Polyamory Defined
Well, according to Merriam Webster - wedon't have a definition, at least not online.
However, if we look at the word, it breaks down into two parts.
Poly, is Greek, meaning many parts,
Amory is derived from French Amour, meaning love.
So basically - Many Loves, or perhaps in some cases Many Lovers.
For everyone who has taken the time to put in your 2 cents towards a better definition - thanks!
to love without fear - submitted by yihud.
To have the freedom to love more thanone person equally. - submitted by Tayness.
Responsible non-monogamy. Ethical sluthood.Multi-partner relationships (be they sex among friends, group marriage,or anything in between) in which all parties are consenting. - submittedby Apparattus Norvegicus.
Being able to love more than one person,and have all loves be equally valid. - submitted by Kitanzi.
Polyamory is the beautiful union of ashared karma
Enhanced by freedom and a love of Nature,Earth and Universe........ - submitted by Futureman.
Our ability to share love among many humanbeings. - submitted by Lover.
is love experienced and shared by all.........- submitted by Corsican
Life is mine and I have it all..
I'm free to decide and so clever :) -submitted by Satriani
Polyamory is the simple idea that loveingone person doesn't stop you from loveing another person. Love is love,sex is sex and sometimes the two meet. I choose to love everyone I lovewith my whole heart.
The more the merrier. - submitted byWalter
There is a saying, "If you love someome,let them go. If they do not come back they were never yours. If they docome back, you will always be together." This is the third option, notonly did they come back, but they are willing to share you with othersin body, mind and spirit so they can see how wonderful you are.
Polyamoury, to me, is giving your partnerthe freedom to explore without fear or jelousy, knowing that they stilllove you. - submitted by Susano
love is life life is short... - submittedby zdenko
The more you love, the more you CAN love,and the more intensely you love. And there is no limit to how MANY youcan love. RAH (and he's right) polyamory is loving with all your heartthe ones you love, without jealousy or fear - submitted by Mooncrow
is accepting the challenge of redefininglove in a personal way that acknowledges love and intimacy need not haveprescribed limits; that no one person should bear the burden of tryingto meet ALL the needs of another; that jealousy is the most corrosive anddestructive emotion; and that the more love and intimacy are experiencedand exchanged, the stronger, deeper, and more abundant they become. Itis love without possessiveness or fear. It is not simple, or easy, or tame;but it is enormously fulfilling, and precious beyond imagining. - submittedby Wunderkind
Love is knowing that someone would doanything for you and that you would do the same for them. - submitted byBarney
Polyamory means mature recognition thataffection and/or sexual attraction does not equate with some arbitraryand immediate ownership over another ... it is recognizing that NO bondcan unite the divided but love, and that all else is accursed. Polyamoryis heeding the clarion call of the stars to come forth beneath their splendorousbeauty and take your fill and will of love when, where and with whom yewill -- as an eternal sacrament unto the Divine Spirit. Food for thought:maybe when Christ said that in the resurrection they would not marry butwould be as the angels, He did not mean abstinence from sharing physicalpleasure. Perhaps He meant that souls would be purified of the dross ofjealousy and selfish grasping sufficiently to be able to share themselvesfreely without any such petty interferences. So many of the world's illscome from enforced notions of monogamy as a moral ideal. Mutual consentmonogamy in free will is just as beautiful as polyamory ... but this travestyof programming people to justify the most base of emotions and manipulationsin the name of supposed "morality" is a despicable farce. The time hascome to stand up and end the misery. - submitted by Shedona~Babalon
Polyamory is Love based on unconditionalacceptance of you partner(s). Polyamory is possible if you love your partnerto such a degree that you feel happy if he can explore and develop hispersonality to an extend that covers relationships with other people -without a feeling of fear or loss. - submitted by BiPhi
Polyamory is loving : radical loving,unconditional loving, unrestricted loving, loving without boundaries --"Loving Unlimited" For the way the "Tantric PolyPioneers" describe andmodel it, see http://members.tripod.com/~Ayran1/PolyAluna.html - submittedby Ayran
Multiple Love Partners, is analogis tomultiple children. Parents do not love the second child LESS, but DIFERENTLY.Thus a "sharing" of love between multiple partners is not like "swinging"but more like an "extended family" of adults. I, personally, find thatit defeats the social problem of the marriage & divorce cycle and formsa more long lasting and flexible relationship for ALL partners. - submittedby polymale
Polyamory: simply put is the ability tolove more than one person at a time and to love no matter of race creedor sexual orientation . - submitted by Jade
I really feel that if wr raised our childrenthat love comes in many different forms and not to feel confines by thefeelings of love, that the world would be free of all the divorce lawyers...marriagecounsellors...jails that are built to hold men and women that are psychopathsbecause of the way they were raised, under the pretext that u can onlylove one person and when u give that love to someone they now become apossesion not a gift that could be shared with many people where love isshared freely... - submitted by jewelz
polyamory is what you make of it it hasthe ability to be everything that you could ever wish for and then againit could be your worst nightmare. It just depends on you own level of acceptance.For me it is a way of life that i would never give up as it allows me thefreedom to share my true self with qualified individuals on a one to onebasis. Try it with the right people and you'll never want to go back toany other lifestyle. ;]~ - submitted by Don
Like the roots of a flower they must spreadout in order for that flower to fully blossom. - submitted by iceberg
Sex is physical. Love is emotional. Youcan have sex without love, just as you can love without sex. You can lovemore than 1 person. No emotional commitments expected or requiered beyondregular friendship, but apppreciated and respected when they are afforded.This marraige of TRUST and COMMUNICATION allows one the discretion of truelyloving without feeling that they have to be "In Love" to be morally ableto express HONESTLY what they truely feel, sexually or emtionally. Whenyou focus all this in one person, then you cross the plane to where youAre "In Love" at which timeyou may commit to a monogomous relationship.As long as you have the TRUST and the COMMUNICATION as the foundation,then you are free to build on this as does your friendship.Just respectothers and BE SAFE in ALL that you do. Respect their beliefs as you wouldwant them to respect yours. - submitted by NCPirate
A love shared by many people in one relationship- submitted by Nic
polyamory: the ability to know in yourheart that the human soul loves, and to not suppress that. knowing thatyour heart can and usualy does love more than one person. if people wouldstop sneaking around and just be with those they love whomever THEY mightbe in fidelity would be a thing of the past. we are human we can love solets. adam had many wives. - submitted by eddie
as long as we can love why dont we? ifmy relation doesnt bother you then why r u bothering me? - submitted byeddie
As the wind touches every person withoutquestion, so does our love encompass all. Love yourself first and you areopen to love the universe. - submitted by onesong
I feel that one being Poly just meansthat love can be shared with many people. I feel love was ment to be sharedand that by sharing your love you spread good will towards all. - submittedby Polyroses
Polyamory is breaking the chains of jelousyand selfishness. It is to be as a child, who is without fear or boundriesthat restrain us from knowing one another intimately. Polyamory is notabout sex, it is about affection. - submitted by Pat
in spirit we are all part of the energy pool, in flesh we are seaperated by this world of matter, spirit remembers the intimacy, and longs for the relationship, get on board the "ship" and continue the relation. "The kingdom of heaven is within" lets us celebrate and rejoice in the spirit of heaven by recognizine the almighty in all of us. Blessed BE. - submitted by mevysen
the unconditional gift of yourself to those you share love with - submitted by SummerDell
The philosophy and practice of loving more than one other person at a time, also sometimes called responsible, ethical, or intentional non-monogamy.- submitted by Moonstorm
Love is when another person's happiness is essential to your own. Some times a third person is essential to that person's happiness.
It is responsible adults who work hard to make and run a family. - submitted by rea
Polymamory is breaking the sadistic human rules and discovering the barbarian instincts of carnal pleasures. To love anything that moves if you so desire.
I agree..and u seem too. So, let's just do it. Don't give a damn to the whole universe - submitted by neel
love is love, there are no boundries and no maximum number of people,animals,nature,worlds. can confine it.
the bible say's "love one another", it didn't say "love just one" - submitted by fire1
sex is just sex, polyamory is, loving friends completely
sharing your life with wonderful friends - submitted by kat
mother nature has her way of balancing things in her world.that world in which humans are at the top of the world.never the less her world.when done properly you meet people who were meant to walk god`s journey together striving to ascend back to him.sometimes you are assigned more than one person to walk thru life with.some you have types of relationships with.in all good cases the people show a godly version of love towards each other - submitted by khemetian
It's about accepting that you are a deviant, a warped individual and a pervert from the one you thought you loved and still knowing it's time to be honest with yourself and knowing you will get where you want to be. - submitted by jack
I suppose the simplest way to define it is loving more than one person of any gender. But that's soooo limiting in my view. If you only want to share sex with me fine. If only mental stimulation fine. You shouldn't define how and what you consider love. - submitted by purple
Polyamory is giving and receiving freedom from sexual bondage which is what nature has divined erotics to be.A person has endless curiosity regardig erotic behaviour of other males and female and though he may have some way gathering titbit of information but unless he transcends the limit of sexual bondage and explores diversity with intimacy and emotions the depth of erotic responses of persons of different age group race and class he/she remains obscure to himself and plyamory is the erotic art of discovering total inner sexual identity by relating to total erotic diversity.
I so take great joy in every particle of my being to have connected if just through reading and taking in the energy of love and understanding of all the commentors. Sometimes, the child within longs for connection as it seems that within my personal earth, so much of how I live and what I do is give out. Knowing there are like minded seeking/finding/evolving souls blesses me beyond measure and gives me such comfort. Onward and upward to All !!! - Joygirl
In the principle the souls floated and they were crossed on the chaos impregnated of the knowledge, this was one with they.. When humans acquire conscience and therefore its body, they being remained confined in the limit of its own material body.. Incapable to attend and find full with the other craiturs and with the ALL (God), humans being alone the formula of the love it remains it, that is the infinite force with the soul clamors and demands its original state, to be united at all divine.. The love and the practice of him, is therefore the way in which our interior criature - or soul - finally reaches to graze the extasis of the absolute happiness... RETURN TO ALL AGAIN...
Free true love... - Rey
MY favorite definition, from the "Loving More" website: Polyamory (many loves) is a relatively new word created for relationships where an adult intimately loves more than one other adult. This includes forms like open couples, group marriage, intimate networks, triads and even people who currently have one or no partners, yet are open to the possibility of more. It is another word for nonmonogamy.
loving without expectation, surrendering to the grand adventure of living freely! - milkmom
The over whelming desire between two people to be conected emotionaly or spiritualy yet the physical needs to physically communicate with another being is supported and encouraged be each other keeping a rare example of the ultimate alive and well.
Loving someone so completely that the physical needs each have is so insugnificant that retiring to another room after dinner with friends has no more impact than sitting down to a game of cards. - Mike
Love is a many-partnered thing.
Some of us have more love to give than any one person could handle. - DrMatt
Polyamory is a return to the original condition of humankind when we loved freely and openly with many partners. - The Dirt
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2007-12-18 08:25:26
answer #8
answered by carriegreen13 6