yes! hallelujah! I feel sorry for the people who aren't though.
2007-12-17 15:01:44
answer #1
answered by *Tessie* 3
Yes, I am saved by the blood of Christ!
am I rapture ready? when Christ decides to take me, I will be ready. Am I ready to die? I am a mother and have 5 children. My job is to make sure they are all "Heaven Bound" so that we will reunite someday, I have 1 child I'm not giving up on but, yes......I am ready!
I would be VERY depressed and distraught to have no hope.
All I know is if I do believe and give my life over to Christ, die & go to Heaven, I have EVERYTHING to gain.
If I do not believe die and face God on my judgement I lose EVERYTHING! your choice doesn't sound too smart...are you willing to give EVERYTHING UP? hmm...
Jesus has nothing to do with "religion" in fact he was against it, he was the biggest rebel, I am so sorry you are confussed by toxic no good Faiths ran by man! Jesus said "follow me" not some church. Even though you learn about Christ and grown spiritually by going to a good bible church, I suggest if you decide to be an athiest to research the Bible first, It might save your life, eternal life!
2007-12-17 15:04:38
answer #2
answered by Numb 4
Yes, I have been saved from the ignorance of the church belief systems. Thanks for asking.
I just do not understand why all the Christians have the need to die, it makes no sense. The rapture makes no sense and when it does not happen, and it will NOT happen, what are you going to do? Just change the date? or maybe do some research and find out it is nothing more than a gigantic hoax.
2007-12-17 15:08:10
answer #3
answered by Tricia R 5
Yes! YES! I have the Lord in my heart and I was made to worship him-and I DO! I want him to order my steps and allow me to see me for who I really am and work those things out of me that are not like him.
Yes, I am ready for the rapture and growing closer to him all the time!
2007-12-17 15:06:57
answer #4
answered by Indya M 5
"Are you rapture ready OR Are you ready to die?"
lol, I didn't realize that there were two forms of insanity in your faith.
Neither. I'm ready to think.
P.S. Your post was so extreme that I first thought it was satire. If this is what you really believe, have you looked at the 19th century origins of the rapture (made up by a woman mystic) or the 3rd century origins of the bible (packed together by the Romans for a political goal)?
Know the history of your religion, or be doomed to look silly in front of educated people.
2007-12-17 15:06:45
answer #5
answered by Dalarus 7
I am saved-I have accepted Christ into my heart! Praise the Lord!
2007-12-17 15:34:17
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Yes, I do have Christ in my life and in my heart!
2007-12-17 19:49:29
answer #7
answered by ~M~ Lady Moon 2
Yes I am saved and I have a personal relationship with Jesus, the only begotten son of Jehovah God. Jehovah God is my Creator and Jesus is my Savior. Without Jesus, I would be nothing, for he died for my sins. And I, personally, want to live in that everlasting life in paradise, where there will be no more tears, wars, hatred, and unhappiness, just pure Joy and Happiness. And I look forward to that......God Bless
2007-12-17 15:24:03
answer #8
answered by Believer In God 3
Are you saved? "Saved" as in Christian, no.
Do you have Christ in you life/heart? No.
Are you rapture ready? Irrelevant as there is no "rapture."
Are you ready to die? No. Not in a hurry to die. Not afraid to die, though.
2007-12-17 15:09:46
answer #9
answered by eris 4
Yes I'm saved, and yes I am rapture ready, and I don't feel like dying today, but if it happens I believe I'll be going to a better place, where I can sing praises to God for Eternity, which is what I love to do best!
2007-12-17 15:02:42
answer #10
answered by karenhjones 3
(Matthew 24:13) But he that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved.
Salvation: Preservation or deliverance from danger or destruction. That deliverance may be from the hands of oppressors or persecutors. For all true Christians, Jehovah provides through his Son deliverance from the present wicked system of things as well as salvation from bondage to sin and death. For a great crowd of faithful servants of Jehovah living during “the last days,” salvation will include preservation through the great tribulation.
Once a person is saved, is he always saved?
Jude 5, RS: “I desire to remind you, though you were once for all fully informed, that he who saved a people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed those who did not believe.” (Italics added.)
Matt. 24:13, RS: “He who endures to the end will be saved.” (So a person’s final salvation is not determined at the moment that he begins to put faith in Jesus.)
Phil. 2:12, RS: “As you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.” (This was addressed to “the saints,” or holy ones, at Philippi, as stated in Philippians 1:1. Paul urged them not to be overly confident but to realize that their final salvation was not yet assured.)
Heb. 10:26, 27, RS: “If we sin deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful prospect of judgment, and a fury of fire which will consume the adversaries.” (Thus the Bible does not go along with the idea that no matter what sins a person may commit after he is “saved” he will not lose his salvation. It encourages faithfulness. See also Hebrews 6:4-6, where it is shown that even a person anointed with holy spirit can lose his hope of salvation.)
Is anything more than faith needed in order to gain salvation?
Eph. 2:8, 9, RS: “By grace [“undeserved kindness,” NW] you have been saved through faith; and this is not your own doing, it is the gift of God—not because of works, lest any man should boast.” (The entire provision for salvation is an expression of God’s undeserved kindness. There is no way that a descendant of Adam can gain salvation on his own, no matter how noble his works are. Salvation is a gift from God given to those who put faith in the sin-atoning value of the sacrifice of his Son.)
Heb. 5:9, RS: “He [Jesus] became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him.” (Italics added.) (Does this conflict with the statement that Christians are “saved through faith”? Not at all. Obedience simply demonstrates that their faith is genuine.)
Jas. 2:14, 26, RS: “What does it profit, my brethren, if a man says he has faith but has not works? Can his faith save him? For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so faith apart from works is dead.” (A person does not earn salvation by his works. But anyone who has genuine faith will have works to go with it—works of obedience to the commands of God and Christ, works that demonstrate his faith and love. Without such works, his faith is dead.)
Acts 16:30, 31, RS: “‘Men, what must I do to be saved?’ And they [Paul and Silas] said, ‘Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.’” (If that man and his household truly believed, would they not act in harmony with their belief? Certainly.)
2007-12-17 15:28:16
answer #11
answered by Anonymous