This question is important so I need realistic answers.
If someone were going to donate something to you or an organization for a good cause what would you want it to be?
The gift or donation that is being given has to be universal.
It has to be something that everyone in the world can benefit from, not that it is being given to everyone, but it has to be something of the sort.
We have so many charities, donations and volunteer organizations in the USA, what are we missing?
18 answers
asked by
Society & Culture
➔ Community Service
02:35:41 ·
update #1
I think the easiest answer would be money and or time. Time spent with under privileged children or at soup kitchens is invaluable. But to give something that will have a universal, world wide effect, money would be the greatest gift.
As far as why we have so many charities and stuff in the US, it's simple. Because there is a need. A good bit of the world is still being developed and people there don't have any of the luxuries that we in America do. We take for granted things like clean drinking water and housing, however meager it may be. There are still many places in Africa, Asia and South America that are overpopulated and underfunded. That is where your gifts and contributions come into play. There are also many people in need of the basics here in America. So as long as there are impoverished people who are in need, there will be charities in order to help them out.
2007-12-19 02:07:13
answer #1
answered by Adrianna Christens 2
Regular people like us need assurance of bright future so that we do not depend on others for anything; we also need assurance of security of our beloved ones.
The best thing to donate a charity organisation is the "money" as "money" can be used in any way like it can be used to educate the people of backward countries, it can be used for reformation of a city demolished by earthquake. Other things to donate are eyes to eye-bank after death and blood donation can save one's life.
So many charities,donations and volunteer organisation in the world but they cannot reach the needy people due to unawareness,laziness, corruption etc. What we lack is the proper planning of how to reach the people in need n what can be done to help them, what can be done to make proper use of donations for human welfare.
2007-12-19 12:38:33
answer #2
answered by siddharth 1
What about life coaches?
A person we can call or a place where we can go to simply get good advice.
It would be a resource that could reffer someone to get the proper legal help, financial advice, etc...
These people would be specialists willing to donate their time once a week, or somehing like that....
Kind of like "yahoo answers" but in person or over the phone.
2007-12-19 10:06:02
answer #3
answered by oneakmusic 2
One thing we're missing is a non-profit that's actually giving all of the money to charity. I hate these organizations because they're so bureaucratic and wasteful that they only give about 75-80% to the people it's intended for. I think we need more volunteer organizations that do not gain a salary from the organization.
2007-12-19 10:04:05
answer #4
answered by clint 5
I am in deputation for a Global Missions Video Production ministry. We spread the love of Christ throughout the world with our videos. To be in deputation means I am raising money to work the ministry. So if someone were to donate something to me(actually our ministry on my behalf), I would like it to be money so I can get working of the projects of the ministry. I am over half way to my support now.
2007-12-19 10:08:01
answer #5
answered by spruder1 2
Time, money, food, and love for the people that need help people need to open there homes for families the are in need, beds and schools for children that don't have them if the wealthy open there million dollar homes to families instead of giving it to organizations that really do nothing or even better tear down there expensive homes and live in normal homes and help build homes and help put fresh water in places that don't have it we prob have less people that would need help.
2007-12-19 10:13:50
answer #6
answered by shades_is_here_now_too 2
I have a 2 part answer.
We're killing our land so my answer would be, bio-degradable trash bags to the entire nation. Everyone can pitch in and clean up our country! We'd all benefit from that, along with equal medical coverage for all US citizens. We all get sick sometimes. Cleanliness is next to Godliness. God is universal and beyond. God is faith. Humans created diseases due to filth, not God! We need to fix it.
2007-12-20 18:34:57
answer #7
answered by GreenIce10 3
I would give the gift of peace:
or to the John Lennon's Imagine Peace Tower:
That's what I'd want!
2007-12-19 12:39:16
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I support The Pencil project because education is universal and the only way out of poverty.
2007-12-19 15:38:42
answer #9
answered by itsallgood 5
Honesty and friendship. When i was in high school i was in the honor society and we had a project called Project Smile. It was us high school kids teaming up with a child who was less fortunate and basically just being their friend when they needed someone to talk to.
2007-12-19 10:06:02
answer #10
answered by Bree 2