It can show up in university... it might not be diagnosed earlier. There are lots of signs, it can differ among different people. Your university may have a way of diagnosing it for you. There are different websites to help you. Try or for starters. Definitely get some help: you can learn through listening to audio CDs of textbooks while reading along, and it will help you read faster and do better in school.
2007-12-19 17:27:07
answer #1
answered by Katherine W 7
dyslexia is when a person mixes up letters and numbers in their head. Bs become Ds and 9s become Ps and we (I am dyslexic) don't understand what we are reading because it doesn't make sense (obviously). When I was 10 I was diagnosed but I have had it forever so I am not sure if you can develop it later, although I don't think that you can. I do know that people can over come it, all though I really don't see my dyslexia as a problem because, while I confuse things sometimes, I actually think a little faster and differently from others and I have the one of the highest SAT verbal and writing scores in my school (i did well on the math part too only I forgot my calculator at home by mistake) so my "disability" isn't really a disability thanks to things like spell check (which I am going to use right now).
2007-12-23 06:01:52
answer #2
answered by Bex 3
The letters move around on the page. In children they have trouble with certain letters, and pronouncing words starting with those letters.Then when they start reading they also have problems with the same words they couldn't pronounce.
Some people are helped by using colored "gel" transparency pages placed over the pages they are reading. You can find different colored ones and see if they help your brain to process the words.
My son had rather severe dyslexia as a child but his brain developed coping mechanisms, including perfect recall. That's why it took so long for his teachers to figure out what was going on with him.
Many famous people have(or had) dyslexia, including Albert Einstein!
2007-12-19 17:40:35
answer #3
answered by deb 5
If you're dyslexic, you'll have trouble reading. There are a few people who managed to struggle their way through grade school without anyone knowing about it, but when they get to college, the shear volume of reading and the dyslexia causes so many problems that it does finally get diagnosed in college. But, the problem was there all the time, just undiagnosed.
2007-12-19 17:27:37
answer #4
answered by arbiter007 6
usually it's found when you're a child. My brother has dyslexia, his problem is letters like s, b, d , q and p seemed backwards and it took him a really long time just to figure what he was trying to read/write.
My brother was diagnosed with it 4 years ago, he's now 12 and he still has problems with it.
I believe it could be found later on in life. but i'm not totally sure
2007-12-19 17:27:50
answer #5
answered by Brittany Button Nose 2
Usually you do not get into college without the help of a tutor or tutoring. My sister has dyslexia, and yes we knew she had it since she was a child because she also had learning difficulties because of it. Now she teaches students who also have learning disabilities and mild retardation. She also graduated on the dean's honor roll at the university when she graduated from. She had to have a tutor to help her with some of the reading comprehension all through school and college.
2007-12-19 17:27:49
answer #6
answered by Sparkles 7
I think most people know it when they're kids, but some adults do indeed go undiagnosed. If you're at a university now, they'll likely test you for free. After that, you'll have to figure out what to do, because there's not a lot of effective treatment available for this particular disorder. You basically learn to work around it, or so I understand.
2007-12-19 17:28:42
answer #7
answered by 2n2222 6
i know don't any signs dyslexia of. Dyslexia whats? Some disease sort of?
2007-12-19 17:31:58
answer #8
answered by KeWr 5
one sign is you see words and #'s backwards like what's on paper is123 but when you see and record it on another paper it comes out 321 i just found out about myself about 6 years ago and I'm pushing 40
2007-12-19 17:31:46
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I was born with it, I don't know about others. It's really great for working out scrambled word puzzles. Thank god for spell check!
2007-12-19 17:29:01
answer #10
answered by John S 5