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Can you please give me a short summary of the Catholic history please?

2007-12-17 14:08:25 · 9 answers · asked by bk 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

9 answers

its pretty damn long.... man.... and plus you need someone who is knoweledgeable but not bias...
asking a catholc is bad idea... they have alot of bad things in their history that they wont talk about...

i would suggest you go to a library... anyone on hear is probably not gonna be too reliable...

i know thats not wut u wanna hear

2007-12-17 14:13:19 · answer #1 · answered by Derek 3 · 0 4

How do you make 2000 years of history short? It started at Pentecost, after Jesus' death and resurrection. Peter was the "head" of the early church at that time (the Pope, though they would not have used that word at the time) In the early days of the church Christians were sought out and killed for being Christian and gathering for mass. So they were forced into the underground (literally) under Rome(the catacombs),. They buried their dead, too, in the catacomb walls. When the emperor Constantine came to power he was converted to Christianity and the persecution of Christians stopped. You can look up the dates if you like. You can look up the succession of popes from Peter to Benedict XVI at google by typing in "papal succession". Church councils were used as a means to come to consensus among priests and bishops and the pope on matters concerning faith. From these councils have come some condemnations of certain teachings which the councils found to be in error, such as the Albajencian heresy. Look up "heresies within the church" on Google for more on this. Anyway this is where Catholic "tradition" comes from. The church was in existence long before any books of the Bible were written and then for a long time after they were written and before they were printed and sent out to the world. The traditions, therefore, are part of Catholic teaching. It would be impossible to write down everything that is contained in Catholic tradition in a book no matter how big it is, but church writings exist from each council and chronicling all the traditions of the church. I am sure you can find more on the history of the Catholic church on Google also, but it will not be brief.

2007-12-17 22:29:37 · answer #2 · answered by Barbara E 4 · 0 0

I'm afraid even a summary of a 2,000-year history still requires a commitment to learn.

I recommend the book, "Triumph: The Power and Glory of the Catholic Church: A 2,000 year history" by H.W. Crocker III.

It's 2,000 years of history "summarized" in several hundred pages

2007-12-20 11:42:23 · answer #3 · answered by Daver 7 · 0 0

Three Eras of Church History

Genuine Church History is a very simple and extremely complex subject at the same time.

Era I

In a nutshell there was one group of churches from A.D. 44 to A.D. 250. Believers began to use adjectives to describe themselves as differences arose. Monatists, Catholic/Universal belief, Christians, Brothers, Church of Christ, Churches of God, etc...

Era II

From 250 to 1179 there was one main division and a development of 2 basic types of local assemblies:

The Lapsii (the compromisers with pagans who later would join the government)
The Cathari (who remained autonomous Bible Believing Churches)


From 1179 to the Present

The Lapsii of old: Basically the government churches known today as Catholics, Orthodox, and Nestorians.

o Key Tennants:
§ Baptism of Infants, Sprinkling,
§ Mary Worship/Image Worship,
§ Hierarchy over all local assemblies,
§ Father of Ecumenical Movement
§ Absolute Authority of the Church & her leadership.
The Reformed Lapsii: This is a merge between Cathari & Lapsii. Peter Waldo's Waldensians of N. Italy, South Carolina & Argentina, Presbyterians, Lutherans, Anglicans, Methodists, Mennonites, Amish.

o Key Tennant:
§ Various modes of Baptism, some infants baptized, (sprinklers, baptize babies,
§ women preachers).
§ Heirarchy over local assemblies,
§ Call themselves Protestants, Buy into Ecumenical Movement
§ Combined Authority of Church & Bible.

The Cathari: Welsh Believers, Anabaptists, Valdese, Bogomols, Paulicians, Henricians, Petrobrussians, Culdee, Baptists, Waldensians, and any who hold to historic "Baptist" doctrines & Practices.

o Key Tennant:
§ Baptism by immersion of professors only,
§ Jesus is only authority over the churches autonomy of local church,
§ Believe in individual local churches that answer to God uniquely.
§ Rejection of Ecumenical Ideology
§ absolute authority of Bible.

2007-12-17 22:28:52 · answer #4 · answered by realchurchhistorian 4 · 0 0

It started in 33 AD when Jesus established His Church and placed it into the hands of Peter to lead and name. The Catholic Church has taught and preached to complete fullness of Jesus Christ for over 2,000 years

2007-12-17 22:12:36 · answer #5 · answered by tebone0315 7 · 3 0

jesus gave saint peter the keys to the kingdom, i'm catholic.

2007-12-17 22:13:21 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

It all started when some guy was smoking the ganja and was like "Dude! I know the BEST way to make money!"

And then he started preaching about some all-mighty dude who can smite you if you don't believe in him...

And then he demanded that people pay him every week to tell his story and feed people cardboard and grape juice.

People did pay him, and they continue to pay him to this day.

The end.

2007-12-17 22:17:45 · answer #7 · answered by Canadian Scientist 3 · 0 3

No such thing as a short summary, however it can be proven that it is a false religion.

2007-12-17 22:15:28 · answer #8 · answered by Todd P 4 · 0 3

Approx. 34 A.D. first century founded upon the essential "Rock" confession of Peter, and church formally begins at Pentecost, with Peter as the brethren type leader of the apostles and initial church (Acts 2-5), but not as a Roman type demi-god, and who is used as such until Paul takes the primacy as the church builder, while Peter stays in a pastoral trole. In no place is there even one command for the entire church to submit to Peter as it's singular supreme universal head, nor example of him reigning as such as the church grows, nor is there any Biblical command or provision made for a perpetuation of his office.

Approx. 90 AD. The final books of the Bible being completed (which present manuscripts evidence), the last of the foundational apostles die, and as there is no Biblical provision made for a successor for Peter or any of the other apostles, the church grows as God uses little "stones" like Peter who effectually confess the essential faith to build His church.

Church continues to preach the essence of the apostolic gospel, that of repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, not faith in ones own merit or confidence in the church to save them,

Approx. 100 - 300 Increasing errors creep into the church as Paul predicted (Acts 20). Some men (Anicetus, Soter, Victor 1, etc.)seek to promote themselves as universal heads of the church but are rebuked by others.

(Most below from Halleys bible handbook)

313 Edict of Milan under Emperor Constantine gives preferred treatment to Christian faith, marking the formal beginning of what would be known as the "holy Roman catholic church." with Emperor Theodoius (378-398) making it the State religion and forcibly suppressing others.

400 Augustine writes "City of God," helping to foster the idea of a world dominating Universal church under one supreme earthly head.

Roman Empire increasingly dissolves, while the church, due to it's Biblical foundation, becomes a or the principal stable institution, but increasingly yielded to the temptation to become a civil as well as ecclesiastical power, contrary to Scripture (Mt. 22:17-21; 1Cor. 5:12, 13).

Believers who wish to stay true to the Scripture must increasingly endure teaching of heresy or separate.

440-461 Leo 1 reigns, called by some historians the first pope. Advocated universal papacy. But "when he declared that resisting his absolute authority would condemn a soul to the fires of hell, the delegates to the AD 451 Council of Chalcedon put their collective feet down. Leo was denied his endorsement, and at the end of the fifth century, there still was no pope and no papacy.*" But the Romans religious system increasingly the church takes upon the form and means of Empire in which it was founded, becoming a vast an autocratic (answerable to no one) institution, with it's own Caesario-papacy, that adds to the Bible and effectively it makes it a second class authority , with many unScriptural doctrines being promulgated, and Bible literacy among the common people suppressed. Hence a autocratic Caesario -papacy that makes the Bible a second place authority to an autocratic pope and church (sola ecclesia).

590-604 Largely regarded as first fully universalPope. Said to do a fairly good job, despite functioning in an unBiblical position over an increasingly unBiblical system.

795-816 Leo 3rd reigns. Charlemagne recognizes Pope as temporal ruler over Papal States, combing Roman and Frank territories into the Holy Roman Empire.

857 As the Scriptures, which God preserved, did not support her as she wished, Rome (the "church") invents the "Isidorian Decretals," purporting to give sanction from the 2nd and 3rd centuries to Rome's Romanized version of the church. "the most extensive and influential set of forgeries found in medieval Canon law."** Beleive by the infallible Roman church for approx 500+ years. Conclusively shown to be forgeries by a Calvanist. forgeries.

869-1054 Eastern church separates from the West, as the latter increasingly seeks unholy domination.

867- 1048 Many corrupt popes, including those with mistresses , with bribery, murders and various corruptions i the highest offices. Most tragic and non-Christian was a period called the Pornocracy, which ran during the first half of the 10th century.

884-904 11 popes in 20 years.

Hildebrand - Pope Gregory 7th,1073 - 1085. Reforms the Roman religion somewhat. Fights with Emperor Henry 4th of Germany, which wars would continue for a long time. dies in exile.

1198-1216 Pope Innocent 3rd. Most powerful pope ever. More like an ecclesiastical Nero. Claims to be Supreme Sovereign over the church and the world. Orders extermination of heretics (which includes Bible believing Christians), massacre of Albigenses, plus 2 Crusades. Instituted Inquisitions, and forbade reading of the Bible in public, which Book condemns his actions, and thus was dangerous for the public to be literate in. Also condemns Magna Charta.

1302 Pope Boniface VIII, the Papal Bull " Unam Sanctum"," We declare, say, define and pronounce that it is absolutely necessary for the salvation of every human creature to be subject to the Roman Pontiff."

Fast forward.

1415 John Huss burned at the stake, for condemning Rome's unBiblical Indulgences and Crusades, etc.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Huss#Condemnation_of_Indulgences_and_Crusade

1452-1498- Savanarola, Italian Catholic priest reformer, preaches against sin and Papal vice. He is hanged for his "offense."

1508 AD. Martin Luther, a R.C. monk, is converted by faith in the fished work of Christ, not in part by good works done thru grace received thru Rome's sacraments. 1511 goes top Rom e and is appalled at the gross and rampant iniquity of the "holy city." 10-31-1517, nails his 95 theses on the door, a common practices inviting debate, condemning many practices of Rome. Eagerly received by the masses, and reprinted by newly invented printing press. Thus begins The Reformation.

1521 Luther condemned by Rome, after refusing to recant, but escapes death by Divine Providence.

1546 - Pope begins wars against "Prostest-ants" who grow and progressively come more out of Rome and into more Biblical Christianity. Still much to go.

1546 William Tyndale strangled and burnt at the stake for translating the Bible into the Early Modern English of his day, and for his opinions. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Tyndale

Future history? See Revelation 17; 21.27.

In summation, Roman Catholicism took on the form of the Roman empire in which it was found, and became a vast autocratic (answerable to no one) institution, with it's own Caesario-papacy, that adds to the Bible and effectively it makes it a second class authority, after the "Teaching Magisterium", and equal to her nebulous, non-codified "church tradition. Thus were many unScriptural doctrines like indulgences and novenas and prayers to saints adopted, while the Bible was effectively bound from the common people for hundreds of years, and bloody Inquisitions and Crusades loosed.

But the ultimate error of Rome is that of fostering dependence upon her supposed powers, as well as one's own merits, for salvation, rather than coming before God as sinners, destitute of any merit whereby they may escape Hell and gain Heaven, and thus casting all their faith upon Christ and His blood for justification and regeneration (Rm. 3:9 - 5:8; Eph. 1:13; Titus 3:5).

And having turned from sin to Him, be baptized under water (Acts 8:37) and walk in newness of life (Rm. 6). And so to God be the glory alone!!

2007-12-17 23:24:01 · answer #9 · answered by www.peacebyjesus 5 · 0 0

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