Read this Homeopathic Remedy works wonders for Hyperactive, restless kids :-
German Chamomile
The chief guiding symptoms belong to the mental and emotion group, which lead to this remedy in many forms of disease. Especially of frequent employment in diseases of children, where peevishness, restlessness, and colic give the needful indications. A disposition that is mild, calm and gentle; sluggish and constipated bowels contra-indicate chamomilla.
Chamomilla is sensitive, irritable, thirsty, hot, and numb. Oversensitiveness from abuse of coffee and narcotics. Pains unendurable, associated with numbness. Night-sweats.
Mind.--Whining restlessness. Child wants many things which he refuses again. Piteous moaning because he cannot have what he wants. Child can only be quieted when carried about and petted constantly. Impatient, intolerant of being spoken to or interrupted; extremely sensitive to every pain; always complaining. Spiteful, snappish. Complaints from anger and vexation. Mental calmness contraindicates Chamom.
Head.--Throbbing headache in one-half of the brain. Inclined to bend head backward. Hot, clammy sweat on forehead and scalp.
Ears.--Ringing in ears. Earache, with soreness; swelling and heat driving patient frantic. Stitching pain. Ears feel stopped.
Eyes.--Lids smart. Yellow sclerotic. Spasmodic closing of lids.
Nose.--Sensitive to all smells. Coryza, with inability to sleep.
Face.--One cheek red and hot; the other pale and cold. Stitches in jaw extending to inner ear and teeth. Teeth ache worse after warm drink; worse, coffee, at night. Drives to distraction. Jerking of tongue and facial muscles. Distress of teething children (Calc phos; Terebinth).
Throat.--Parotid and submaxillary glands swollen. Constriction and pain as from a plug.
Mouth.--Toothache, if anything warm is taken, from coffee, during pregnancy. Nightly salivation.
Stomach.--Eructations, foul. Nausea after coffee. Sweats after eating or drinking. Aversion to warm drinks. Tongue yellow; taste bitter. Bilious vomiting. Acid rising; regurgitation of food. Bitter, bilious vomiting. Pressive gastralgia, as from a stone (Bry; Abies n).
Abdomen.--Distended. Griping in region of navel, and pain in small of back. Flatulent colic, after anger, with red cheeks and hot perspiration. Hepatic colic. Acute duodenitis (Kali bich (chronic)).
Stool.--Hot, green, watery, fetid, slimy, with colic. Chopped white and yellow mucus like chopped eggs and spinach. Soreness of anus. Diarrhœa during dentition. Hæmorrhoids, with painful fissures.
Female.--Uterine hæmorrhages. Profuse discharge of clotted, dark blood, with labor-like pains. Labor pains spasmodic; press upward (Gels). Patient intolerant of pain (Caul; Caust; Gels; Hyos; Puls). Nipples inflamed; tender to touch. Infant's breasts tender. Yellow, acrid leucorrhœa (Ars; Sep; Sulph).
Respiratory.--Hoarseness, hawking, rawness of larynx. Irritable, dry, tickling cough; suffocative tightness of chest, with bitter expectoration in daytime. Rattling of mucus in child's chest.
Back.--Insupportable pain in loins and hips. Lumbago. Stiffness of neck muscles.
Extremities.--Violent rheumatic pains drive him out of bed at night; compelled to walk about. Burning of soles at night (Sulph). Ankles give way in the afternoon. Nightly paralytic loss of power in the feet, unable to step on them.
Sleep.--Drowsiness with moaning, weeping and wailing during sleep; anxious, frightened dreams, with half-open eyes.
Modalities.--Worse, by heat, anger, open air, wind, night. Better, from being carried, warm wet weather.
Relationship.--Compare: Cypriped; Anthemis; Aconite; Puls; Coffea; Bellad; Staphis; Ignat. Follows Belladonna in diseases of children and abuse of opium. Rubus villosus-Blackberry--(diarrhœa of infancy; stools watery and clay colored).
Antidotes: Camph; Nux; Puls.
Complementary: Bell; Mag c.
Dose.-- 30X or 30C three times a day half an hour before meals.
I hope and pray that the provided information proves to be of help to you.
Take Care and God Bless you.
2007-12-21 02:40:58
answer #1
answered by Soul Doctor 7
The following answer is assuming you are disciplining appropriately, not using time outs and other "soft" measures that children usually know cause them no grief or real discomfort.
Before trying to supplement, take a serious look at his diet. Is he getting a lot of packaged food? Does his diet regularly include high fructose corn syrup, MSG (names for here - ) You will also want to check the lables for sugar substitues. These are not good and never a better choice that real sugar. Refined flours and sugars need to go too. Honey, molasses, turbinado, real fruit juices (100% only) and Stevia are appropriate. Watch for nitrates, and highly processed lunch meats and avoid. Lastly avoid artificial colors.
Trying a remedy or supplement without addressing poor food choices really won't get you far. Once you have done this for a few weeks, assess whether or not he has calmed down. Some mark noted results just from eliminating MSG. Others have to make more strict changes.
If you see an improvement, great! If not, the next step would be to try eliminating dairy (don't substitue with soy, please). You can get lots of calcium from green veggies. Don't try to add calcium by buying juice with it added. The necessary nutrients for calcium absorption are not present in juice. Again, try it for a time and see if it makes a difference. If it doesn't, you will want to try GFCF (gluten and casein free) you can search the web for more info about that.
Once you have made necessary dietary changes to get him to more healthful eating, then consider trying some natural remedies. I suspect that you won't be back to ask what those are if you implement what I've outlined above.
Best to you and your child.
2007-12-18 12:21:14
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Despite what some may say about 'alt-med enthusiasts,' there ARE natural remedies for everything from cancer to AIDS as well as ADHD. The trick is finding the cause. I have been studying natural/alternative medicine for a while now and one of the biggest things people are overlooking is metal toxicity. You'd be surprised where it comes from. It have it from metal fillings in my teeth I got as a kid. I couldn't believe all the problems those fillings had been causing me all these years including depression, anxiety, muscle aches, headaches, none of my organs working as they should, etc. Metal can also come from those immunizations that our government seems to think is absolutely necessary for every child to have. Those are not the only sources but just a few major ones. 'They' put aluminum in our baking powder, too. Anything processed that you eat probably has some source of metal in it. I have scientific studies sitting in my apartment, which were conducted in an FDA-approved lab, that show how oral chelation in ADHD patients greatly lessened their symptoms and even cured the 'disease' completely. In case you don't know, oral chealation works by taking certain combinations of vitamins, minerals, herbs, and amino acids. Each one has a function, and some of them literally grab onto metal as well as other things that are not supposed to be in your bloodstream. This method is what many cardiology doctors (by using EDTA through IV) have been using to clean plaque out of people's arteries....a great alternative to by-pass surgery.
I got a great oral chelation kit through an online company called Extreme Health. I used it for heavy metal detox and lost a lot yeast from my body that had been causing me severe health problems for a long time. It's a little pricey, but much cheaper than dangerous pharmacueticals. Drugs do not 'cure' what ails you, they simply cover up the symptoms. If people actually start curing their diseases, the pharmacies will go bankrupt. See where I'm going with this?
Anyhow, try putting the child on an all-natural diet. No processed foods, no soda, etc. Avoid white flour and sugar. Usually processed foods are a cause of behavioral problems (among other things) for sure. These things were never meant for consumption anyway.
Also visit a great natural health/homepathic website: E-mail Ted, one of the contributors, and ask him what he thinks. He's pretty amazing.
2007-12-18 21:04:25
answer #3
answered by Trish 2
Set aside at least 15 minutes of uninterrupted time and do distance healing on him. The simple way without taking any workshop on any specific healing modality is to do a simple prayer, enveloping him in calming blue light (the best healing colour), wishing the best for him, and at the same time not expecting any end result, just holding the thought that anything is possible. Even if no physical change is happening, you'd be more at peace with yourself having done this regularly. Or, you can learn Quantum Touch or reiki, or get a practitioner to do it for you.
2007-12-23 23:58:07
answer #4
answered by bingz 1
Don't ever put him on modern pharmaceutical drugs!
And the others are right--good diet. Cut out all (or most of the) junk food type stuff, sodas, etc. Study up on good diet and how the body works. Adelle Davis covered that years ago and it's become lost technology in this modern McDonald's age where a "meal" is adding french fries and a coke to your hamburger.
2007-12-23 17:08:03
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
There are a number of herbal remedies known to help, any naturopath can advise here, but they tend to work only on "mild" cases. Your child is obviously severe. Have you considered reactions to the food he's already getting? My daughter used to turn into a human tornado if she had any artifical food colouring. Without it she was a great kid. The cause and effect was obvious.
I think the first think you should do is consult a behavioural therapist to see if he simply needs a different discipline strategy. At the same time ensure he eats only natural foods, nothing processed, no additives. Just things you would find on a farm.
Remember "quick" fixes are rarely effective. You have to consider the whole body, the whole child.
2007-12-19 01:16:42
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I know of an herbal supplement product for ADHD called Focus that will help soothe hyperactivity and restlessness. The expertly blended extracts of the German Chamomile, Skullcap, Gotu Cola and Green Oats among others will mildly treat the symptoms of ADHD as well as sustain focus in your child's consciousness without inducing the harsh side effects typical with medications. For more info on Focus and its administration, please refer to the link below:
2007-12-26 06:54:08
answer #7
answered by flixter 2
I think I have something that may help.
With ADD we are finding that some of the behavior difficulties is as a result of lack of some nutrients. These nutrients are not available in our foods anymore because of green harvesting, poor farming practices, processing, etc...
There is a children's product using a new technology that provides the nutrients we must have. This science is called glyconutrients. On the glycostory website below, click on Stories, and you can listen to stories from people who have used this technology and the results.
If you would like more information on this technology and how to purchase it, please email me. (There is a 100% money back guarantee)
2007-12-18 12:40:59
answer #8
answered by dairdee 1
If this is adhd, try a can of caffienated soda, in the morning and at lunch. Maybe less than a can depending on how old he is. The rx'ed meds for adhd are all speed. They just work differently in children than they do in adults. They can also have a lot of side effects. Caffiene is a low dose of speed, that doesnt have the side effects that the meds do, and is probably a lot cheeper.
Also, does he get enough play and run and 'hyper active' time in appropriate places? It may help if you increase this kind of time for him.
I dont mean to step on toes, but is this really hyper activity or a lack of discipline? Does he get in trouble EVERYTIME that he runs around or is excessivly loud or whatever he is doing? Or do you eventually give in and do whatever he wants you to do (letting him continue to run around, or buying him something, or whatever). Deciding a child is hyperactive isnt an excuse for you to not be the parent and medicate your child.
Kids need routine.. You need to be consistent.
There is a small possibility that it could be an attachment or emotional issue. If you are at home with him, all of your attention is on him. If you are out doing other things, he is not getting your full attention. If this is the case, spend quality time with him at home. Play and have fun. Run and carry on with him. But make it clear that when you are out, you cannot divide your entire attention to him. This sorta goes with the above about being consistent on how you discipline his out bursts. If you drop what you are doing while you are out and take him home, you just gave him what he wanted - your undivided attention. Since he knows it works, he will do it until you show him it doesnt. This is done along the same lines of breaking a baby from a pacifier or bottle or going to sleep being held. Go somewhere that it isnt going to matter a whole lot if he carries on, like maybe an understanding friend or relatives house. Start their bc it is comfy for you and probably him as well. And when he starts being hyper active to get your attention, dont let it get to you. Think about a consequence or just let him 'cry it out'.. or rather run it out. Eventually he will get that it no longer works.
2007-12-18 12:03:57
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Lets see off of the top of my head...
Valerian root. Or valerian young living aroma therapy oil. There are other aroma therapy oils that help calm children too.
Homeopathics. I recomend CALMS homeopathic remedies.
Calming mozart music when sleeping.
There are also other herbs that may help but I would consult a herbalist or natural pathic healer before giving them to him.
I also agree with some of the above coments. Foods with sugar in them tend to make children hyper active.
There are quite a few links below that you may find interesting.
Hope this helps :)
2007-12-18 11:51:30
answer #10
answered by aumnamashivaaum 4
you want to avoid pharma. drugs because they will cause long term problems for him in life including stunting his growth and possibly giving him predisposition towards addictions....
1) Cut out all processed you eat fast food? stop. do you give him pop? stop. only give 100% pure juice. you don't have to do organic food, but cook from scratch. yes i know everyone is busy, but you can make simple meals. think of this as a long term investment.
2) fish oils, omega 3's, can work wonders...take daily...
3) discipline....i don't know how old your child is, but if he is 3 and is having a temper tantrum, put him in a corner or in his room for 10 minutes....this will/can be a struggle....but you must set boundaries and STICK WITH THEM....when a child knows they can eventually wear you down and get their way, they cannot wear down...persist persist persist...
4) set it maybe anxiety?? is everything okay or is there any domestic issues?? keep the child on a set routine....this might help calm him...
5) no matter how flustered you get, do not yell and scream (I know very difficult).....very calmly and quietly (make him stop screaming/crying to listen to you) and even though he is young you can get across "i love you and don't want you to act like that" and then tell him what he did wrong, and reiterate that everyone makes mistakes (don't make him feel inadequate, believe me, little kids can feel that way!) and you want him to be the good boy you know he can be and you love him and want to be so proud of him....when he behaves PRAISE HIM ALOT...
good luck!!!
2007-12-18 12:23:26
answer #11
answered by misstiaemail 3