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Come on people........Does America`s uneducated vote for the demanding Republicans or for the "softy" socialists from America`s Democrat party ?..That said....Our next president, in your opinion......

2007-12-21 14:40:13 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

19 answers

The truly ignorant ("values" voters) came in droves in 2000 on Bush's phony promise to "restore integrity" to the White House. Of course, that turned out to be a bold-faced lie.

In 2004, these same ignorants helped re-elect Bush, again in their naive belief that he is looking out for their best interests. (This is yet another bold-faced lie. Perhaps you are beginning to see a pattern develop?)

Hopefully, this time around the truly ignorant might have been enlightened somewhat by having to witness glaring GOP failures and broken promises. Of course, I could be a bit too optimistic. Preferably, just to be on the safe side, they may just sit at home on Election Day and stick to the 700 Club.

2007-12-21 15:21:28 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

Just in case you'd been out of the country for sometime...these last 7 years we have had a "demanding Republican(s)" in the office and it seems to me that a "Vote4change" will hopefully change it...That said...

I like Obama, Huckabee, and Biden... There is still allot of time left, and allot could happen before the election, so now its too early to really tell which one (if any) would be the best...

2007-12-21 22:58:17 · answer #2 · answered by jerome2all 6 · 3 1

Those who vote Democrat are not necessarily ignorant.

As for those who vote Republican, they either want a powerful military, are very religious, or are very wealthy/greedy.

I can't rightly say who are next president is, but I believe that Obama is the best candidate that we have - corrupt as he is (both parties are corrupt in the US, Republicans more so, but also Democrats).

Is this suppose to be a rant?

2007-12-21 22:47:08 · answer #3 · answered by ch_ris_l 5 · 4 1

I doubt that they will change their stripes. Dems rely upon the vocalizations of their icons and never sit down long enough to connect the dots.

Regardless, I am betting the majority of Americans will have sense enough to know we don't need further embarrassment in our WH per either Clinton.

I still have hopes for Rudy. I distrust Huckabee and don't care for his making of promises he can't keep - fair tax.

Romney I would settle for.

2007-12-22 04:18:55 · answer #4 · answered by wider scope 7 · 0 1

I think it's a toss up this next election.
The socialist party will gain in Congress, but no way in hell will America put a liberal in the White House.

2007-12-21 22:47:17 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

John Edwards for President

2007-12-21 22:53:57 · answer #6 · answered by Zardoz 7 · 1 3

Bush got elected twice. There must be a lot of ignorant Republicans as well. What has the current administration demanded of anyone besides the military and their families?

2007-12-21 22:55:20 · answer #7 · answered by BekindtoAnimals22 7 · 4 3

Well, I for one will not be. I havent decided who I am voting for but I am leaning toward Huckabee for a possibility or Thompson. It's really too early to tell. I have decided against both Giuliani and Paul for different reasons.

2007-12-21 22:56:12 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Some will.

Some will vote Republican.

Some will vote a third party.

Some will not vote.

2007-12-21 23:00:41 · answer #9 · answered by malclave 6 · 2 0

Courageous Service~Experienced Leadership~Bold Solutions

Yes, I believe America woke up over the Summer and will come back in the New Year mad as hell "I am not taking this anymore" from the Democratic Congress & Senate. WIth failed campaign promises so blatant who wants more ??

2007-12-21 22:47:21 · answer #10 · answered by Mele Kai 6 · 3 4

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