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I am strong even though I have been weak, I am living each day even though it's been harder then tomorrow, I am sad but tears turn into songs, i'm a million miles away but my love flys through the wind. I may be small but my heart is always wide open. My doors might be half closed but my love is never broken. The sun may never shine tomorrow, but my arms will strech out for miles. My heart sings a happy song hoping for a better tomorrow. When you trust with all your heart you can see tomorrow.

2007-12-21 02:39:43 · 6 answers · asked by princess 2 in Arts & Humanities Poetry

6 answers

It's great. I like the contrasts and the imagery you have used. It has a really hopeful, inspirational message behind it and is extremely poetic, using original metaphors and similes which really make the piece come to life. It also has the right mix of hope and melancholy, shown through the sadness and perseverance of the piece which really makes it a great read. :)

BTW, I think you just made a mistake here: "I am living each day even though it's been harder then tomorrow." Perhaps you need than instead of then.

Good luck and keep on writing.

2007-12-21 05:43:31 · answer #1 · answered by Confused 6 · 2 0

To answer your question. To begin I must tell you your poetry is that of a deep and old soul. You wear your heart on your sleeve or within your words. It is deep and your wording makes you feel the the grass beneath you the heat of the sun upon you, see your surroundings in vivid color. I do not know what C & C means, but I do know good literature when I read it, as I major in English literature. A beautiful poem that does exactly what poetry should do, make you feel, see, hear, and smell the subject. I would love to read more, I know a couple publishers that may be interested in your unique poetry. May I pass it on??

2016-05-25 07:27:20 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Amazing truly inspiriational! Keep Writing!Star for you!
I give this a 10!

2007-12-21 05:19:40 · answer #3 · answered by Sh00ting_St@r! 4 · 1 0

very nice star for you

2007-12-21 02:42:27 · answer #4 · answered by emma_undoo 4 · 1 0

ooohhhh i love it

2007-12-21 08:39:32 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

cool! very nice!

2007-12-21 04:16:19 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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