The Godhead is comprised of three distinct and separate Holy Beings: God the Eternal Father, Jesus Christ, the Son of God (Jehovah), and the Holy Ghost.
Of the three, God the Eternal Father reigns supreme, yet collectively They agree on mission and purpose.
2007-12-19 14:49:26
answer #1
answered by Guitarpicker 7
They share the same thoughts and beliefs, however, God the Father is the head of the Trinity. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, in that order.
God be with you,
William, a bond-servant of Jesus
2007-12-19 22:47:11
answer #2
answered by BOC 5
There is only one God, people interpret God in different names and forms. God is the Origin and Destination of the Universe, present everywhere and is beyond life and death. All religions of world teach human way to get close to God. You give your Best, God will give thy Best. Ask God for help and forgive, God will help and forgive you. Pray; Worship and Thank God for everything. Remember wherever there is Happiness in Life, there will be Sorrow. To get Happiness, you must master Sorrow. For Success in Life; Believe in Self and God, Learn from Past, Concentrate in Present, Plan for Future, and remember ignorance gives failures. Have control on, be the master of, not the slave of your body, senses, and mind. Purpose of this Life is to Improve by Gaining and Sharing utmost Knowledge and Experience to differentiate and choose Best, Right, Good, Truth, God against Worst, Wrong, Bad, Untruth, Devil. Set your Desire level perfect or OK to be brave, no low to be coward, no high to be cruel. You have rights of Survival, Self Defence, and Freedom.
2007-12-20 07:48:39
answer #3
answered by Ravi Lohia 5
The holy father......
But look at it more from the perspective St. Patrick used.
He used the 3 leaf clover to describe the trinity to the pagans of Ireland.
3 sections to one plant.
The trinity is the same.
3 parts of one individual.
Jesus- holy sprite that put on flesh.
The holy Father-Creator the holy sprite is his will in action.
Holy sprite- Jesus Christ's sprite working in the in the world.
2007-12-19 23:04:17
answer #4
answered by erickallen101 2
Well, the Holy Ghost files as Head of Household, so he is probably the leader.
2007-12-19 22:42:01
answer #5
answered by Phyrekiss 6
It seems that they all got together and decided to make the universe in six days 6000 years ago. After that just one god came down and was crucified then asked himself or part of himself why his self was forsaking himself. Makes perfect sense. Ah, the power of three.
2007-12-19 22:44:38
answer #6
answered by Tricia R 5
God Almighty is the head.
2007-12-19 22:41:32
answer #7
answered by greenstateresearcher 5
They are not separate but one. There is only one God. Your answer is simply God.
2007-12-19 22:45:25
answer #8
answered by paula r 7
they are all one
2007-12-19 22:41:59
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
They are one.......
2007-12-19 22:41:40
answer #10
answered by 2telldatruth 4