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As I'm immigrating to Australia as a permanent resident and intend to live in Melbourne, could you tell me if there are families which I can share a flat or house with? I've heard of some families which accept singles to share and live with each other. Is it true? If this is so, how can I find these families?

2007-12-17 19:19:29 · 1 answers · asked by Vahid 1 in Travel Australia Other - Australia

1 answers

Yes - there are many people out there that will take on a single person as a 'shared accommodation' situation or a 'Border'.
Try searching on http://flatmatefinders.com.au and http://flatmates.com.au

Good Luck with your move.

2007-12-17 20:38:20 · answer #1 · answered by • Koala • uʍop ɹǝpun 7 · 0 0