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Do people really think that we little tiny human beings can cause global warming by ourselves? I find that a bit odd. The earth goes through cycles like this ever so often. For us to think we're causing it is a bit presumptuous. Oh, and Al Gore didn't invent the internet people, sorry.

2007-12-20 00:38:59 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Environment Global Warming

21 answers

I agree with you and would go one step farther.

IF we INTENTIONALLY set out to cause global warming, I don't think we could do it. The Earth is a very resilient planet, and will be here long after humans are gone.

2007-12-20 00:41:59 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 6 4

I find it sad that people want to turn a serious debate into issues about people.
There are a number of mathematical models simulating the impact of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane and there are papers the mechanism which is possibles taking place. I do not find it odd that the combined action of a couple of billion people might change a balance in nature.
The problem is that if people do believe in Anthroprogenic Global Warming then it would be logical for something to be done. This is likely to involve governmental and intergovernmental action. People who are 'left' leaning find it easier to accept the idea that action might be necessary 'for the common good' that those who lean to the 'right'.

2007-12-20 02:05:47 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

I think it's funny that you think we can't. One tiny human being is insignificant, but 6,000,000,000 tiny human beings is more than enough to effect change. I find it a bit odd that you don't understand that.

Why don't you ask the people around Atlanta or LA about the lack of water, the polluted rivers in China and so on before you emphatically state humans can't control nature. Or just keep your head in the sand.

2007-12-20 02:39:26 · answer #3 · answered by Richard the Physicist 4 · 3 2

You mean you didn't know??? the earth's thermostat is located in South Dakota. They have one of those plastic boxes on it to keep people from playing with the temperature, but Pres. Bush likes to go over every now and then and bump it a little when he gets a chill.

2007-12-20 07:10:12 · answer #4 · answered by skibm80 6 · 1 1

...yes we do have an impact on our planet. there are BILLIONS of people burning fossil fuels..that one day will be gone. Do you really think that deforesting the rain forests and industrializing the planet..has NO effect on the natural world...?!?! Do you think oil spills have no effect on our oceans?!!? The pollution is what I am worried about not global warming. We are really destroying our home and it is causing a domino effect so everyone in some way will be affected.

2007-12-20 03:42:06 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Visit ClimateAds.com to help global warming. You can add a HTML code to your website or social network profile (myspace) to raise awareness of how to prevent global warming.


2007-12-21 11:53:46 · answer #6 · answered by peter s 1 · 0 1

You mean people on the left like these?

"Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich challenged fellow conservatives to stop resisting scientific evidence of global warming"

"National Review (the most prestigious conservative magazine) published a cover story calling on conservatives to shake off denial and get into the climate policy debate"

"Pat Robertson (very conservative Christian leader) 'It is getting hotter and the ice caps are melting and there is a build up of carbon dioxide in the air. We really need to do something on fossil fuels.”

James Rogers, CEO of Charlotte-based Duke Energy. "The science of global warming is clear. We know enough to act now. We must act now."

Oh, and Al Gore never claimed to have invented the Internet. That was just a political lie, too. Proof:


2007-12-20 01:09:18 · answer #7 · answered by Bob 7 · 4 5

People on the left tend to be a miserable lot. They feel the only way they can get people to listen to them is to force them to accept their positions as the gospel truth. People who think for themselves & question them are called "not compassionate, intolerant, homophobic, racist, etc". Global warming is a scare tactic to make sure that America is brought to her economic knees, and put her on par with 3rd world nations. It's sickening, and goes against common sense. Thank God more & more people are opening their eyes up to the reality that global warming is a myth.

2007-12-20 01:10:50 · answer #8 · answered by xplosive_azz_projectile 2 · 3 4

Maybe beyond presumptuous to the point of Conspiracy?
They 'put one over on us' with the OZONE HOLE Scam - lets wise up and fight these radical leftists with logic.
OZONE HOLE - What NOAA/NASA does NOT tell you:
The 'hole' opens and closes with the Seasons.
Most important OZONE IS UNSTABLE - the molecule will only last a few minutes as O3 (ozone).
The Leftists organizations NEVER mention the instability of O3 - look them up on NASA/NOAA.
OZONE can ONLY exist if there is UV or lightening.
So essentially NO SUN = NO UV = NO OZONE.

I don't know what is taught today in science - BUT the instabliity of OZONE should be taught!?!?

2007-12-20 01:57:17 · answer #9 · answered by Rick 7 · 4 4

Those who want to control us come from both sides of the fence with UN money as the common denominator.
I didn't know Robertson,Gingrich and the National Review were credible climatologists. By believer's logic thier opinion is moot-only UN funded "climatologists" can have an opinion.

2007-12-20 01:53:09 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3