Interracial couples... I can't stand 'em.
Have you ever tried to hug an octopus? Huh? You should have seen me and that armadillo- I had to laugh at myself. Dolphins are too noisy, and that bison was totally out of control.
I tried to stay with that gorilla, but she was just too rough for me- the sex was absolutely miserable. I was ok with the rhinoceros, but that damn horn was entirely too much. I kept butting heads with the mountain goat. But the worst was the scallop. A BBW, she was, but I got kinda bored with all them extra eyes and that daggon gas station...
I decided to just stay with my own kind... HUMAN BEINGS WITH 23 PAIRS OF XX CHROMOSOMES OVER THE AGE OF 18.
Whoever don't understand this is even dumber than I am!
2007-12-21 05:46:39
answer #1
answered by The Patriotic Pirate! 2
There is nothing wrong with bi-racial relationships. If God had a problem with it then why did he make us all different colors and races. It doesn't make any since to judge people who love each other even if there skin or background is different. Your not put on this earth to be judged because of how you feel about someone or even how they look. Love just doesn't pull a name out of a hat and say that this is the color and race your gonna be with. But if your willing to be a bi-racial couple, then more love to you, whoever you are. God created us all equal, and that's the way it should be.
2007-12-21 05:46:52
answer #2
answered by Connie D 1
My family is so diverse--racially speaking, so bi-racial couples are not strange to me at all.
I don't think factors such as ethnicity should come into play when talking about relationships. If they care about each other, that's all that should matter. Who cares if they're not from the same race?
2007-12-21 05:38:01
answer #3
answered by arashi_rei 2
bi racial? meaning they are both mixed? or inter racial meaning one is another race from the other? I dont mind either... im in an interracial relationship. some people do mind though... we get evil starres when we go out.
2007-12-21 05:29:58
answer #4
answered by Enchanted One 5
To be honest, yes I do, and I don't think we should mix.
Sorry, I KNOW everyone's gonna think I'm a racist biatch, but I'm honestly not. I'm mixed myself; my dad's Arab my mum's English, but I don't think people should mix in general.
People think it's idyllic to be 2: 'best of both Worlds, interesting, exotic''s not. You're 'unusual', neither white nor Arab. I'm not English, and I'm not Palestinian, what am I? I'm mixed up. As it is, my dad is pale and looks more European then Arab so physically I can pass as English easily, or perhaps European (I mean fully).
Why inflict this on your kids? For God's sake, let them be a part of ONE's so much better. I also think people should generally stay with their own race...makes life easier, and lets be honest...we're entirely different. I don't have a problem with black/Asian friends, but marry one? Never...I want my kids to look like me! And anyway, I don't identify with these races much so why let my children be a part of something I'm not a part of? My mum looks at me like I'm an alien when she hears me speak Arabic (I only know a little though). That's another thing, I'm out of touch with my Arab side; barely listen to Arabic music, or understand the language or anything.
Overall, I think colours shouldn't mix (I know what this sounds like but we're all entitled to our own oppinions so please don't start calling me racist...I'm not).
2007-12-21 05:47:51
answer #5
answered by Gaudyheights 3
I hear what you are trying to say. I think the person that called you shallow is an idiot just looking for any excuse to be an a$$. I love it also. It shows that we are evolving. We are setting aside our differences and looking past the skin and into the heart.
2007-12-21 05:32:41
answer #6
answered by Pink Panther 4
No , I generally judge those couples which are formed by an ugly man and a beautiful woman.
2007-12-21 05:34:20
answer #7
answered by Emmanuel Andres V 3
Yes I guess I do notice but it really doesn't faze me. If they are happy with each other than whatever I'm happy for them. I see them as just any other couple in love.
2007-12-21 05:47:29
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Hell, maybe, but I don't understand the question. Do I judge what?
I judge that maybe someone is intentionally trying to distress someone but I don't judge the couple.
Hell, who knows what goes on sometimes (lol.)
2007-12-21 05:38:02
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
No I never judge anyone, in any case all I see are two people.
2007-12-21 05:33:34
answer #10
answered by Social Science Lady 7