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Ok, so I don't mean any disrespect and I'm not trying to make fun of or deman you all. I'm just purely curious...why exactly is it that you are aetheists? What makes you not believe in or hate God? This question goes for agnostics as well. I think thats the right word...anyway, so yeah. I really wanna kno. And if you could also tell me if I may or may not contact you after you answer to discuss ur answer with ya. just a yes u can or no u can twould suffice. I'm not trying to change ur minds or anything, I just want to kno why , ya kno? so any help would be lovely. thank you.

2007-12-19 13:59:31 · 32 answers · asked by Preston08 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

32 answers

your kind question means you are a smart, curious guy. i think you deserve a long question ( usually i dont like to speak about this...)
During my growth (in Italy!!!) i ve been moving from catholics, to hardcore atheist, to atheist, to agnostic, to simply "spiritual" ....
the more i read the life and teaching of Jesus the less i feel Christianity is following his path, i ve been studying Buddhism, Huna, Shinto, some Islamism... and some religion started with best proposition and then the greed for power ruined all...

When a religion promotes hates toward other religion it means it s at its dead-end...

i dont like is when people with limited belief tries to impose those limit over other people. i guess that is why i dont like many "strict religious" people as well as i dont like "skeptic atheist".

Believing in gods require mostly faith. there are no other proof (unless you can alter your state of being).
- children dies, hates spread, sex (which is beautiful) is forbidden, if there is a god why does he let this happening??

If you read about religions and their history you ll find a common root in all ( and that is love and well being :-)
i took my decision, dropping all dogma and enjoy my spiritual site, whatever it means

at the moment i define myself "spiritual agnostic"... with a bit new age maybe... may i suggest to you to meditate 2 time a day for 10-15 per session for the next 3 months, and then see what happens.

I also wonder why nowadays Politeism is never considered a religion...

2007-12-22 03:41:14 · answer #1 · answered by M V A 3 · 1 0

Nothing made me believe or disbelieve.

I've had the least tragic life out of anyone I know. Any Christian who has my life would probably consider themselves blessed. I've never had anyone close die, I have a good relationship with my parents, I have a well-paying job for a high school student, I've been accepted at a college, I've never gotten in big trouble...so on and so forth.

However, as my parents have always been tolerant and refused to force me into a religion...I just never had a reason to be religious. I tried it once, and I felt out of place. Praying felt akward and weird, I felt stupid sitting in a pew and listening to the priest ramble for about two hours. I was just generally uncomfortable. After that point, I wavered between agnosticism and being a deist (believing in a god, but not having a religion), until I finally settled on atheist.

I appreciate your non-offensive question, by the way. It's nice to see questions directed towards atheists from Christians and not being attacked.

2007-12-19 14:13:12 · answer #2 · answered by Stardust 6 · 2 0


Well, I used to go to church. But after a while, I started reading the Bible and thinking: "omg..what a load of bull!" (no offense). there are so many gaps in the story and so many things in history that are left OUT of the Bible...why aren't they there?? I find it hard to believe that an old man got 2 of EVERY animal onto a wooden boat and kept them all alive and healthy for 40 days and 40 nights. What did the cannibals eat?? The termites, what did they eat???? I also find it hard to believe that a man parted an entire sea with a wooden staff and thousands of people crossed to safety. there's no proof. If i can't apply God to any of the five senses I was born with, then it doesn't exist. Is that not what we were taught?? Science can't prove it..there's no real explanation...why believe?

Also, why would you want to worship "someone" that is so jealous and spiteful? You can't worship any god but THAT god? "He" also said that he would spite the children's children of men..why hold a grudge?? Isn't that a sin? "Thou shalt not steal"..didnt he steal Adam's rib when he made Eve? Thou shalt not lie >>didn't he lie when he said he would never flood again? Look at all the floods that have occurred around the world. Thou shalt not commit adultery (or w/e)>>didnt HE basically do that when he "magically" impregnated Mary to have Jesus even though Mary was married to Joesph? Why do you worship that?

2007-12-19 14:04:37 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Why am I an atheist?

Because there is no God!

You were an atheist once, too, before your parents, church, and school taught you all about God and the Bible. If you were born in Rome, you'd believe in Zeus.

I find it very difficult to think that in an age of science and reason, people still believe that when they die they get to go up to heaven and chill with God and their dead relatives for the rest of eternity. To me, that's a lesson in the unending power of human gullibility and superstition.

That, and studies have shown that the the more intelligent and the more educated you are, the less likely you are to be religious.

Another reason for my atheism is that religions tend to emphasize the next life, when it is THIS life that we should be worried about. What is the point of this life if it is only an entrance exam to get into heaven? That dehumanizes the experience of living for me.

People like myself only believe in things if they have a good reason to. As I see it, the evidence in favor of the existence of God is merely superstitious, emotional, or based on unverifiable revelation.

For me, atheism isn't a choice; you can't convince me to believe in God any more than you could convince me to believe in unicorns. It just isn't possible.

Hope that helps!

edit: You may contact me to discuss my answer if you wish.

2007-12-19 14:19:56 · answer #4 · answered by n3rday 2 · 2 0

Here's my reasons. Sorry it's so long.

First, you have to define the term "God." The problem with most theists is that this term is a moving target.

In addition, because there is no evidence either for or against the existence of God, you cannot use deductive logic (a+b=c; therefore c-b=a). You can only reach a conclusion by inductive reasoning using the balance of evidence (90% of A is also B; C is B, so the chances are 90% that C is also A).

So to begin with, I will assert (and others may shoot this down) that the only RELEVANT definition of God states that GOD INTERVENES TO CIRCUMVENT NATURAL LAWS.

If God circumvents natural laws, then it becomes impossible to understand natural laws. All scientific findings would have to include the stipulation, "It is also possible that these results are an act of God, a miracle, thereby making our research meaningless."

However, we have been able to expand our knowledge of natural laws (evidenced by every appliance in your kitchen). Therefore, because the scientific method leads to applicable discoveries, and the likely conclusion is that God, at least the intervening kind, does not exist.

Additionally, if God is defined as all loving, all powerful, and all knowing, then it is impossible to explain suffering. Either God is not all loving (he acts sadistically), not all powerful (he cannot prevent suffering), or not all knowing (he created suffering by mistake because he didn't know the consequences of his actions). A God who is not all-loving, all-powerful or all-knowing is also not sufficient for the definition of God, because any God that fails to meet these criteria becomes bound by rules that are greater than God.

If God is bound by external rules and/or does not intervene in our existence, then God is either non-existent or irrelevant. The classic Bertrand Russell argument is that I cannot prove that a china teapot is orbiting the sun between the earth's orbit and Mars. But while I cannot prove this is not true, the evidence against it is compelling.

The evidence against God is equally compelling, and while it is not possible to prove beyond any doubt, it makes enormously more sense to live your life as if there were no God.

It is more compelling to me that humans have invented God (a) to help people deal with the pain and fear associated with death and loss, and (b) to reflect the thoughts of the ruling powers in a particular time. Humans are always searching for explanations. When none were found, it was the natural inclination to declare that the cause of the unexplained was "God" (or gods). As the faith grew, miracles (coincidences) and laws were ascribed to this Divinity, and an orthodoxy grew up around it.

Now it seems unhelpful to believe in such superstition. The only matters that aid in our ongoing well-being are work, location, health, sustenance, and pure, blind luck.

So that's why I don't believe God exists. And you know what? It's okay if you continue to believe that God exists.

^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^

2007-12-19 14:03:34 · answer #5 · answered by NHBaritone 7 · 6 1

Well, I myself cannot hate your God, he doesn't exist to me. How can I hate that which does not exist? I can answer your question with much simplicity (though it would be easy to make it complex as well), I do not believe in God/Gods because I simply do not believe it to be logical, my mind cannot wrap itself around that idea. I don't consider it a fault, but my own belief (or lack thereof). I have morals, I am loving, I have a child and a lovely partner (we aren't married yet and I hate the term "boyfriend", I feel too old for that) that helps me to raise our child. My life is no different than those who believe, and I am happy.

Edit: I'd also like to extend my thanks for making this an unoffensive question. Good to know people are interested for purposes beyond hatred.

2007-12-19 14:13:47 · answer #6 · answered by Azure AM 4 · 0 0

I believe that my faith in my family's traditional religion began to erode as I traveled and saw many other cultures. I heard about Margaret Mead's book, "Coming of Age in Samoa" or some such title and liked the idea that they were less inhibited sexually. I then looked into other facets of cultural anthropology and discovered that each culture had it's own views on religion, marriage, social organization that they cherished and believed to be right. I then began to question why there were so many trivial differences in Christianity that elicited murderous aggression and contrasted that with the teachings of Christianity. That coupled with experiences with haughty, condescending, hypocritical Christians enabled me to understand that a person's professed religious beliefs had little to do with their moral conduct. About this time I stumbled upon Bertrand Russell who wrote, "Why I Am Not A Christian" and that book made a lot more sense than the Bible or other religious texts.
I am still interested in religion as an anthropological phenomena.
I still enjoy our social and cultural traditional celebrations but i do not take them very seriously.
I could go on but this should be sufficient to answer your question, as if you gave a damn.
Contact me by answering one of my questions when they pop up. I don't like spam.

2007-12-19 14:16:46 · answer #7 · answered by valcus43 6 · 0 0

Haha, its a looong story
Well, it started when i was a baby. I was baptized at my church, when i could talk, voice an opinion, etc. So i dont like, how babies are baptized so young, when they havent even heard of god.

When your a kid, you do what your told (most of the time)
You dont question many things
and as for religion class, you do anything for an A

I went to catholic school for nine years, and during relgion class, i heard so many things that didnt sound right..
in my relgion text book, it said
Agressive people have only one goal in life and it is to hurt other people.
I got it a argument with a nun about abortions, how they should be allowed.
In fourth grade I mentioned to my teacher, that there was a book i read stating that there was lillith and adam before eve
Lillith didnt like the way adam treated her, so she didnt get him the fruit he ordered her to, then god put eve on, and took lilllith away. My teacher responded saying.. "No, thats wrong"

It was like, everytime you said something they didnt like they always had to say they were right.
I didnt like how God was referred to a He,
How God got mad at Eve mostly, and just shrugged off adam (according to the bible)
How God sent a flood killing millions of things he/she created.

I didnt like how the church didnt support gays and lesbians.

I also need proof. You cant believe something you have only learned about, you have expeierence it.

Thus, in 8th grade, I became a Athiest
its so much simpiler

2007-12-19 14:12:33 · answer #8 · answered by ~LaurenRose~ 5 · 0 0

Well the bible is full of BS read 1 corinthians ch 11 verses 5-7 or psalms 137 verses 8 on! Its outdated biased and just not relevent to today! There is no proof there is a god and no proof that there isn't one!!! There is however proof god is either omnipotent and an asshole or not omnipotent!

If god knows all that will happen y did he make evil people? To damn them all to hell for eternity because he created them knowing they would go to hell? God is a joke there have been many kinds of gods for thousands of years many of which have driven their followers into shitholes!

2007-12-19 14:07:58 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I have answered this kind of question before but you seem sincere so I answered it again and yes you can contact me if you want to discuss more..

Why don't I believe in god? Because I cannot just take dogmas without reasoning. I did my many years of study on several religions. But none of them makes any sense to me.

Every religion requires believing in some unproven supernatural concepts. That is hard for me to eat. Plus there are differences in the concepts (god vs gods, heaven/hell vs reincarnation, etc). If religions are really from god, why are there many very different versions? That weakens all religions to me. Not to mention that, after billions of believers in thousands of years, still, there is not even one single proof of god's existence.

Furthermore, my studies in cognitive science, philosophy, and history of religions convinced me even more that all religions are just man made concepts developed to control mass from self destruction and social chaos. How? By humbling them that there is almighty supreme being(s) we cannot pathom and by providing them with imaginary hopes. This provides inner peace to most people. But it still doesn't work with me.

I found my peace thru science. Acknowledging its limitations, science still provides answers that make sense. I am at peace with the knowledge that I will just disintegrate into simpler organic compounds when I die. And, that's all for me.

2007-12-19 14:16:03 · answer #10 · answered by Russ 4 · 0 0

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