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We have booked accomodation in Dublin 24 for our new year's time. Is this district accessible to the city, i mean is transport easy to get. How far are each district from the city in Dublin. Which places could you recommend for tourist there?

2007-12-18 04:55:50 · 3 answers · asked by Nomimi 3 in Travel Ireland Dublin

3 answers

Dublin 24 is mainly an area known as tallaght which is about 9 miles from the city centre. Tallaght is a large district and is served by the following bus routes 201,202,49,49a,50,54a,56a,65,75,76,76b,77,77a,77x most of which travel to the city centre. You will also be able to arrange taxi's to pick you up from your accomodation if you have a larger budget.Staff in your accomodation will be able to let you which bus route is most suitable for you.
There is not alot of tourist places in tallaght, you are better off going in to the city centre.

2007-12-18 06:03:10 · answer #1 · answered by sophie b 4 · 2 0

The fast Luas tram line also runs through Dublin 24. Its quick and reliable.

2007-12-18 07:20:06 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You have a lot of buses, including a night bus, and the LUAS.

2007-12-18 23:21:58 · answer #3 · answered by Orla C 7 · 0 0