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10,000 meters of snow in Canada, colder winter then 2006's winter, strong winds and snow storms. So much for global warming?

2007-12-18 00:47:11 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Science & Mathematics Weather

7 answers

This is when the liberal arts majors the newspaper columnists, the talk show hosts (Oprah included), the TV anchors (Katie included), the movie stars (Leonardo included) all start why they listened so intently to another liberal arts major, Al Gore, about the subject of global warming. Anyone the reads with a critical or scientific eye can see and find caveats throughout the global warming advocates news articles and reports including the UN's. NONE have claimed that the computer models will come true beyond a reasonable doubt. NONE have claimed that man IS the cause of global warming beyond a reasonable doubt. And so on and so on. They have done what they inetnded to do. Scare young people into a frame of mind. A frame of mind that is pessimistic and un-scientific. Do you think anyone goes and reads the sources that Al Gore used for his Power Point presentation that won him an Academy Award and Nobel Peace Prize. NO because his book has NO BIBILOGRAPHY! Do you think he debates anyone on the issues? NO because his presentaion is full of NON-TRUTHS.
And what is Al doing now? He has put his cash into being a VENTURE CAPITALIST with the famously successful venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins. There's no shortage of new capital pouring into alternative energy projects these days. According to the National Venture Capital Association, "clean tech" start-ups attracted more than $800 million in venture capital last quarter, a new record. Mr. Gore seems to grasp the scale of the challenge, and the need for government help, telling Fortune magazine, "What we are going to have to put in place is a combination of the Manhattan Project, the Apollo Project and the Marshall Plan, and scale it globally." That's the kind of "green" vision that will require a lot of greenbacks.

His new partners may have hired him for the more prosaic task of getting 60 Senate votes to keep those taxpayer greenbacks coming.

2007-12-18 05:43:36 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Don't confuse individual weather events with climate. Global warming has to do with climate, it is the average trend over a long time period. Even if things are warming in general that doesn't mean you can't have individual cold events that may even be record-setting. From what I heard, 2007 is expected to rank in the ten hottest years of all time globally. In some locations global warming may lead to more extreme events: hotter, colder, drier, wetter. Not necessarily a pleasant prospect.

P.S. I just read the rest of the answers. Here's something else people shouldn't confuse: the truth of global warming with their feelings about Al Gore. He has done a reasonable job of synthesizing what is known about global warming into his slide show, but the truth of global warming doesn't hinge on whether he gets every (or any) detail correct. It is backed up by the research of thousands of scientists. The few that disagree are a very small minority (I'd say less than 1% of climate scientists). You will find NO scientist that disputes the role of carbon dioxide in the earth's climate, and you will find NO scientist that disagrees that is going up because of what we humans are doing--just take a look at the Keeling Curve. The Keeling Curve should be proof enough that we need to clean up our act before something dire happens, irrespective of the accuracy of global climate models.

2007-12-18 08:57:23 · answer #2 · answered by pegminer 7 · 0 0

Well, that is just an isolated event! Don't you know "the planet has a fever!"

Even now Brisbane, Australia is warming to a predicted high of 27 degrees C (81 F)! If that is not scary enough Rio de Janeiro, Brazil will experience a predicted high of 28 degrees C (83F)!

With such an increase in temperature, and utilizing the Reverend Gore's world plan, those temperature increases will reach southern Canada in approximately 6 or 7 months and southern portions of the U.S. even sooner! If we repent now and secure carbon indulgences, I mean credits, we'll be saved! :P

Seriously, I like the snow but I don't think I would like that much snow!

2007-12-18 01:23:31 · answer #3 · answered by Jason S 5 · 0 3

Don't confuse climatology with day to day changes in the weather! You have to look at what is happening over many years to detect real changes (for example, the global melting of glaciers over the last century). Even with global warming, an area can have a period of killer cold days and lots of snow and ice (I know what you mean - I just came back from Iowa and it was bitter cold there with lots of snow!!). Also, global warming occurs with a change in average temperature of only a degree or two - hardly noticable to humans.

2007-12-18 00:58:30 · answer #4 · answered by decivilian 3 · 2 2

You cannot infer from a single place alone. You need to find the average of the entire world to see whether global warming exist. All results seems to be pointed in that direction.

Maybe the uncertain temp was also caused by the fragile climate change.

2007-12-18 00:55:06 · answer #5 · answered by kafu 1 · 0 2

I wish Al Gore would stop making us look like idiots.

2007-12-18 07:15:41 · answer #6 · answered by jesscblu 5 · 1 2

yea ,

2007-12-18 01:12:36 · answer #7 · answered by Sridaren 3 · 0 2