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The word GOD is derived from the word good. No wonder some Yahoos hat God. Look at the good He has caused!

Does any one really believe that wars are fought over reigion? Might race,greed, colonialism, nationalism, imperialism, and jealousy be the real truth of the matter?

Jesus loved us enough to die for us. God loves you more than any human could...evern you yourself! How can any one not love Him back?

Has He ever harmed you?

2007-12-19 22:09:04 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

The question was raised how can God love more than parents.

Ah, might the answer by self apparent...perhaps because He is God!!!

People will fail you but God never fails.

You accuse Him of sending people to hell. The truth is, you must obey Him to live in His home. Period.

So YOU choose hell over obedience to God ... rather than Him "sending" you there. you send yourself. God tells you how to avoid hell, because he would prefer that none be lost.

It is a foolish lie from hell that God is not loving you, it is you who does not love Him.

Jesus said "If you love me, you will obey me". Obey the One who loves you more than it is possible for mere sinful men to love any one, even themselves.

2007-12-19 23:11:40 · update #1

13 answers

Once again, you to go the heart of the matter. I love it. Thanks a lot, God will bless you .
You first begin with the subject of religion tradition. This one alone is a huge subject. WOWOW. God hates man made traditions, the traditions of men. I have seen churches split over the color of the piano, or the carpet, and all kinds of little stuff that brings tradition, and ppl say WELL ITS ALWAYS BEEN LIKE THAT< IT WAS GOOD ENOUGH FOR MY GRANDPARENTS, AND ITS GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME, WE ARENT CHANGING A THING. Ludicrous.
What if it should enver have been and it never honored God to begin with? Ludircours type thinking. Then you see many in church that are tired of the OLD ways and want it all changed and all new, with little or no regard to what God wants. doesnt matter how it always was, or how you want it to be now. The question is IS THIS WHAT GOD WANTS? Some traiditions were of God, God does Have commands and rules to live by, that didnt change, no matter what ppl tell you. God still requires obedience, we just dont have to do blood atonment for our sins, now, and the law is in our hearts and minds, not just on paper. Actualy God says it is a better covenant, as its based on love, not just in keeping the rules. But we have a Holy Spirit to show us how to do it and empowers us to do as God says, all of it. Be it how to run church or your own life, all must be only according to Gods full word. Nothing else will satisfy God or keep your saved. The gift of salvation is free, but keeping it is very conditional, which itchy ears just dont want to hear So, lets begin to run our lives and our churches by the rules of God, not of man. Some traidions need to have been in teh beginning and we still need them now, and we need to have new ones that always should have been as well.
To God, its not about the traditions of man, its about keeping His full word. Either we are fully Gods or we arent Gods at all.
You are right about the rest too. Wars arent fought over religion, tho the devil makes it seem that way. The wars are fought because someone not of God wants to take away the rights of others to have religious freedom, which is guaranteed by our consitution. The consitituion wasnt to free us from religion, it was to be sure we had the religion of choice and be able to worship freely.
PPl that know God will always fight for those freedoms, and never be forced to worship anyone other than the one true God.
Jesus loved us enough to live unto perfection by obedience to Father and How can we give any less/ HE sacrificed His life for us. How can we do less.
God doesnt harm us, but He wont keep us from harming ourselves if we dont follow Him. God sends noone to hell, ppl send themselves to heaven or hell by the choices they make. If you show God you will never want HIm in your live, NEVER and you will only rebell as live as the devil says to live, you cant go to heaven. YOu must obey God to live in His house, as He wants it a place of forever love with no problems. How could He let rebellious wicked ppl live there? THey would ony ruin it for the rest of us. And Remember, God promises His ppl a perfect Heaven with only love and joy. No sorrow and pain there. So when one will not obey God and live for God, they will send themselves to hell, by their own choices. YOu serve either God or the devil , THe Bible tells us about it. If ppl wont read it, dont blame God.
If they wont obey God, dont blame God, nor any of us who try to tell them. God says warn them, so they will know. Love them, we try, but most that arent of God hate us and mock us, just like they did Jesus. But, we who truly are born again,do not mind. We just love and forgive them and keep praying, knowing they just dont KNOW yet, as one time we didnt know yet either. But someone persevered with us. Arent you grateful for that/ Praise God for those HE sends that will love us enough to tell us, forgive us and keep on praying.
No matter how much love we have, which comes from God, we arent God. But, we are of one Spirit with God, and when we love God and trust Him, we will obey Him and love as He loves and live as He says to live. Living truth, speaking truth, in love but without fear or compromise.
Run to Jesus today folks. God will never harm you. HE is a loving forgiving God that desires only to protect you and bless you. IT is the devil that makes you think of all you must give up to be Gods. Hogwash ppl. We dont give up, we GET.
Example. see the ten commandments as a thou shalt, instead of thou shalt not. Just focus on one to begin with.
Instead of thou shalt not murder.
We say it as born against christians..
Thou shalt live a life of love, not even wanting to murder anyone , or hating anyone, and that love will be returned to us. We wont be always mad and hating someone, or going to jail for being in fights or actually killing someone. WE have a life free from hatred and strive.

Now, you tell me, what did we give up there?? NOTHING good, ITs the same way with all of the rules of God.
Giving up only the YUK of the devil that takes us to ruin, consequences, death, as it hurts those around us, and GETTING only the good things of God as He blesses us to overflow.
Obedience leads to blesings and disobedience leads to curse.... still today folks.
Run to Jesus and give Him your heart today, just before you celebrate His day.
Blessings to overflow for all who seek Him.

2007-12-20 03:57:59 · answer #1 · answered by full gospel shirley 6 · 2 0

There is the thing itself, and the name of the thing. The word apple is not a fruit, and most places if you'd try to eat it it'd be unpleasant to chew, even poisonous, but the real thing is sweet and aromatic, and nourishes the depleted body.

Misappropriation of names has caused much misery by people associating it with Reality.

Christ was Divine and human both, as is His Return, Baha'u'llah (Glory of God). God is one, and is ever the same, humans are plural, and the humanity must die, and be made new for every generation, but the Holy Spirit is everlastingly of the Essence of God.

There are many apples, and they change season to season, but the WORD is the same, likewise is the appearance of God to man from age to age, the WORD has the same meaning and purpose, but the fruit itself attains a new freshness and flavor every season.

Thus is it evident that this world is as a wavy reflection of That 'world'.

God bless.

2007-12-20 07:05:39 · answer #2 · answered by Gravitar or not... 5 · 2 0

I don't believe in god and yet I've never murdered anyone, raped anyone, stolen, beaten animals, children etc. I'm compassionate and loving. By your "logic" I should be a complete raving maniac bent on destruction because I've not allowed jesus to save me...save me from what?

I believe that you only have one life, this is all honey - so don't mess around with a bunch of bull that basically promises you that no matter WHAT you do - if you beg forgiveness, you will be saved. Live life to the full, we've only got one ride, make it the ride of your life. And base that - not on some book that was cobbled together by people 2000 years ago with political agenda's, but base it on your internal belief system of what is wrong or right...us athiests have this...it's called a conscience.

2007-12-20 06:33:57 · answer #3 · answered by Karring Kat 3 · 2 0

What am I if I am not for my self. Dead.

'Might race,greed, colonialism, nationalism, imperialism, and jealousy be the real truth of the matter?'

Yes, those religions also.

The Will is positive, the Judgment is negative.

'Nature engenders nature, and nature only, in its reproduction and in its life. The rose brings forth more roses, never anything ‘unnatural’ or ‘unrose-like’. The human being creates humanity, but with this difference: what is human can at the same time be either ‘human’ or ‘inhuman’. The results of human action range from creations which fill our hearts and souls with lasting strength and delight, to crimes whose shame no atonement can wipe off the face of the earth.'


2007-12-20 23:14:44 · answer #4 · answered by Psyengine 7 · 1 0

Everything we do in life has a consequence. Either good or bad. Most people want to take the credit when they do something good, but blame God for the consequences of being bad. God doesn't send you to hell, you choose that. Consequence of your actions(sins). God wants to save you from that consequence, with the awesome gift of Salvation. No, but nobody wants that.. When God does remove his Holy Spirit from this earth I am most positive people will be wondering what happened to the moral character of humanity.

2007-12-20 06:30:32 · answer #5 · answered by commoncents 4 · 1 1

Yes, wars are fought (or at least started) for the reasons you list. There are times when innocent people are being killed by an ungodly nation and the godly must step in and defend them, but even in those cases, the war STARTED because of the reasons you list.

No, He has never harmed me.

2007-12-20 09:26:03 · answer #6 · answered by Thrice Blessed 6 · 2 0

No it does not.

Jesus taught against following the traditions of men. In particular when it contradicts God's Word. See Mark chapter 7.

The Word of God is the basis for good character, not religious tradition.

Wars aren't started by those following God, they are started by those who claim, "My religious tradations are more important that YOUR religious traditions!"

Pastor Art

2007-12-20 10:33:07 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

"A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties and needs; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death." - Albert Einstein, "Religion and Science", New York Times Magazine, November 9, 1930

2007-12-20 06:14:41 · answer #8 · answered by Gorgeoustxwoman2013 7 · 5 0

How can you say that your god loves more than any human could? My parents love me unconditionally, even if I don't acknowledge them. But your god will want to send people to hell just because they don't believe in him which means that your god only loves conditionally.

And your bible told us that your god's prophets and his people killed countless of people just because they were unbelievers and they worship pagans.

2007-12-20 06:18:25 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Religions hijacked morality long ago. It's a human construct neccessary for survival.

How could a mythical figure harm me?

2007-12-20 06:12:47 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

If not Law, then what else? Grace and Truth perhaps!

Grace --> Mercy ---> Peace with you all. Amen.

2007-12-20 09:57:24 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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