
answered by cravencx 2
Like the Inquisitors of old there are a lot of people who refuse to believe something unless they are hit over the head with it.
To most people a thousand years ago it was obvious that the Earth was flat. There were some mathematicians who had calculated that the Earth was round, just as the Bible claimed it was, but most people couldn't understand what they couldn't see.
Today we are taught as children that the earth as round and even though the vast majority cannot prove it mathematically we accept this idea as Gospel. In fact we have accepted it so much that the obvious fact that the Earth appears flat escapes us.
People generally accept what they have been taught, what people they have faith in teach them.
My perspective on life is that a life is comprised of choices. People make choices and those choices create their lives.
Not everyone believes this, some believe that what happens to them defines theirs lives, as if their choices mean little or nothing.
Others don't have a perspective because they were never taught to have one and cannot see anything without it being pointed out to them.
2007-12-22 03:11:21
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
1. something that actually exists; reality; truth: Your fears have no basis in fact.
2. something known to exist or to have happened: Space travel is now a fact.
3. a truth known by actual experience or observation; something known to be true: Scientists gather facts about plant growth.
4. something said to be true or supposed to have happened: The facts given by the witness are highly questionable.
5. Law. Often, facts. an actual or alleged event or circumstance, as distinguished from its legal effect or consequence. Compare question of fact, question of law.
6. after the fact, Law. after the commission of a crime: an accessory after the fact.
7. before the fact, Law. prior to the commission of a crime: an accessory before the fact.
8. in fact, actually; really; indeed: In fact, it was a wonder that anyone survived.
The bible exists I've seen one, but Jesus? By what definition is he a "FACT" Real or not the LEGEND of Jesus has had a profound affect on the post Grecco-Roman world. And not always positive!
My perspective on life? This week ----
To dream the impossible dream
To fight the unbeatable foe
To bear with unbearable sorrow
To run where the brave dare not go
To right the unrightable wrong
To love pure and chaste from afar
To try when your arms are too weary
To reach the unreachable star This is my quest
To follow that star No matter how hopeless No matter how far
To fight for the right Without question or pause
To be willing to march into Hell For a heavenly cause
And I know if I'll only be true To this glorious quest
That my heart will lie peaceful and calm
When I'm laid to my rest And the world will be better for this
That one man, scorned and covered with scars Still strove with his last ounce of courage
To reach the unreachable star
2007-12-22 03:46:30
answer #5
answered by hairypotto 6
I believe that Jesus was a real man. I believe he was convicted of crimes and crucified just like hundred of other convicted criminals. His crime? He was a heretic, meaning he chose to beleive something different than what was considered as legal by the rulers.
I believe men wrote the bible, and rewrote it, and rewrote it, changing meanings, leaving things out that weren't politically correct at the time, for example, when King James asked that the bible be translated to english he asked that Shakespere help with the psalms. He also asked that the stories about Lilith be left out, because he wanted to keep women submissive.
Also, the Hebrews had no word for eternity, they didn't beleive in the life after death, they believed that heaven and hell were something that one expereinced in the here and now. They did burn fires at the edge of their villages which burned day and night and it was used to burn garbage and waste and dead animals and it was a curse your angry neighbor would use on you, "may you burn in the ever burning fire" or hell.
Also, if all of what the bible tells you to be recorded as "fact" then you wouldn't need to have faith.
Jesus is a myth. (myth doesn't mean the same as "untruth" it means "not proven to be true". Science has researched the existance of Jesus, but there's no proof.
Just have faith darling.
2007-12-22 03:05:58
answer #6
answered by Liteson 3
We are here to express our freewill. to choose our own ways good or evil. Adam and Eve where given this freewill in the beginning with the tree of knowledge. their choices were to live in heaven on earth (the garden) which happens to be the way it was before the garden (for the souls in heaven) or they could choose the other way, to explore good and evil and live their lives that way. it was the master plan, and God knew what choice they would make and this gives us the freewill we have today to choose good or evil. IMO The devil likes this plan and I'm not so sure that he didn't have something to do with implementing it. He (the devil) thinks that people under certain circumstances will choose his ways instead of Gods way. He even thought Jesus (God in the flesh) would choose his ways if he was put in the situation. Jesus being perfect didn't fall for any of the devils suggestions and over came the devil, showing us the way we should live our lives (as Christians meaning Christ like)
2007-12-22 03:19:16
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
First of all i would like to see the documentation you have that proves that Jesus and the works of the bible are real and not fictional. I don't believe that has been proven. People simply have faith that they are real. Like all other creatures we have a finite amount of time on this planet. Heaven and hell are useful in placating those who do not want to act in the here and now. Faith turns man into a passive observer of humanity. Constantly waiting for some all powerful being to right the wrongs in the world instead of moving toward a better way of life now, on our own terms.
2007-12-22 03:00:04
answer #8
answered by dxavier10 2
What do I think? To be honest I don't really believe anything a pastor says, because it's not necessarily the absolute truth. They just repeat what they were taught, like a parrot.
Think about it: Old Testament says" ...eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth..."
New Testament says "Turn the other cheek."
What exactly does this mean? Looks like we're damned if we do and damned if we don't. And this is just ONE example. There are many others. Personally I think the bible was written by a bunch of people who were in the sun too long, having hallucinations, and smoking the local shrubbery.
So I think if we try to do right by people, take care of our families, and don't beat our wives we'll be OK.
2007-12-22 03:01:05
answer #9
answered by hippie1234hippie 2
Spiderman has been documented too. Does that mean he really exists? And not one jot or tittle was written about this Jesus character WHILE HE WAS SUPPOSEDLY ALIVE. Not a pen stroke...nothing...zero! A guy who even did a tenth of the stuff Jesus was supposed to have done would have had every scribe around following his every move and we have absolutely nothing.
My perspective on life? I'm not typing a book here :)
2007-12-22 02:58:46
answer #10
answered by AiW 5
There isn't a single contemporary source that says Jesus was real at all. The few like Josephus are from several decades later. Jesus wasn't impressive enough that anyone bothered to write about him.
There are further problems...the census that Mary was supposedly in Bethlehem for has no record at all. It should...it was a CENSUS. Records are pretty much the whole point.
My outlook on life is that you should live it in reality.
2007-12-22 02:57:21
answer #11
answered by Anonymous