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Anima Mea

I have something for you
A gift I'd like to give
It may not seem like all that much
Yet, it's priceless to me
You can't carry it in your pocket
Nor can it be worn like jewellery
Still, it will always be with you
At least I hope that it will
It's insubstantial, like a wisp of vapor
But it's substance could fill volumes
It's a part of my being
Yet difficult to locate
And I want to give it to you
Although, it's not really mine to give
You claimed it a long time ago
Even if you didn't realize it
It became yours ages ago
And I barely even noticed
Not that it mattered
Not that I minded
All that matters is that it's yours
And me along with it

2007-12-18 16:57:33 · 1 answers · asked by tepes1994 2 in Arts & Humanities Poetry

1 answers

Sounds like you are madly in love with a long-time partner!
That opening may have double-meaning
"I have something for you".
The speaker wants to give this mysterious gift to yhe addressee. It may seem like inconsequential gift but " it's priceless to me." Strangely, this gift cannot be put in the pocket nor be worn like jewellery. Alas, YOU will always have it but there's no certainty. It is likened to " wisp of vapor." (This is not a fitting image)! OK, although this gift is (as tiny as a wisp of hair! I'd suggest), it can fill "volumes (of what?).
It is " a part of my being." but hard to identify/locate within the castle of the speaker's selfhood. And the speaker wants to offer it to YOU although doubts whether it is even his/hers.' Why? Because it is YOU's gift claimed " a long time ago." It is possible YOU as well as the speaker barely noticed it at the time. In any case, that did not matter, "All that matters is that it's yours" and me " along with it." Aha! So the mysterious gift riddle is resolved. It is the speaker and all that pertains to him/her.
As I said, it is a passionate love poem expressing sense of continued commitment, sense of " I have been yours, yours today and yours forever." I have a problem with the use of "insubstantial" and the wisp of vapor image. Volumes should also be qualified.
Otherwise, in my opinion, it is a well-written passionate love poem. I admire the sense of secrecy that envelopes the gift until the last line. Stylistically, that is a powerful strategy when one considers the first and last lines:

I have something for you
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .
it's yours/And me along with it

Magnificent poem, magnificent style.

good luck

2007-12-19 00:33:17 · answer #1 · answered by ari-pup 7 · 0 0

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