That would depend on what the donations are for. If you are a registered 501(c)(3) there are several online sources that will accept online donations for you for just the 3% transaction charge. Once you are accepted, you can put the "donate now" button on your website. One such organization is - there are others if you search.
If you just want to solicit donations via a personal page, you should set up a paypal account.
In either case, try to tell a compelling story about what the donations are for, how they will help change a life for the better. People like to know that they are making a difference, so the better your cause, the better your chances of success. Do a quick search on similar causes, and see what other websites are out there, and what techniques they use.
2007-12-18 17:18:36
answer #1
answered by Piggiepants 7
Make it professional looking, or in other words simple. Neutral colors, white even, and don't forget to show atleast some proof that it is going to charity (not too much or it looks suspicious)
2007-12-19 00:09:58
answer #2
answered by destin c 1